The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1995 Frozen Cave

Chapter 1995 Frozen Cave

Tuntian Shengou said with a bitter face: "My lord, this stone room is full of a musty sour smell. Even though this cloak was once contaminated with its owner's breath, after so many years, there is only that sour smell."

Hearing this, Li Ming was disappointed for a while.

This time when he went to the Taixu Secret Realm, Li Ming specially brought the Tuntian God Dog with him, hoping to use the Tuntian God Dog's ability to track breath to find the guy who seriously injured the elder of the clan.

However, the performance of the swallowing god dog these few times was unsatisfactory.

Li Ming also knew that it couldn't be blamed on Tuntian Shengou. After all, breath is fleeting and is greatly affected by the external environment.

When Li Ming was disappointed, Xuanshuang Beastmaster suddenly sent a spirit bar.

Li Ming opened the Lingzha and saw the words on the Lingzha: "Master, I found a frozen cave, come quickly."

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and said in surprise, "The beast king also found a frozen cave?"

"There are still frozen caves?" Tuntian Shengou couldn't help being surprised.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Go, have a look!"

Immediately, Li Ming and Tuntian Shengou rushed to the cave discovered by the Xuanshuang Beastmaster.

After a little effort, Li Ming and Tuntian Shengou came to the cave.

Walking into the entrance of the cave, the inside is the same as the previous cave, covered in ice.

Seeing this, Li Ming shot out a flame source to break the ice seal.

Yuanshen swept away, and there was also a retreat stone room deep in the cave.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but said: "Go, go to the stone room to have a look."

Immediately, a group of three walked towards the stone room deep in the cave.

The stone chamber was tightly closed, and Li Ming took a lot of effort to open the stone door, but the sour smell still hit his face.

Entering the stone room, Li Ming saw the stone bed at a glance, and saw a person sitting cross-legged on the stone bed.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect that there were people in the stone room.

Li Ming quickly apologized: "Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I hope you will forgive me."

However, for a long time, there was no answer.

At this time, Xuanshuang Beastmaster said: "My lord, that man seems to have been dead for a long time."

"How long has it been dead?" Li Ming was startled, and released his soul to investigate.

Sure enough, the man had no breath and no heartbeat.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but said: "It seems that this person has really fallen for a long time."

"Master, who could this person be? Could it be the Zhang Jinyou we are looking for?" Tuntian Shengou asked.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning.

After a while, Li Ming saluted that person and said, "Excuse me."

Then, I saw Li Ming releasing his primordial spirit and carefully inspecting the person's body.

After a while, I heard Li Ming say: "Tun Tian, ​​there is a jade tablet on this man's waist, go and get it."

"Yes, my lord." Tuntian Shengou replied.

Immediately, Tuntian Shengou stepped forward and reached for the man's waist, ready to take out the jade token.

However, just as the Tuntian God dog hand touched the man, the man trembled, and his whole body instantly turned into powder.

The sudden change really shocked Tuntian Shengou.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "What's going on?"

"My lord, I don't know either. As soon as I touched his body, he turned into powder." Tuntian Shengou said.

Hearing this, Li Ming speculated: "It should be that this person has been dead for many years, and his body has long been decayed, so it will be turned into dust when touched."

If you don't enter, this corpse will be turned into powder, and the jade plaque on his waist will also be turned into powder!

Without that piece of jade, there is no way to determine the identity of this person!

(End of this chapter)

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