The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1757 Lightning Island

Chapter 1757 Lightning Island
"Island of Thunder and Lightning?" The little demon thought for a while, shook his head, and replied blankly: "My lord, the little demon has never heard of it."

"You live in this sea area, haven't you heard of it?" Xuanshuang Beast King asked with a stern face.

"Xiao Yao has never heard of it." Xiao Yao said tremblingly.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Don't embarrass him, he probably really doesn't know."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Xuanshuang Beastmaster put the two little monsters back into the sea.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's look into the depths of the West Sea, maybe the Kraken there knows about the Thunder Island."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster flew to the depths of the West Sea.

More than a hundred sea monsters have been captured successively, all of which have been unsuccessfully questioned.

It wasn't until Xuanshuang Beastmaster caught a deep-sea monster fish that he asked for clues.

The strange fish was completely black and looked like a rock. If it hadn't been alive, it would have been impossible to realize that it was a fish.

I heard that strange fish said timidly: "My lord, I have heard other water monsters mention Thunder Island in the cold waters."

"Oh? Where is the cold water?" Li Ming couldn't help asking.

"It's about seven or eight months' journey to the northwest." The strange fish said.

I only heard Xuanshuang Beastmaster said: "My lord, why don't we let this strange fish take us directly, so as not to make mistakes and find the wrong place."

"Alright." Li Ming replied.

"This..." The strange fish hesitated.

"What's your question?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked bluffing.

"The little monster doesn't dare." The strange fish said hastily.

Immediately, the strange fish took Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster to the cold waters.

The strange fish swims very slowly, so Xuanshuang Beastmaster took it directly and let it guide the way.

The original seven or eight journeys took only four or five days.

I only heard the strange fish pointing to the sea area not far ahead and said: "My lord, there is a cold water area ahead."

"Oh?" Li Ming looked intently, only to see that the color of the water in front of him was quite dark.

I only heard that Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked for orders: "My lord, I'll go and check."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster went down to the cold waters.

After a while, Xuanshuang Beastmaster caught a sea snake and flew back, saying, "My lord, this sea snake knows about Thunder Island."

Hearing this, the strange fish hurriedly begged: "My lord, since you have found the Thunder Island, please let me go."

Li Ming nodded and released the strange fish.

Afterwards, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster headed to Thunder Island led by Sea Snake.

Ten days later, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster arrived at the sea area where the Thunder Island is located.

From a distance, Li Ming could sense the power of lightning on the island.

I only heard Li Ming say: "It really is a small island of thunder and lightning. I don't know where the power of lightning on this small island comes from?"

"My lord, could it be some innate treasure?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster said.

Li Ming nodded and replied, "It's very possible."

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster flew towards the Thunder Island.

Along the way, I only heard the sound of thunder coming from the small island of thunder and lightning, and the closer to the small island, the louder the sound of thunder.

After a while, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster landed on the Thunder Island.

Instead of being barren, the island is lush with vegetation.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being surprised and said: "There is thunder and lightning rolling on this island, why is the vegetation still so lush? It's really strange."

"It's really strange." Xuanshuang Beastmaster was also surprised.

Li Ming released Yuanshen to explore the small island in front of him.

During this investigation, Li Ming was surprised to find that there were humans on the island.

They hide their shame with leaves and animal skins, and decorate with animal bones.

Seeing this, Li Ming asked in surprise, "Is this an aborigine born in the New World?"

"It should be." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

"It's amazing." Li Ming said in amazement.

If he hadn't experienced the changes in the new world himself, Li Ming wouldn't have believed it.

At this time, only Xuanshuang Beastmaster said: "My lord, the constant thunder god came from a mountain on the island."

Hearing this, Li Ming came back to his senses and said, "Go, let's go to that mountain to have a look."

At this time, I saw the aborigines on the small island kneeling around the thundering mountain peak, with solemn faces.

Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster came to the top of the mountain, and saw a hole the size of a well in the top of the mountain, and the thunder came from that hole.

Li Ming released Yuanshen to explore the entrance of the cave.

During this investigation, Li Ming was surprised to find that the entrance of the cave was thousands of meters deep.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and said, "Go into this cave and have a look."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster went down into the cave.

The thunder in the cave was so ear-piercing that Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster had to block their hearing temporarily.

After going down to a thousand meters deep, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster came to the source of the thunder.

I saw a blue thing suspended, shaped like a small ball, with electric light lingering on it.

"What is this?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked curiously.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Immediately, Li Ming stretched out his hand to touch the object.

"My lord, be careful." Xuanshuang Beastmaster reminded.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Li Ming stretched out his hand, just as he was about to touch the blue object, the object unceremoniously shot a bolt of lightning.

Li Ming was struck by lightning and became numb all over.

"My lord, are you alright?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked nervously.

Li Ming took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine, I didn't expect the lightning on this thing to be so powerful."

You know, when Li Mingdu was in the catastrophe of life and death, he didn't pay attention to the lightning at all.

After a slight pause, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to touch the blue electric light ball again.

This time, Li Ming used the golden thunderbolt to cover his entire palm.

The electric light ball sensed the golden lightning in Li Ming's palm, and he was a little afraid.

Seeing this, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster couldn't help being stunned, and said in surprise: "My lord, this electric light ball seems to be a little afraid of your golden lightning."

"It looks like it." Li Ming said.

While speaking, Li Ming was already holding the blue electric light ball.

At this time, under the restraint of the golden thunder and lightning, the electric light ball did not dare to attack Li Ming.

Li Ming held the azure thunder and lightning, carefully inspected it, and found that the electric light ball was really just a cluster of lightning, without any life.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but sighed slightly, and said in frustration: "It's just a little bit of thunder and lightning, and there's nothing too special about it."

"My lord, why is such a cloud of lightning here?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked curiously.

"That's right, how could such a cloud of lightning be like this." Li Ming also said in surprise.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said, "Check around and see if there are any other discoveries."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster searched carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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