The best immortal emperor

Chapter 162 Feeding

Chapter 162 Feeding
At this time, the cook in the dining room had already left, and it was empty.

Li Ming took out the cow carcass that he had disemboweled earlier, stuffed the little guy in, and said, "Little guy, stay inside and don't move around!"

The little guy is of extraordinary rank and is very human. When he heard Li Ming's words, he nodded in response.

This cow carcass, Li Ming, had deliberately handled it and exposed it to the sun. It was already rotten at this time, and the smell was quite unpleasant, giving off bursts of stench.

Li Ming put the cow carcass in the garbage disposal area, waiting for the disciples who went out to take out the garbage to collect it!

I just hope those disciples don't check the cow carcass, otherwise it will be troublesome!

This is the only way, only take a risk!
After a while, the disciple who disposes of kitchen waste came.

I could smell it from afar, and almost didn't spit it out.

However, when they saw Li Ming in the kitchen, they couldn't help being startled.

At this point in time, the cooks should have left long ago!
I saw the head steward approaching, but when he saw Li Ming, he immediately became amiable, "Senior Brother Li, are you still busy?"

"Miss Qin suddenly said that she wanted to eat barbecue, so I can only come here once. Doesn't it hinder you?" Li Ming said without changing his expression.

"No hindrance, no hindrance, you are busy, you are busy!" the head steward said repeatedly.

Immediately, Li Ming pretended to grill the meat.

Those disciples started to dispose of the garbage in the dining room!

The canteen provides meals for tens of thousands of disciples every day, and tens of thousands of monsters are needed. It is conceivable that most of the garbage produced is animal bones.

Internal organs, these things, have been disposed of in the food hall!
The animal bones were piled up in piles, like hills.

These animal bones are directly stored in the magic weapon. As for some rotten meat, they are packed in large wooden barrels, so as not to dirty the magic weapon.

The highly corrupt cow carcass that Li Ming discarded was naturally put into a large wooden barrel.

Li Ming, who was roasting the meat, watched secretly, seeing that those disciples had no interest in the rotting cow carcasses, he was secretly relieved.

Fortunately, they are not interested, otherwise it would be troublesome!
After they packed up the garbage, Li Ming's barbecue was almost ready.

Li Ming turned off the fire and walked out of the kitchen!

Seeing that Li Ming was about to leave, the head steward hurriedly greeted him, "Senior Brother Li, I'm done."

"It's over." Li Ming looked indifferent.

"Brother Li, go slowly." The steward led Li Ming all the way to the outside of the dining room.

After leaving the dining room, Li Ming immediately hid in a dark place.

After a while, the disciple who transported the garbage came out and walked outside the mountain gate.

Li Ming followed from a distance, in case something happened.

I only heard one of the disciples in the escort team say: "Today is really enough to memorize, there is no good stuff at all."

"That's right. However, that cow carcass is a third-grade monster. It's a pity that it's too corrupt. It doesn't have to be eaten by dogs. Otherwise, it can make a fortune." Another disciple said.

"Shut up!" the head steward said in a low voice.

"Yes, yes." The other disciples quickly shut up and replied.

"Remember, if you want to work with me for a long time, you must be strict with your mouth. Do you need me to teach you the truth that disaster comes from your mouth?" the head steward scolded in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, we know." The other disciples responded.

"It's good to know." The head steward said in a low voice.

"By the way, Senior Brother Fan, who is that barbecue guy tonight? Looks stinky? Very arrogant." A disciple asked curiously.

"Don't ask if you don't know, and be careful when you see him in the future, don't offend him!" The leader Fan Guanshi said in a low voice.

"Yes, yes." The other disciples responded.

(End of this chapter)

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