Chapter 2032
However, Li Ming shook his head and said: "Zhang Fengtian's strength is far more than that. If he is willing, Chijian Villa, Shengbaolou, and Qingjiang Sect will cease to exist."

"Ah..." The elder of the second clan was taken aback, and asked, "Could it be that he is already a demigod?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "Even if it's not, it's almost the same."

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan could not help but gasp.

In only 200 years, Zhang Fengtian has become so powerful. What has he experienced in the Nether Mansion?
After Tian Wenyuan left Motianya, he flew towards Nether Mansion.

However, the closer he got to Netherworld Mansion, the more guilty Tian Wenyuan felt.

Netherworld is not a good place, there are evil spirits everywhere, if you enter, you may not be able to come back.

Even if you can come back, it is impossible to come back unscathed.

Along the way, Tian Wenyuan stopped and stopped, his mind was undecided.

If you don't go, you will die.

Go, narrow escape.

How can this be good?

Tian Wenyuan was full of hesitation and didn't know what to do.

No matter how long the road is, there is an end, and Tian Wenyuan finally came to the entrance of the secret passage leading to the Nether Mansion.

Looking at the dark and dark tunnel, the fear in Tian Wenyuan's heart reached the extreme, and he didn't dare to take another half step.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Tian Wenyuan repeated in his mind.

In a blink of an eye, six days passed, and Tian Wenyuan still couldn't make up his mind. This was a road of no return!

After dawdling for nearly half a month, Tian Wenyuan suddenly had a solution.

Tian Wenyuan slapped his thigh and said, "That's it!"

Immediately, Tian Wenyuan turned his palm and sent his broken drum.

Although the drum is broken, it is full of evil.

Tian Wenyuan yelled coldly: "Come out!"

Immediately, I saw grimaces moving inside the broken drum, and everyone was trembling.

I only heard Tian Wenyuan said in a low voice: "Now I will give you a chance to regain a new life. Whoever can go to the Nether Mansion to inquire about how the devil Zhang Fengtian refines the divine treasure, I will let him go."

Hearing this, thousands of moving ghost heads shrank back immediately.

Seeing this, Tian Wenyuan's face darkened, and he shouted: "Whoever dares not go, I will let him be annihilated immediately!"

I saw the thousands of ghost heads that had retracted poked out again, but none of them dared to leave.

"Not going yet?" Tian Wenyuan's expression darkened again, and he shouted coldly.

Those trembling ghost heads immediately flew out of the broken drum and flew towards the Nether Palace.

At this time, Tian Wenyuan remembered Li Ming's care before he left, and said: "If you encounter trouble, report Jiang Suxin's name."

Thousands of ghosts responded.

At this moment, Tian Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged on the floor, and waited for the news.

There are evil spirits everywhere in the Nether Palace. Although these ghost heads are also ghosts, they are far inferior to the evil ghosts in the Nether Palace.

You know, not all ghosts can enter the Netherworld.

Only those ghosts with extremely high talents will be absorbed into the Nether Palace, and the others can only become lonely ghosts.

Once you enter the Nether Palace, you have officially embarked on the way of ghost cultivation.

After cultivating to a certain level, you can go to the underworld.

Tian Wenyuan used thousands of ghost heads to sense the situation in the Nether Mansion, and saw the howling wind, howling ghosts and howling wolves, which made people shudder.

In the end, Tian Wenyuan simply withdrew his thoughts, neither watching nor listening, so as not to disturb his state of mind.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

Sitting cross-legged, Tian Wenyuan suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart, and then a pain, and couldn't help spitting out blood.

After a while, Tian Wenyuan regained his strength.

I only heard that Tian Wenyuan couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, ten thousand ghost heads will be wiped out in ashes so soon!"

Every time a ghost head is annihilated in ashes, Tian Wenyuan will suffer a certain amount of backlash.

After all, these ghost heads are all products of his blood refinement.

After a slight pause, Tian Wenyuan prayed: "I hope half of the ghost heads will come back alive."

Even if it is only half, it is enough for Tian Wenyuan to choke.

Not to die, but to be seriously injured!
The next day, Tian Wenyuan vomited six mouthfuls of blood.

Obviously, [-] ghost heads were lost all at once.

On the third day, the situation was even worse. Tian Wenyuan vomited more than twenty mouthfuls of blood.

I saw Tian Wenyuan's complexion getting worse and worse, backlash is no joke.

By the fourth day, it couldn't have been worse.

From early morning, Tian Wenyuan vomited a mouthful of blood every half cup of tea, and did not stop until the sun went down.

I only heard that Tian Wenyuan thought to himself: "What happened?"

At this time, Tian Wenyuan could no longer sense the situation around Guitou by virtue of his blood refining relationship, and only knew that the situation was not optimistic.

On the fifth day, more than half of the thousands of ghost heads were injured.

On the sixth day, the situation continued to be bad.

On the seventh day, Tian Wenyuan finally couldn't stand the force of backlash, and forcibly recalled the few remaining ghost heads.

However, these ghost heads seemed to have lost contact, and they didn't respond at all.

On the eighth day, the situation became even worse, and less than one-tenth of the thousands of ghosts were left.

On the ninth day, Tian Wenyuan made a difficult decision to forcibly terminate the connection with these ghost heads.

Tian Wenyuan knew that these ghost heads would never come back, so it was better to forcibly release them than to be backlashed.

On the tenth day, Tian Wenyuan successfully broke the connection with the ghost head.

However, his condition has become very bad, almost only half of his life left.

At this time, Tian Wenyuan's face was pale, his lips were covered with blood, his eyes were empty, and his whole body seemed to be hollowed out.

A month later, Tian Wenyuan recovered slightly.

Tian Wenyuan looked at the secret passage leading to the Nether Mansion, shook his head and said: "In my current situation, there is only one way to go to the Nether Mansion, but how about returning to Li Ming?"

Tian Wenyuan was caught in a dilemma, whether to go or die now, go or die!
Tian Wenyuan was extremely troubled and at a loss.

A few days later, Tian Wenyuan weighed it over and over again, and finally made a decision.

He got up and left this place, and flew towards Heifeng Ghost Mansion.

Li Ming and Brother Zhu waited in the Misty Mountains for half a year, but they still didn't see Tian Wenyuan's summons.

Li Ming couldn't help worrying, and frowned, "Could it be that Tian Wenyuan really died in the Nether Mansion?"

Li Ming couldn't be sure. At the beginning, he just kept the thunder ball in Tian Wenyuan's mind, but didn't take in Tian Wenyuan's primordial spirit, so he couldn't sense whether Tian Wenyuan was dead or alive.

Brother Wen Zhu said, "Be patient and wait."

"That's the only way to go." Li Ming said.

After waiting for another three months, there was still no news of Tian Wenyuan.

Li Ming no longer had much hope for this place.

However, on this day, Li Ming suddenly received Tian Wenyuan's spirit bar.

Li Ming was overjoyed immediately. He opened the spirit bar and saw it read: "Senior Li, I just came back from the Nether Mansion and was seriously injured. At this time, I was healing near the dark passage of the Nether. talk about it."

Seeing this, I only heard Li Ming say: "I didn't expect Tian Wenyuan to actually do it, so I rushed to Youming Dark Road."

"Go." Brother Zhu said.

Immediately, Li Ming and Brother Zhu left the Misty Mountains and rushed to the Nether Dark Passage.

(End of this chapter)

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