The best immortal emperor

Chapter 201 See off guests!

Chapter 201 See off guests!

Food for food is to eat.

Sure enough, after several large pots of beef soup, Miss Qin's mood immediately improved.

The maids and servants who were watching were stunned. Is this still their high and majestic Ninth Princess?
After eating, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "Are you full? How about I grill some more meat?"

"Alright." Miss Qin was not modest at all.

Immediately, Li Ming set up a bonfire in the hall of the Princess Hall to roast game.

After a while, the aroma of wild game permeated the entire Princess Palace!

The greedy maids and servants couldn't help swallowing.

At this moment, an announcement came from outside the hall, "The sixth and tenth princes have arrived."

Hearing this, Miss Qin couldn't help standing up, and went to the door to greet her.

I only heard a voice from outside the hall: "Jiumei, it's really you! I thought they were mistaken."

"Sixth Brother, Tenth Brother, why are you here?" Miss Qin asked.

"It's not about getting married, fourth brother has gone too far this time!" The tenth prince said angrily.

"You can't blame the fourth brother for this matter. From my point of view, it must be the second and third brothers who secretly tried their best. Otherwise, the fourth brother would not have the guts." The sixth prince said.

When it came to the marriage, Miss Qin frowned, very unhappy.

I only heard that the tenth prince said: "Ninth sister, don't worry, the sixth child and I will definitely support you, and we will definitely not agree to a marriage! Yes, there is also the fifth brother."

"Thank you." Miss Qin said.

The smell of barbecue spread outside the hall, the sixth prince smelled it, and asked in surprise, "What smell?"

"Oh, my sword waiter is grilling meat, come in and eat together." Miss Qin said.

"Barbecue?" The tenth prince couldn't help but eat. He ate a lot of barbecue, but it was the first time he smelled such a delicious one.

Immediately, a group of three entered the hall.

The Tenth Prince roasted it in the hall when he saw it, and couldn't help being surprised, "Is this how it was roasted?"

"Otherwise?" Miss Qin asked back.

Seeing the two princes coming in, Li Ming stood up and saluted, "Meet the sixth and tenth princes."

"You don't need to be too polite." The sixth prince said.

"Come, sit." Miss Qin invited the two princes to sit around the bonfire.

Only heard that the tenth prince asked curiously: "What did you bake? Why is it so delicious?"

"Pheasant, hare." Li Ming replied.

"Is this imperial dining room available?" The sixth prince also asked curiously.

I only heard Miss Qin say: "These wild game are not nutritious, and there are not even high-end restaurants, let alone imperial dining rooms."

"Oh, so it is like this." The sixth prince suddenly realized.

Because of the addition of two people, Li Ming took out a few wild game and roasted them on the bonfire

After a while, the pheasant was ready, and the sixth and tenth princes couldn't wait to taste it, and said, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Suddenly, the Tenth Prince thought of something and said: "I still have some jars of good wine in my palace, I will send someone to bring them."

After a while, several jars of wine were delivered.

A group of four people, eating and drinking, feel uncomfortable.

During the meeting, we talked about many things, including family affairs, political affairs and world affairs.

I only heard that the sixth prince said: "In three more years, the barren land will be opened again. At that time, the younger generations from all major dynasties and super sects will go there, and there will be another bloody battle."

"I heard that the second brother and the third brother are almost ready." The tenth prince added.

"Jiumei, will you go then?" the sixth prince asked.

"I can't tell, maybe I will go, or maybe I won't." Miss Qin didn't say it clearly.

"If you want to go, you can go together." The sixth prince invited.

"We'll talk about it later." Miss Qin didn't give a clear answer.

At the beginning, Li Ming thought that Miss Qin had a very good relationship with the two princes, but now that she heard her answer like this, he didn't think so. It should be a disagreement!

It was a simple barbecue meal, but because of the addition of the two princes, it became different.

The two princes sent someone to let the imperial dining room eat more. The meal that could be eaten in an hour took a full half a day!
It was only when it was getting dark that the two princes left the princess palace drunk!

However, the drunkenness disappears as soon as you go out.

The strength of these two princes is not weaker than that of the Ninth Princess. To them, this little alcohol is nothing more than a drizzle, and it is not enough. Once the true energy is turned, all of it will be forced out of the body.

The maids and servants cleaned up the dishes, while Miss Qin fell asleep because of her drunkenness.

The days in the palace are even more monotonous, because Miss Qin hardly leaves the palace, and Li Ming can't walk around alone, and can only be bored in the princess palace.

In the past few days, several groups of people came to visit, and Miss Qin received them politely.

Among them, there is the fourth prince who advocates marriage.

Seeing that the fourth prince met, he hurriedly confessed: "Ninth younger sister, don't blame fourth brother, fourth brother was also forced to do nothing. Fourth brother did this for the sake of our Great Qin Dynasty, absolutely without any selfish intentions."

Everyone knows that the Qin Emperor favored the fourth prince's mother and concubine earlier, but since he met the ninth princess's mother and concubine, he has neglected the fourth prince's mother and concubine.

In the end, the mother and concubine of the fourth prince died in depression.

If it is said that the fourth prince has no selfish intentions in proposing the marriage, the devil would believe it!

Miss Qin's expression remained unchanged, and said: "You and I are both the heirs of the father, and we should consider Daqin in everything we do. How dare the ninth sister blame the fourth brother."

"Ninth sister understands righteousness deeply, and fourth brother admires it." The fourth prince said with a smile.

Miss Qin smiled but said: "Fourth brother, if there is nothing else, please go back."

"Jiumei, the ambitious Dajin Dynasty wants to use troops again, and the Ming Dynasty waved its flag to respond. Our Great Qin is in danger. Only by strengthening the alliance with the Tang Dynasty can the danger be saved. I don't know how Jiumei thinks about the marriage? If the father The emperor will be very pleased to know that Jiumei has contributed to Daqin." The fourth prince said politely.

"The important matter of marriage has been the order of the parents since ancient times, and the words of the matchmaker, how can I make the decision privately?" Miss Qin asked back.

"A long time ago, my father left an oral order, saying that it is not a bad idea to make a marriage. As for the matchmaker's words, as long as Jiumei agrees, I will immediately send an envoy to Datang. I think it will take a few days for me to come to talk about the matchmaker." The fourth prince Said.

Miss Qin's face was very ugly, and she squeezed out two words between her teeth: "See off!"

"Jiumei, think again!" The fourth prince said cheekily.

However, Miss Qin was so angry that she trembled all over and went back into the hall with her sleeves flicked.

The fourth prince smiled embarrassingly, and left!
Li Ming saw that Miss Qin was very angry, but the food in the Naling jade card had been eaten up yesterday, so Li Ming had no choice.

After staying in the hall for a few days, he became sullen for a few days.

In a blink of an eye, it was the death day of Miss Qin's mother and concubine.

On that day, Miss Qin got up early to check the supplies for the sacrifice.

After getting ready, Miss Qin took Li Ming and walked to the teleportation array, preparing to go to the imperial tomb to sacrifice!

(End of this chapter)

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