The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2031 Opening Failed

Chapter 2031 Opening Failed
With Li Ming's meditation, the world became clear.

Suddenly, a thought led Li Ming's primordial spirit far away.

Li Ming jumped away, and the place he landed was not elsewhere, but the realm of nothingness.

In front of him was the place where the gods passed on, and the flames were soaring into the sky.

Li Mingpan sat down and tried to open this divine inheritance.

But there were spider web-like cracks around Li Ming, as if they would burst at any moment.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "The cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds over the years, and the cultivation base has almost reached the tolerance of the void world. This is probably the last time I come here, and I hope it can be successful."

Li Ming felt it quietly, and he touched the gate of inheritance not long after.

I saw that Li Mingyuan restrained himself and tried to open the door of this god's inheritance.

With a bang, Li Ming's primordial spirit collapsed, and the door to the inheritance of the gods failed to open.

Li Ming sat cross-legged and swayed three times before he regained his composure.

Li Ming's face was pale and serious, and he said, "It failed again."

Li Ming took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to try to open it.


Failed again.

With repeated failures, Li Ming's primordial spirit became weaker and weaker, and the cracks in the spider webs around him became deeper and deeper.

Once the void world is broken, Li Ming will be sent back to the real world directly.

Li Ming looked at the gradually deepening spider webs around him, couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said to himself, "Is it really impossible to open it?"

After a while, Li Mingyuan regained his composure, preparing for the final attempt.


There is no doubt that Li Ming's Yuanshen collapsed again, and the opening of the gate of the gods also failed again.

At this time, there was only a click, and the cracks of the spider beside Li Ming were completely shattered.

A powerful thrust directly sent Li Ming out of the realm of nothingness.

Suddenly, Li Ming returned to the real world.

Brother Wenzhu asked, "How is it?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "It failed, and I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the void world again in the future."

Now, Li Ming can clearly sense the rejection of the void world.

This should be the self-protection of the void world!

Hearing this, Brother Zhu couldn't help but patted Li Ming's shoulder to comfort him: "This matter is not necessarily a bad thing, so don't take it too seriously. You will still have a chance when you arrive in the God Realm in the future."

"There is still a chance?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, and looked at Brother Zhu in amazement.

Brother Zhu smiled without saying a word, and said: "You will know the reason when you get to the God Realm."

Hearing this, Li Ming was disappointed for a while.

Brother Zhu has always been like this, he always likes to leave half of what he says.

After a slight pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Let's go, go back to the Misty Mountains first, and wait for news from Tian Wenyuan."

"I hope there will be good news." Brother Zhu murmured.

"I hope so." Li Ming said.

In a few days, Li Ming and Brother Zhu returned to the foggy forest.

When the elders of the second clan learned of Li Ming's return, they rushed to report and said, "Patriarch, Zhang Fengtian recovered the lost land in one day and rebuilt the gate of the house."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said: "I already know about this matter, you pass on the order, recently disciples in the clan are not allowed to go out, and spies should also pay attention to concealment and not expose it."

"Yes, Patriarch." The elder of the second clan responded, and then asked: "Patriarch, is something serious going on?"

"Zhang Fengtian is far stronger than I imagined. Zhang Dongxian, the master of the Immortal Cave, has been murdered, and Zhang Fengtian is ordering Chijian Villa, Shengbaolou, and Qingjiang faction to search for our family's whereabouts." Li Ming said solemnly.

Hearing this, the elders of the two clans couldn't help but paused, and asked in amazement: "Zhang Fengtian is so powerful? Can he command Chijian Villa, Shengbaolou, and Qingjiang faction at the same time?"

(End of this chapter)

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