The best immortal emperor

Chapter 182 I'm Lucky

Chapter 182 I'm Lucky
"Looking for death!" Lei Ming shouted angrily, and rushed towards Li Ming!

"It's up to you?" Li Ming sneered with disdain.

Lei Ming is considered a genius in Leixing Mountain. He has entered the middle stage of foundation establishment for several years, and there seems to be signs of a breakthrough recently.

The strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment can be regarded as a master in Leixing Mountain.

However, in front of Li Ming, he was nothing.

Lei Ming sacrificed his most proud Tiger Head Knife. The Tiger Head Knife is nine feet long, with a long handle that looks like a tiger tail. A Bingfeng blade spits out from the tiger's mouth extending from the tiger tail.

I saw Lei Ming holding the handle of the knife with both hands, jumped up suddenly, and slashed at Li Ming fiercely, as if he wanted to split Li Ming in half!

The Tiger Head Saber is a high-grade magic weapon with astonishing power.

Li Ming sacrificed the golden yang cudgel casually, but the golden yang cudgel was only a middle-grade magical weapon, and it was impossible to go head-to-head with the tiger's head.

However, even so, Li Ming did not take Lei Ming seriously!
Li Ming is in the late stage of foundation establishment, and his speed and reaction are far faster than Lei Ming.

Therefore, Lei Ming's tiger-head knife was useless in front of Li Ming, and Li Ming could easily dodge every knife Lei Ming swung!

In close combat, a single flaw can determine the outcome.

At this moment, Li Ming deliberately sold another loophole. Lei Ming thought he had seized an excellent opportunity, so he attacked immediately.

However, it was easily resolved by Li Ming, and instead he fell into a dangerous situation.

Li Ming hit Lei Ming directly with a stick.

Lei Ming couldn't dodge in time, and one arm was directly smashed by the Jinyang stick, and Lei Ming screamed in pain.

However, Li Ming's attack did not stop, on the contrary, it became more fierce, like a storm.

Lei Ming, who had lost an arm, was no match for Li Ming, and fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Li Ming murmured, "You may not remember this, but I need to talk about it."

"What's the matter?" Lei Ming asked with an extremely ugly face.

"Earlier, you asked Zhu Wei and others to take my life. It just so happened that I made a breakthrough, otherwise I might fall into the hands of Zhu Wei and others." Li Ming paused for a moment before continuing: "Today, this account should be settled gone."

"Zhu Wei?" Lei Ming was startled, he really couldn't think of this person.

"You may not remember him, but you should remember that more than half a year ago, a casual cultivator went back to Thunder Cloud City with Xia Yunrou!" Li Ming reminded.

Hearing this, Lei Ming came to his senses and said in surprise, "You are him?"

"Not bad!" Li Ming replied.

Lei Ming's face was ashen, he never imagined that the boy who was only in the ninth realm in the past would have the strength to completely crush him now.

Li Ming's strength has been greatly displayed, and he has already moved to kill.

Lei Ming struggled to fight, it was difficult to deal with it.

At this time, Li Ming hit Lei Ming's chest with a stick, and Lei Ming spewed blood on the spot, his internal organs were terrified!
"You... want to kill me?" Lei Ming said in fear.

"You wanted to kill me before, but I was lucky and escaped. But today, it's your unlucky time!" Li Ming said coldly.

"You..." Lei Ming was speechless.

"Take me a few more sticks!" Li Ming yelled, and Jin Yang's sticks were frequently thrown out.

Lei Ming completely lost his resistance and was beaten to death by Li Ming.

Seeing all this, Xia Yunrou asked in disbelief, "Did you kill him?"

"En." Li Ming said calmly, his expression unchanged.

"He is the only son of Lord Lei Shan." Xia Yunrou reminded.

"I know." Li Ming replied.

"Then you still kill him?" Xia Yunrou asked.

"Damn him!" Li Ming said as a matter of course.

Xia Yunrou was at a loss for words, she didn't know what to say.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said, "Let's go."

 Ha, I have to get up early to catch the train tomorrow morning, let's watch the fourth watch first.Blow up when you get home.

(End of this chapter)

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