The best immortal emperor

Chapter 255 What is that?

Chapter 255 What is that?
Slightly startled, Brother Zhu said solemnly: "The situation doesn't seem to be very good!"

At this moment, the cultivators surrounded him, and it was almost impossible to escape!
"At this point, we can only stand still and act according to circumstances." Brother Zhu said helplessly.

Li Ming frowned for a while. The visitors were all Nascent Soul experts, far from what he could handle.

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi dressed up as other monks in a trance, and stood beside the pit, motionless.

After a while, the Nascent Soul cultivators flew close, and one of them laughed and said: "This time the harvest is not small, and many Nascent Soul experts have been arrested. I just don't know what treasures they have on them, but don't worry about it." It's a pauper!"

Another person said: "Most of these Nascent Soul experts belong to the Ming Dynasty. Judging by the clothes on their bodies, their status should not be low, and they should have a lot of treasures!"

"It doesn't matter, strip all these guys off, then cut off their heads, and then push them down the pit!" Said the Nascent Soul strongman who was the leader before.

"Yes, young master!" The other Nascent Soul experts responded.

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, and his heart beat straight away.


Niu Wudi also restrained himself, looked at Li Ming from the corner of his eye, and asked, "What should I do?"

Li Ming himself didn't know what to do, so he could only take one step at a time.

I saw those Nascent Soul powerhouses descending one after another, walked to the edge of the pit and pulled out the vestments and treasures stored by the monks beside the pit, then chopped off their heads with a sharp light, and then pushed them down the pit without mercy .

Seeing that he was about to walk to Li Ming, Li Ming was sweating profusely, and his heart accelerated violently, "Are you going to die like this? Do you want to fight?"

However, these are Nascent Soul powerhouses. In the early stage of Jindan, Li Ming undoubtedly hits rocks with eggs, and shakes trees with mayflies. He has no hope of survival at all!

Li Ming's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, looking at the bottomless heaven sacrifice trap, his face became more and more serious.

Seeing that it was Li Ming's turn, Li Ming took a deep breath and shouted, "Fight it! Jump."

As he said that, he saw Li Ming jumping into the heavenly sacrifice trap!

When Niu Wudi heard Li Ming's shout, he also jumped into the heavenly sacrifice trap without hesitation.

"Huh? There are still monks who have not been deceived by the pit?" The young master in charge frowned.

"Young master, do you want to go down and arrest those two people?" A Nascent Soul expert asked.

"Do you think your life is too long? Is my sect damaged in this deep pit with little decoration?" The young master said angrily.


"Let them go, this deep pit is very strange, many Nascent Soul powerhouses of our sect fell here, they are nothing more than golden cores, let them perish by themselves!" The young master said disapprovingly.

"Yes, young master!" The other Nascent Soul experts responded.

After a while, the pedestrians snatched and killed all the monks around the Tianji trap!
Li Ming jumped off the trap of the Heavenly Sacrifice, and immediately circulated his true essence, trying to control the falling momentum, thinking that he would fly out after the Yuanying strongmen in this line had left.

However, with this jump, a huge force surged out of the Tianji trap, dragging Li Ming and Niu Wudi to the depths of the Tianji trap.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi turned pale with shock, they didn't expect this to happen!

The corpses of Jindan and Yuanying were pushed down from the pit, and they fell to the bottom of the abyss first.

However, there was no sound.

Li Ming and the others were held hostage by a huge force, and although their falling speed was very fast, it was still slower than those corpses that had completely lost their ability to resist.

I don't know how long he fell, but Li Ming saw a scarlet light dancing in front of his eyes.

Niu Wudi asked in surprise, "What is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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