The best immortal emperor

Chapter 185 The Elixir

Chapter 185 The Elixir
Li Ming was slightly embarrassed, but he didn't know what to say.

I only heard that Miss Qin said: "The Resurrection Pill has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. It can bring the dead back to life, and it is regarded as a elixir. The higher the grade of the pill, the more difficult it is to refine, and the more spiritual it is. A few years ago, Yaoshenzong once refined a resurrection pill, and when the pill is completed, the world will change."

Hearing this, Li Ming became inexplicably nervous and excited, and asked, "Then what happened next?"

"Later? Later, the Resurrection Pill fled away without a trace." Miss Qin said.

"Fleeing? Missing?" Li Ming couldn't understand, and couldn't help asking: "How could this happen? The pill can still run on its own? Isn't this too strange?"

"The Resurrection Pill is an elixir with extraordinary spirituality, so it's not something a monk can enjoy." Miss Qin said as a matter of course.

"Did the master of the Medicine God Sect let it escape? Didn't they intercept it?" Li Ming asked.

"Why not? But the elixir is so powerful, it just smashed through the void and fled away." Miss Qin said.

"Then do you know the whereabouts of the Resurrection Pill?" Li Ming asked.

"For these years, the God of Medicine Sect has been devoting itself to finding the life-reviving pill, and it seems to have a plan, but I don't know the details." Miss Qin sighed.

"Oh." Li Ming nodded, and asked in surprise: "Since Medicine God Sect can refine one resurrection pill, it should be able to refine a second one, right? Are you looking for it? Just refine another one."

Miss Qin rolled her eyes at Li Ming, and said, "You are such an idiot, if you refine the Resurrection Pill as soon as you say it, how can it be regarded as a elixir? Refining the Resurrection Pill requires the right time, place and people, and the most important thing is the Qiqiao Linglong Furnace. It is said that the Qiqiao Linglong Furnace was stolen."

"What?" Li Ming was shocked.

"It's just rumored, but it hasn't been confirmed. Maybe it's a rumor deliberately released by the Medicine God Sect." Miss Qin said disapprovingly.

However, Li Ming's heart was ups and downs, Qiqiao Linglong Furnace, if there is no mistake, the incense burner that Brother Zhu was staying in is the one!
Could it be that Brother Zhu stole the Qiqiao Linglong Furnace?Or is there another twist in the middle?

Li Ming has decided to inquire about this matter once he gets in touch with Brother Zhu.

Now, Li Ming understood why Brother Zhu knew about the resurrection pill, and he also knew its master formula.

Even the Qiqiaolinglong Furnace can be stolen, what else can't be stolen?
Li Ming believed in his heart that Brother Zhu stole Qiqiao Linglong Furnace!
Slightly startled, Miss Qin often breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Let's not talk about this, the resurrection pill is not something you and I can criticize now."

"I understand." Li Ming nodded in response, and then said: "Many people should be looking for the resurrection pill, right?"

"Indeed, there are quite a few, the four great dynasties, the hermit sects, and anyone with a little strength wants to occupy the resurrection pill." Miss Qin said.

Li Ming took a deep breath and said in his heart: "If it is impossible to refine the second resurrection pill, the only one left in the world is undoubtedly a priceless treasure, and the powerhouses of all parties will continue to fight for it. In the competition, it is not easy to stand out and win the championship in one fell swoop!"

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued to think: "However, I will give it a try no matter what!"

Miss Qin drove a fairy ship through the wilderness, and flew for a month before arriving at the border of the Great Qin Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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