The best immortal emperor

Chapter 192 Biography of the head of the Northwest Law Department!

Chapter 192 Biography of the head of the Northwest Law Department!
Earlier, Miss Qin had already put away the torture stick, otherwise Manager Tian must have known that the torture stick was unusual.

Miss Qin said: "You don't need to worry about it, anyway, it's not stolen or robbed, I sent you here to investigate the case."

"Investigate? What case?" Tian Guanshi asked.

"Gao Qimin believes that bullying, bullying men and women, and disregarding human life are third-class crimes. You go and find the corresponding certification evidence." Miss Qin said in an orderly tone.

Tian Guanshi's face suddenly became displeased. He is the head of the Law Department of Changqing City. When has he been ordered by someone?Not to mention being ordered by a girl?

Immediately, Tian Guanshi said decisively: "There is no need to investigate, Gao Qimin is a disciple of Changqing, he is dedicated to his duties, and the three crimes just now are just drunken nonsense and cannot be taken seriously."

"Is this how you handle cases?" Miss Qin's face suddenly darkened.

"It's not up to you to discipline me how to handle the case. But you, if you don't give a clear account of the subpoena order and the torture stick today, you will never get out of it!" Tian Guanshi shouted angrily.

"A raccoon dog!" Miss Qin snorted angrily.

"What did you say?" Tian Guanshi was furious.

"Today, I will cancel your job! Do it thoroughly!" Miss Qin said.

"What?" Tian Guanshi thought he had misheard.

Miss Qin took out another order talisman and shouted: "Pass to the head of the Northwest Law Department!"

After saying that, the talisman immediately turned into a golden dragon, whistling in the wind, a dragon dived into the abyss, and flew to the nine heavens.

Everyone present was shocked, this is the Dragon Talisman.

It is only used when Emperor Qin summons his courtiers. How can this girl have a dragon talisman?

Suddenly, everyone seemed to think of something.

In the land of Daqin, there is no shortage of legendary stories about the nine princesses, who punish evil and promote good, and save the people from fire and water.

However, these stories are only sung in operas.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw it today.

The Ninth Princess likes to travel, visits privately in microservices, and was almost killed by a local treacherous official once.

Qin Huang was furious, ransacked the treacherous official's house, and beheaded his nine clans.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, Qin Huang gave the Nine Princesses the Dragon Talisman.

Those who see the Dragon Talisman are like seeing the Emperor Qin!

It can be seen how much Qin Huang loves the Ninth Princess!
The faces of the uncles and nephews of the Gao family changed drastically, and so did Guanshi Tian's, as did the other two Changqing disciples, their faces were deathly pale!

Everyone present knew that the uncles and nephews of the Gao family were going to die, Guanshi Tian was going to die, and even Changqing City, which controlled the whole city, was going to die!
Guanshi Tian plopped and knelt down in front of Miss Qin, and shouted, "Ninth princess, thousand years old, thousand years old!"

Everyone else knelt down and shouted.

Miss Qin rolled her eyes at Manager Tian and said, "Your matter will be investigated by someone."

"Princess Nine, please forgive me, Princess Nine, please forgive me." Guanshi Tian begged for mercy.

"As the head of the Law Department of Changqing City, you don't plead for the people of Changqing City, but wantonly protect the disciples of Changqing City. This princess sent you to investigate the case, and you dare to do so, which shows how you usually behave?" Miss Qin looked complex After a while, show the momentum of the nine princesses.

"The little one knows his mistake, the little one knows his mistake." Tian Guanshi said hastily.

"Go on your knees first." Miss Qin said impatiently.

"Yes, yes." Tian Guanshi replied quickly.

The uncle and nephew of the Gao family looked ashamed, and saw the second uncle of the Gao family knelt in front of Miss Qin, begging for mercy, "Princess please, princess please!"

At this time, the head of the Northwest Law Department arrived, and when he saw Miss Qin, he kowtowed and said, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

(End of this chapter)

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