The best immortal emperor

Chapter 184: The Gratitude Report

Chapter 184: The Gratitude Report
Li Ming explained, "Earlier when I was living in the wilderness, it happened that there was a great fire coming from the sky. At that time, I was in the nine realms, and I couldn't fight the fire at all. It was Miss Xia who took me on a fairy boat."

"Are you repaying your favor?" Miss Qin was a little surprised.

"When you drink water, think of the source, and you will repay your kindness." Li Ming said seriously.

Miss Qin couldn't help being startled, she actually looked at Li Ming with admiration, at first she thought Li Ming liked him.

At this time, Xia Xiaoman's mood had calmed down.

I saw Li Ming stepped forward and asked: "Miss Xia, now that I have left Leixing Mountain, where can I go?"

Xia Yunrou was slightly startled, shook her head, and said: "I have lived in Leixing Mountain since I was a child, and the places I have been to are very limited, and I don't know where to go at the moment."

"In this case, how about going with us to the Great Qin Dynasty?" Miss Qin asked.

"Great Qin Dynasty?" Xia Yunrou was taken aback, and said worriedly: "I am a registered disciple of Lei Xingshan, which is equivalent to a citizen of the Great Jin Dynasty. It may be inconvenient to go to the Great Qin Dynasty. And once the two countries fight, It is likely to be mistaken for a spy, and it will be troublesome then."

"Oh, that's right. So let's just say goodbye?" Miss Qin asked.

"Don't pass." Xia Yunrou said.

Afterwards, they said goodbye one by one, parted ways, and Li Ming and Miss Qin left.

Xia Yunrou also left with her younger sister.

On the fairy ship, Miss Qin seemed to be in a good mood, maybe she was still intoxicated by the sense of accomplishment of breaking through the gate of Thunder Cloud City with a single sword, maybe it was because of the beautiful scenery here.

Li Ming stood behind Miss Qin, like a loyal guard.

The wind was blowing, messing up Miss Qin's long hair.

Suddenly, Miss Qin asked, "Li Ming, do you regret it?"

"What do you regret?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"I regret saying goodbye to the sisters of the Xia family!" Miss Qin explained.

"No." Li Ming shook his head and said.

"Oh." Miss Qin was a little disappointed.

Li Ming asked, "Miss Jiu'er, are we going to the Great Qin Dynasty now?"

"That's right, it's time to leave. It's not good to miss the anniversary of my concubine's death." Miss Qin said.

When mentioning her mother and concubine, Miss Qin's expression became gloomy.

The Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Jin Dynasty bordered each other, but even if they bordered each other, there were continuous mountains in between.

If it weren't for the monk dynasty, there would be no war at all!

Li Ming didn't know how to comfort Miss Qin, so he could only keep silent.

Slightly startled, Miss Qin asked, "Li Ming, do you want to worship your mother?"

Li Ming was startled, shook his head, and didn't speak.

Because Li Ming didn't know how to answer.

His mother was placed on the earth!

"Don't you want to?" Miss Qin asked in surprise.

"No, I want to wait until I'm successful and famous, and then return to my hometown to pay homage to my dead mother." Li Ming lied.

"Oh." Miss Qin responded, and praised: "You have a lot of backbone!"

Li Ming smiled honestly, and suddenly remembered that Miss Qin had mentioned the Resurrection Pill, so he couldn't help asking: "Miss Jiu'er, I would like to ask you a question. Did the Resurrection Pill you mentioned earlier mean that you wanted to revive your mother and concubine?"

"Yes." Miss Qin said without thinking.

After a slight pause, Li Ming questioned and answered: "Miss Jiu'er, with the financial resources of the Great Qin Dynasty, it shouldn't be difficult to buy a Life Recovery Pill, right?"

Miss Qin couldn't help turning around, and looked at Li Ming like an idiot.

Li Ming was slightly embarrassed, and asked awkwardly, "Is there any question?"

"You don't know what the resurrection pill is! How can you buy it with money?" Miss Qin sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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