Chapter 256
Li Ming clearly saw a crystal object floating below, emitting a radiant light.

The original plunge stopped immediately, and was supported by an inexplicable force.

However, he couldn't break free no matter what.

Li Ming looked around, and those decapitated corpses were also suspended.

Take a closer look, isn't that scarlet light just the bright red that these corpses have been drawn out, and live forever under the light of white fluorescent light?
The blood didn't stay in the air for a while before it was absorbed by the crystal thing.

Li Ming stared blankly, feeling that his body was being torn apart by an inexplicable force, as if he was about to be torn into pieces!

Li Ming was horrified and said, "It's not good!"

At this moment, Brother Zhu was excited for a while, and said happily: "The god bone, it turned out to be the god bone!"

"What god bone? Don't worry about the god bone, my body is about to be torn apart by an inexplicable force, and I feel like I'm about to die." Li Ming said with difficulty.

Although Niu Wudi had awakened the blood of the ancient demon cow, he was only at the golden core stage after all, and he couldn't hold back this strength at all.

At this time, Brother Zhu came back to his senses, and hurriedly took out something, handed it to Li Ming, and said, "Quick, use this thing to cover the god bone."

"Where is the divine bone?" Li Ming asked.

"It's that fluorescent thing." Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming took the thing, it was a red cloth, like a hijab.

Immediately, Li Ming frantically activated his true essence, and approached the luminescent divine bone.

However, that sacred bone had its own protection, and that inexplicable force resisted Li Ming.

Even if Li Ming tried, all ended in failure.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Niu Wudi, help me!"

"Okay, big brother!" Immediately, Niu Wudi roared, his arm gradually bulged, forming a thick arm of a magic bull, and with a sudden force, he pushed Li Ming to the god bone.

At the same time, Li Ming himself was running his true energy crazily, trying his best to fly to the divine bone.

Under the effect of double power, Li Ming slowly floated towards the divine bone.

Li Ming held the red cloth like a hijab in both hands, his bones seemed to have sensed the danger, and he trembled a little, and the fluorescence on his body was also flickering.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't control these things. Whenever he got close to the god bone, he would cover the god bone with a red cloth.

Immediately, the light of divine bones was completely blocked by the red cloth.

Then, that inexplicable force disappeared without a trace.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi felt relaxed and fell to the ground slowly.

I only heard that Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's so good!"

"Yes, brother, if it weren't for this red cloth, I'm afraid you and I would lose our lives." Niu Wudi was also afraid for a while.

However, Brother Zhu didn't take it seriously, and praised, "You're lucky, you're lucky, you got a psychic bone, this time you've made a lot of money."

Li Ming looked at the bones wrapped tightly in red cloth, and asked involuntarily, "Is this the divine bone?"

"That's right, this is the divine bone, and it's also a psychic bone. You're lucky!" Brother Zhu said.

"Psychic bones? What's the use?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Did you see that albino rock?" Brother Zhu asked without answering.

At this time, the only light source was lost in the Tianji trap, and it was pitch black.

However, it did not affect Li Ming's vision.

In the dark, Li Ming could easily find the albino rock mentioned by Brother Zhu, and couldn't help but ask, "Is there any difference?"

To be honest, apart from the different colors, there seems to be no peculiarity!

(End of this chapter)

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