The best immortal emperor

Chapter 191 Who Are You?

Chapter 191 Who Are You?

Then Qimin's second uncle's face changed again. He thought that the little girl in front of him was from the Department of Law, but he didn't expect that she had such a background that she could directly summon the head of the Department of Law!

The second uncle tried his best to calm down and asked the whole story clearly, only to realize that it was the words that offended the other party that caused the disaster.

However, he soon calmed down.

Although the Department of Law is directly under the Ministry of War of the Great Qin Dynasty, it is not fettered by the city.

However, the Ministry of War allocates a large amount of funds every year, and the Department of Law can barely maintain the daily expenses, and life is tight.

And if you want to live well, you have to establish a good relationship with the city lord.

The city lord is in charge of everything, except that he has no criminal power. Some intrigues and scrambles inevitably require the secret help of the legal department.

Therefore, there is demand between the two, and the relationship is harmonious.

Of course, it does not rule out some incorruptible legal department heads.

Obviously, the manager of the Legal Department of Evergreen City is not a clean and honest person.

Otherwise, disciples of Changqing would never dare to be so arrogant!

Miss Qin played out the token, ignored Qi Min, and went straight back to the wine table, one table said: "Boss, two pots of beef soup!"

"Yes, yes." The owner of the restaurant has seen how powerful Miss Qin is, and even disciple Changqing will be punished if he says he will be punished, so how dare he offend her?Immediately served two pots of beef soup, apologized: "Neglected, neglected."

Miss Qin waved her hand, not arguing with the owner of the restaurant, she just turned her head and said to Li Ming, "Come, have a taste."

Li Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what time is this, is she still in the mood to eat?

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, even if she pokes a hole in the blue sky of Daqin, it's nothing.So, don't worry about this little thing.

Who called her the nine princesses of Daqin?
"How is it? Is the taste okay?" Miss Qin had one leg crossed on the bench, looking like a child of the world.

"Not bad, quite fragrant." Li Ming said honestly.

"Eat more if it tastes good, and pack a few pots to take away after you finish eating, and save it to eat slowly on the way." Miss Qin said.

"Yes." Li Ming agreed.

At this time, the head of the Department of Law rushed over, and before entering the door, he asked dignifiedly, "Who will send me?"

Seeing the arrival of the head of the Department of Law, the second uncle hurried forward to greet him and said, "Master Tian."

The steward of the legal division, Tian, ​​laughed and said, "Brother Gao, why are you here?"

Obviously, Tian Guanshi has a very close relationship with Gao Qimin's second uncle, Gao Mou.

That's right, in the past years, the funds allocated by the City Lord's Mansion to the Department of Law were all escorted by Mr. Gao. Could the relationship be bad?
Steward Tian frowned when he saw Changqing disciple lying on the ground, and asked, "What's going on?"

Gao muttered, and said, "That woman beat me, and she's going to kill my nephew."

"Is there such a thing?" Tian Guanshi's face suddenly became unfriendly, and said: "Don't worry about this matter, I will definitely make my nephew fair!"

After speaking, Tian Guanshi walked to the restaurant.

Seeing Gao and Guanshi Tian muttering, Li Ming whispered to Miss Qin, "It's not good, that legal officer seems to have a lot to do with Gao, and it might be useless for you to pass him on."

Hearing this, Miss Qin couldn't help frowning, she hated forming cliques for personal gain the most in her life!

Manager Tian walked up to Miss Qin, and asked arrogantly, "It was you who ordered the talisman to pass on to me?"

"Exactly." Miss Qin replied.

"Who are you? Why do you have a special token for my legal department?" Tian Guanshi asked, while secretly examining Miss Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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