Chapter 161

Immediately, a group of people flew to the Moon Palace at high speed!

Li Ming saw these proud sons flying away, so he immediately ran to the abandoned barn, and left the spirit beast garden with the little three-eyed musk ox in his arms!
There are many people in the Spiritual Beast Garden, so if you stay here, something may happen!
After leaving the Spiritual Beast Garden, Li Ming ran to the farthest corner of the sect.

There used to be a beautiful place with pavilions and pavilions, but more than a hundred years ago, a great change took place and it became a piece of scorched earth.

Today, it is a wasteland.

Li Ming came here with the little three-eyed musk ox in his arms. He found a sunny hillside, dug a cave, and temporarily hid the little three-eyed musk ox here.

Afterwards, Li Ming ordered the white jade scale python to guard the little three-eyed musk ox!
After finishing all this work, Li Ming immediately returned to the Spiritual Beast Garden!

The female three-eyed musk ox had just given birth and was very weak, and she fought with Miss Qin again, and now she was so weak that she couldn't even stand up.

Li Ming turned his palm and took out some spirit stones, handed them to the three-eyed musk ox, and said, "Here!"

"Where's my child?" The Three-Eyed Musk Ox asked weakly.

"I hid it in an abandoned hillside in the sect, and I will find a way to get out of the mountain gate in a few days." Li Ming said in a low voice.

"Thank you." The three-eyed musk ox thanked.

"No need." Li Ming said: "Hurry up and recover some strength, and get some milk tomorrow. The little guy has just been born, so if you send him outside the mountain like this, the possibility of surviving is very small."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." The three-eyed musk ox replied.

Immediately, the three-eyed musk ox absorbed the spirit stone!
After a while, the three-eyed musk ox regained its complexion.

Tonight is destined to be a restless night, I saw the lightning flashing over the Moon Walking Hall, and the fighting is endless!

However, these have nothing to do with Li Ming, let them fight!

The next day, before dawn, Li Ming took the milk of the three-eyed musk ox to the abandoned hillside.

The little guy was still sleeping, looking very sleepy.

Li Ming managed to feed some milk, and the little guy continued to sleep after he was full.

Last night, Li Ming didn't have time to look at the little three-eyed musk ox, but today he took a closer look and found that the little guy didn't look much like his mother. Although he also had a third eye on his forehead, his skin was dark.

Slightly startled, Li Ming didn't think much about it, maybe it was inherited from his father.

After feeding the little guy, Li Ming went back to the cowshed.

After adding some cattle feed, I went to the dining hall again.

When Li Ming was getting ready for breakfast, the battle at the Moon Walking Hall came to an end.

This time, Miss Qin was very angry!
Li Ming came to the Moon Walking Hall with fear and presented Miss Qin's breakfast. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a cow corpse lying in the corner of the hall. It wasn't the calf kidnapped by Miss Qin last night. What?
Li Ming gasped, and said to himself, "It's very vicious, even a calf will not be spared!"

At this time, Miss Qin was still angry, and said in a low voice: "Put down the breakfast and go out."

"Yes, yes." Li Ming replied repeatedly.

"Take that corpse out too." Miss Qin said in a low voice.

"Yes." Li Ming replied.

Li Ming quickly put down his breakfast, and hurried out of the Moon Walking Palace with the calf's body!
Afterwards, Li Ming found a place and buried the calf.

Li Ming spent the next few days in panic.

However, Miss Qin didn't seem to notice.

The little guy was born a few days ago, drank a few days of milk, and has become alive and kicking.

If it wasn't for the white jade scale python staring at it, it would have run away long ago.

Li Ming knew that it was time to send the little guy out of the mountain gate.

Now, Li Ming has an extraordinary status and can enter and leave the dining room at will.

When the day was approaching the second watch, Li Ming came to the kitchen with the little three-eyed musk ox in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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