Chapter 1996
After a slight pause, Xuanshuang Beastmaster said: "My lord, could that corpse be Zhang Jinyou?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning.

After a while, Li Ming shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. Someone saw Zhang Jinyou half a year ago. Even if he died in a very short period of time, his body would not decay to the point of being scattered. It should be something else. people."

"Who could it be?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked curiously.

"It's hard to say, it might be an ancient god or an ancient demon." Li Ming said uncertainly.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said, "Check around and see if there are any other discoveries."

"Yes, my lord." Xuanshuang Beastmaster and Tuntian Shengou responded in unison.

Immediately, Xuanshuang Beastmaster and Tuntian Shengou carefully inspected the cave.

At this time, Li Ming received Xiaoqing's Lingzha.

When he opened the Lingzha, he found a frozen cave.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and said to himself: "Another frozen cave has appeared. It seems that there must be some secret hidden near Yuhe River."

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Did you find anything?"

"My lord, I found a broken sword in the corner." The voice of the swallowing dog came from a corner of the cave.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Take it here and have a look."

"Yes, my lord." Tuntian Shengou replied.

Immediately, Tuntian Shengou came to Li Ming with a broken sword.

Li Ming took the broken sword and looked at it for a while.

After a while, Li Ming said: "The quality of this sword is not very good, it is only slightly better than ordinary flying swords, and it has no value."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming threw the broken sword aside casually.

Then, I only heard Li Ming say: "Go, go to Xiaoqing's side to have a look, she also found a frozen cave."

"She also found it?" Tuntian Shengou and Xuanshuang Beastmaster were surprised, and then said: "It seems that there is more than one frozen cave like this beside the Yu River."

Li Ming nodded and said, "There must be some secret hidden in Yuhe, otherwise it would be impossible for so many caves to be frozen."

With that said, a group of people left the cave and flew towards Xiaoqing.

The cave was almost exactly the same, cold and completely covered by solid ice.

Li Ming released the flame source, melting the ice in the cave.

There is still a stone room deep in the cave. A group of people forcefully opened the stone door, and the familiar sour smell came over their faces.

The layout of this stone room is exactly the same as the previous two stone rooms, as if it was built by the same person.

However, there is no ancient corpse in Shi Chuang in this stone room.

Everyone checked around, but nothing major was found.

After leaving the cave, Li Ming and his party continued to search the Yuhe area.

Sure enough, there are many such frozen caves in the Yuhe area.

After a rough calculation, there are at least a hundred.

Seeing this, Li Ming was even more sure of the secrets hidden in the Yuhe area.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be such dense caves being frozen, but until now Li Ming couldn't figure it out and was at a loss what to do.

Seeing this, Xuanshuang Beastmaster couldn't help asking: "Master, what should we do now?"

Li Ming thought for a while, and said: "The secrets of these caves will not be solved for a while, so first find out about Zhang Jinyou."

"Yes." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Afterwards, the group continued to inquire about Zhang Jinyou's news.

Many monks came to Yuhe, most of them came for the frozen cave.

It's just that it is difficult for ordinary monks to break through the solid ice without damage, either causing the cave to collapse, or directly destroying the entire mountain peak. There are very few who can directly melt the solid ice like Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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