Chapter 200
After entering the palace, Miss Qin warned: "Li Ming, don't wander around when you enter the palace, lest you touch some formations and cause trouble."

"Yes." Li Ming replied.

Along the way, looking at the golden tiles and vermilion walls, Miss Qin couldn't help but sighed softly, and said, "Every year, every year, every year, another year has passed."

After a while, they arrived at the Princess Hall.

There were already servants waiting outside the hall, and when they saw the princess returning, they hurried up to greet her.

Most of these servants are selected by the people. Once they are selected, they will be forcibly withdrawn from consciousness, sealed in the jade slips, and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Forcibly withdrawing consciousness and sealing it in the jade slip means surrendering one's life.

The jade is broken, and the life is lost.

In the future, which temples these servants were assigned to, his consciousness Yujian would also follow to which temples.

Therefore, these servants absolutely dare not have second thoughts towards their masters, let alone rebel.

As for the feudal dynasties of China who have always worried about bringing disaster to the harem, it is even more impossible to happen!

Once discovered, not only will you die, but your family will also be affected.

Therefore, I dare not borrow ten courage from them.

Of course, there are also some concubines who are so wise that they can't bear the loneliness and insist on asking their servants to be happy.

However, this is an exception after all.

Because even in the palace, practice is the most important thing.

As for the sensuality, it's just a fleeting moment!

After entering the princess hall, the ninth princess resumed the posture that a princess should have, and asked majesticly: "Is there any major event in the palace recently?"

"Return to master, yes." A leading maid said.

"What's the matter?" Miss Qin asked.

"I don't dare to say it." The servant girl said fearfully.

"Say!" Miss Qin shouted coldly.

"Returning to master, the fourth prince recently mentioned the matter of getting married." The maid said submissively.

"Bastard!" Miss Qin was furious, and smashed the coffee table next to her into powder with her palm.

"Master, calm down, master, calm down." The servant girl said quickly.

Miss Qin closed her eyes, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and asked, "What's the attitude of the others?"

"It's still the same, but the old master of the cabinet is a little shaken." The servant girl said.

"Old Master?" Miss Qin couldn't help frowning, and then said: "I see, you guys go down."

The concubines and concubines of the Qin Emperor had more than a thousand heirs, but only a few of them won Long's grace.

Among them, there are mostly princes and only three princesses.

Princess Anyang has already married, and Princess Wencheng has gone far away without a trace, and now she is the only nine princesses left!
There is no doubt that the marriage is for her Ninth Princess to marry!

Otherwise, how can we win the trust of the other party by sending a princess who is not allowed to be engraved?At that time, it will be self-defeating.

Therefore, only marrying Qin Huang's most beloved princess can be regarded as an alliance!
This kind of practice is very common. When the Qin Dynasty first came into being, the Emperor Qin had no choice but to marry his most beloved sister to the Tang Dynasty in order to stabilize the country, so that he could breathe and develop rapidly.

Now, the aunt of the Ninth Princess is about to die, and in order to consolidate the relationship between the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Tang Dynasty, someone proposed to get married again.

Object, Nine Princesses!

However, this proposal has not been passed by the cabinet and is still under discussion.

Li Ming didn't know about these things, but from the family of the ruthless emperor since ancient times, he could guess a thing or two from Miss Qin's expression.

Li Ming didn't know how to persuade him about this matter, he just said: "There are still a few pots of beef soup, why don't you eat it together?"

 The fourth update has been restored!Oh also, two hundred chapters, let's celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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