Chapter 1756
The fierce beast Qiongqi didn't know what kind of opportunity he got, and he had a peaceful atmosphere lingering around him.

At this time, the fierce beast Qiongqi relied on this auspicious aura to attack the Supreme Realm.

Li Ming has attacked the realm of the Supreme Master twice, and he knows this very well.

Seeing the appearance of the beast Qiongqi, it should be about to break through the process.

Sure enough, the restrained aura suddenly rose sharply.

Qiongqi, who was lying down, suddenly jumped up and directly washed away the stone shed.


The fierce beast Qiongqi let out a mighty roar, and said proudly: "This fierce beast finally broke through, finally broke through!"

Hearing this, I only heard Li Ming say: "Shoot!"

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, the Mystic Frost Beastmaster shot out two mysterious ice origins.

The ferocious beast Qiongqi was completely immersed in the joy of breakthrough, and did not notice the imminent danger at all.

When the fierce beast Qiongqi sensed the danger, he dodged immediately, but it was too late, only to see that the origin of the black ice hit one of the fierce beast Qiongqi's hind legs and froze on the spot.


The beast Qiongqi screamed and shouted: "Who is sneaking up on this beast? Come out!"

At this time, the three of Li Ming flew out.

When the beast Qiongqi saw Qin Huang, his expression darkened, and he said in a low voice, "It turned out to be you!"

"Qongqi, don't come here without any problems." Qin Huang said unhurriedly.

"Hmph! You are so brave, how dare you come here again? Today, this fierce beast has successfully broken through to the realm of the Supreme Being, and I will celebrate with your blood!" said the fierce beast Qiongqi coldly.

"Haha." Qin Huang laughed and said, "With my virtuous son-in-law here today, I'm afraid you won't get what you want."

"Son-in-law?" The fierce beast Qiongqi was startled, and looked suspiciously at Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Beastmaster, it's up to you."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Xuanshuang Beastmaster rushed towards the fierce beast Qiongqi.

The fierce beast Qiongqi sensed the strength of the Xuanshuang Beastmaster, and his face darkened.

I only heard the fierce beast Qiongqi said in a low voice: "Beastmaster, I have no grievances with you, why do you help them deal with me?"

"My lord has orders, don't dare to disobey!" Xuanshuang Beast King said.

"Damn it!" The beast said angrily.

"Take it!" Xuanshuang Beastmaster shouted.

The fierce beast Qiongqi has just broken through, and his cultivation is still unstable. In addition, the Innate Mysterious Frost Beastmaster made a sneak attack, causing the fierce beast Qiongqi to freeze one leg, making it difficult for him to exert his full strength.

The Xuanshuang Beastmaster used the Origin of Xuanbing to attack the fierce beast Qiongqi.

The fierce beast Qiongqi slapped his dual wields and kept dodging, looking very embarrassed.

Xuanshuang Beastmaster has been in the Supreme Realm for a while, and his foundation is stable, which is far from what Qiongqi can match.

I saw that Qiongqi was firmly suppressed by the Xuanshuang Beastmaster, and there was almost no room for retaliation.

The fierce beast Qiongqi knew that he was not the opponent of Xuanshuang Beastmaster, so he took a chance and ran away immediately.

"Where to escape!" Xuanshuang Beastmaster shouted loudly, how could he be allowed to escape.

Li Ming and Qin Huang chased after them together, and joined hands to stop the beast Qiongqi.

"Damn it!" The beast Qiongqi shouted angrily.

The Xuanshuang Beast King was the main attack, while Li Ming and Qin Huang stalked and feigned an attack, which made the beast Qiongqi difficult to care about.

In the end, Qiongqi, the fierce beast, was severely injured by the Xuanshuang Beastmaster and was dying.

At this time, I only heard Li Ming say: "Your Majesty, Qiongqi is dying, swallow him quickly, and hit the Supreme Realm."

"Okay, good son-in-law." Qin Huang responded directly without any affectation.

Immediately, Qin Huang flew down in front of the fierce beast Qiongqi, opened his mouth and swallowed the dying Qiongqi.

Seeing this, the Xuanshuang Beast King couldn't help but frowned, and said in a low voice reluctantly: "My lord, are you just giving in like this?"

"You don't need to say too much." Li Ming said.

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied, not daring to say any more.

At this time, I saw Qin Huangyuan sitting cross-legged, refining and absorbing Qiongqi to his heart's content.

Qiongqi has just made a breakthrough and is just right for Emperor Qin.

After a short time, Qin Huang's momentum was seen rising and falling one after another.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but said: "It seems that Emperor Qin is going to attack the realm of the Supreme Master."

"En." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

"Come on, let's go to the side to protect him." Li Ming said.

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beast King sat cross-legged to the side, protecting Qin Huang's dharma.

Qin Huang has been in the realm of the venerable for 7000 years. At this time, he swallowed the beast Qiongqi, as if he had been instructed, and the aura on his body was close to the realm of the venerable.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "Looking at this, there is no suspense for Emperor Qin to break through to the Supreme Realm."

Sure enough, seven months later, Emperor Qin successfully broke through to the Supreme Venerable Realm!
At this time, Qin Huang woke up from the retreat.

Li Mingfei went over and congratulated: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have successfully broken through to the Supreme Realm."

"This emperor is thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to break through. I really thank you and the Xuanshuang Beast King." Qin Huang said.

"Your Majesty is serious." Li Ming said.

"Let's go back to Zhaoxia Valley and have a drink." Emperor Qin invited.

"Your Majesty, next time, I have other important matters with the Xuanshuang Beastmaster." Li Ming prevaricated.

"Okay, since you have something important to do, and it's not easy for me to force you to stay, then next time." Qin Huang said.

"So let's leave it at that." Li Ming said.

"Let's go." Qin Huang said.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster were about to leave.

At this time, Emperor Qin seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and said: "My son-in-law, I heard a piece of news a long time ago about thunder and lightning."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly became interested and said, "Please tell me, Your Majesty."

"The specific emperor is not very clear, but I heard that there was a shocking thunder and lightning on an island in the West Sea. Since my major is not lightning, I didn't investigate it carefully." Qin Huang said.

Li Ming nodded and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for telling me."

"One family doesn't speak two different languages, if you go to Xihai, you should be more careful." Qin Huang said with concern.

"My son-in-law knows." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster left for the West Sea.

Since Li Ming comprehended the origin of flames, his attainments in thunder and lightning have been stagnant.

Right now, Li Ming is stuck in the half-step upper realm, but he can practice thunder and lightning.

It was a long journey to the West Sea, and Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster had been flying for five months.

The West Sea is huge, with no end in sight, much larger than the sea near Wending Mountain.

Looking at the vast sea, Xuanshuang Beastmaster couldn't help asking: "My lord, the West Sea is so big, where should I find that small island?"

Li Ming thought for a while and said, "There are monsters in the sea, you might as well catch two and ask them, maybe they know."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, the Xuanshuang Beast King went down to the sea, captured two little monsters, and asked, "This king asks you, is there an island of thunder and lightning above the West Sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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