The best immortal emperor

Chapter 183 Are You Really Just Friends?

Chapter 183 Are You Really Just Friends?

"Where's Miss Qin?" Xia Yunrou asked.

"Don't worry about her, let's leave here first and meet again later." Li Ming said.

Immediately, Li Ming took the Xia family sisters and left here.

Miss Qin is still entangled with Lord Leishan, who can't get out of the mountain, so he can only be secretly annoyed.

Li Ming flew with the Xia family sisters for a while before stopping.Li Ming took out the arrow command and shot it into the sky.

This is Miss Qin's unique arrow command, as soon as Miss Qin sensed the arrow command, she knew that Li Ming had succeeded, she jumped out of the battle circle and said: "Your Excellency is so powerful, I can't beat you, so let's say goodbye. "

Lord Lei Shan heard this, and almost spit out his old blood to death, can't he win?You are totally kidding!

Immediately, Miss Qin stepped on her sword and left.

The sword turned Changhong, and disappeared from Lord Lei Shan's sight in an instant.

Master Lei Shan let out a deep breath and said, "What a crazy woman!"

However, Lord Lei Shan is not in the mood to argue with Miss Qin, and immediately went after his son Lei Ming.

Jin Jianzong's wedding reception team is about to arrive, we can't let this bastard mess up this marriage.

Master Lei Shan has already received a great benefit from Jin Jianzong, which can help him advance to the middle stage of Golden Core.If the marriage is messed up, all the benefits will be returned in full!
Therefore, Lord Leishan does not allow anyone to spoil this wedding!

Not even his son!
Master Lei Shan searched for a while in the forest, but couldn't find his son, so he couldn't help but wondered, "Where did this kid go?"

Master Lei Shan patiently searched for a while.

However, this time, Lord Leishan's expression changed drastically, and he saw a pool of blood on the ground, and a corpse lying not far away.

Judging from the attire of the corpse, it was Lei Xingshan's disciple.

Lord Lei Shan suddenly had an ominous premonition, and when he took a closer look, it was not his son Lei Ming, who else could it be?
"Ming'er?" Lord Lei Shan hugged Lei Ming and called out loudly.

However, no matter how Master Ren Lei called, Lei Ming didn't respond at all.

Dead man, how do you respond?

"Who did it? Who did it?" Thunder Mountain Lord roared.

Suddenly, Master Lei Shan seemed to think of something, and said viciously: "Xia Yunrou, it must be you, you bitch, I will never let you go!"

Not long after, Miss Qin met Li Ming with a flying sword.

Xia Xiaoman was frightened, and Xia Yunrou was comforting her.

Seeing Miss Qin flying over, Li Ming asked, "Has Master Lei Shan come after you?"

"What do you think?" Miss Qin asked back.

Li Ming was startled, and then realized that he was asking for nothing.From the beginning to the end, Miss Qin never put Lei Shanzhu in her eyes, and it was obvious that her strength was far superior to Lei Shanzhu.

Naturally, I will not chase after you.

After a slight pause, Miss Qin asked, "Li Ming, how do you plan to arrange them?"

"This..." Li Ming was slightly stunned, and said, "Let's leave it alone."

"Just say goodbye?" Miss Qin couldn't help being surprised, she wondered: "It took so much effort, why are you just saying goodbye to them like this? Don't you intend to become a Taoist couple?"

"Taoist companion?" Li Ming was embarrassed, he never thought about it from the beginning to the end.

"Isn't she your sweetheart? It doesn't seem wrong to be a Taoist couple." Miss Qin said.

Li Ming shook his head and explained again: "I have nothing to do with her, we are just friends."

"It's really just friends?" Miss Qin obviously didn't believe it, because this was beyond the scope of a friend, and it didn't feel that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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