The best immortal emperor

Chapter 186 Entering Daqin

Chapter 186 Entering Daqin
When she arrived at the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty, Miss Qin didn't seem to be in a hurry anymore, and she still looked like she was traveling in the mountains and rivers!

There are teleportation formations between the main cities of the Great Qin Dynasty, so Miss Qin is not worried about missing the day of worship.

When it came to the Great Qin Dynasty, Li Ming didn't have too many worries, at least he didn't have to worry about the possible danger of a hostile dynasty.

The city structure of the Daqin Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty are somewhat different. The Dajin Dynasty generally built the city at the foot of the Zongmen, and the Zongmen remained independent, while the Daqin Dynasty built the city around the Zongmen. Water and milk blend together.

The most intuitive feeling is that sect disciples can be seen everywhere in the city of the Great Qin Dynasty, so it is inevitable that there will be bullying of men and women, and bullying of the weak, and it happens from time to time.

Although Qin Huang strictly ordered to stop and dealt with several cases seriously, the effect was not good.

Later, a counselor persuaded the King of Qin to set up picket envoys to conduct unannounced visits to various cities. Once it was found that the disciples of the sect were bullying others and destroying harmony, they would be severely punished!
So, the atmosphere is getting better.

As a result, the revenue of Daqin Commerce and Trade has doubled!
Qin Huang was very satisfied with this!
However, pickets have limited manpower, and the range of activities is currently only in some main cities.

As for those remote small cities, it is beyond reach.

Miss Qin likes private visits in micro-services very much, saving lives.

Therefore, the legendary story of the Nine Princesses is indispensable in the Great Qin Realm.

This time back to Daqin, Miss Qin will inevitably have to subdue her again!
At this time, Miss Qin had already changed into Daqin's clothes.

The most conspicuous feature of Daqin's clothing is the word 'Qin' tattooed on the chest of the clothes.

This word is not stabbed randomly, nor is everyone qualified to stab it, it has to be approved and supervised by the Secretary of Daqin Sifang.

Moreover, these clothes cannot be bought casually in the market. Buyers must go through the review of the Daqin Household Registration Department and verify their authenticity before they can buy them!

Qin's colors and fonts are exquisite, representing the corresponding status

Gold, without a doubt, was exclusively used by the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty.

If others use it, they will be beheaded.

Ordinary people can only use gray.

At this moment, there is no doubt that Miss Qin is wearing something ordinary people wear.

"Here." Miss Qin casually took out one and handed it to Li Ming.

Li Ming took it and changed his clothes.

This is a small city, slightly larger than the Giant God's Pool, but also more prosperous.

There are many shops along the street, of all kinds.

However, there is only one elixir shop, with the words "supervised by dansifang" of the Great Qin Dynasty hanging on it.

However, the source of the elixir sold inside is not only Daqin Dansifang, but also a large part from the God of Medicine Sect!

The Great Qin Dynasty has a very good relationship with the God of Medicine Sect, otherwise the princess of Great Qin would not have gone to the God of Medicine Sect.

Li Ming followed Miss Qin without saying a word, like a bodyguard.

Arriving at the border of Daqin, Miss Qin's appetite seems to be greatly reduced, or almost no appetite.

Passing by a few restaurants, I have no intention of stopping at all.

Maybe it's because I'm tired of eating the local dishes!

Li Ming smelled the aroma of the restaurant, and wanted to taste it, but Miss Qin didn't want to stop, so Li Ming had no choice but to give up.

After wandering around the market, she didn't see anything new, and she didn't see bullying. Miss Qin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go eat!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being stunned, and secretly said: "So I thought too much, foodies will always be foodies! No boundaries! No time!"

(End of this chapter)

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