The best immortal emperor

Chapter 261 Tribal Underground Palace

Chapter 261 Tribal Underground Palace
As the cultivation level increases, the time it takes to break through is getting longer and longer.

This time, it took Niu Wudi more than half a month to complete the breakthrough and enter the late stage of Golden Core!
At the moment when he stepped into the late stage of Jindan, Niu Wudi's aura surged, extremely compelling.

After the breakthrough was successful, Li Ming and Niu Wudi left the Bald Mountain Range.

Looking around, it was all barren mountains and fields, a desolation without any green.

Maybe it has something to do with the light here, it's dim all day long.

Flying all the way, no direction, no purpose, just flying like this.

For several days, Li Ming hadn't met a single monk, let alone a monk from the Medicine God Sect.

Li Ming was very curious, where did these monks go?

After flying for several days in a row, Li Ming found that the landscape had changed.

The original plain, slightly mountainous landform, has turned into a hilly shape, and the most notable thing is the color of the rocks on the ground.

It turned out that everywhere I went, everything was light yellow.

Now, it turned into a moss-like turquoise.

Li Ming fell to the ground and checked the rocks on the ground. He found that apart from their different colors, they also had great differences in hardness. They were not rocks at all, and could be easily crushed with just a light pinch.

Geological changes indicate differences in the environment.

Li Ming flew for a few days before he felt the temperature change.

Niu Wudi looked around and asked curiously, "What is this place?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Brother Wenzhu said uncertainly: "If I'm not wrong, this place should be the place where a certain tribe lived in ancient times."

"Where is the tribe?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, and asked, "How do you know?"

"The green soil on the ground was used to build the green house where the ancient gods lived." Brother Zhu said.

"The green house?" Li Ming paused, not quite understanding.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "You continue to fly forward, maybe you can still see the green house."

Li Ming nodded, and Niu Wudi continued to fly.

During this time, the two have been practicing the art of turning the rainbow.

Li Ming's technique of turning the rainbow into a room has entered the room, and his flying speed is more than doubled.

The same is true for Niu Wudi. If he hadn't waited for Li Ming, Niu Wudi would have disappeared in the air.

After a few more days, Li Ming didn't see the green house, but met several Jindan monks.

I only heard those Golden Core monks whispering for a while. Even though Li Ming's spiritual sense was better than ordinary Golden Core monks, he still couldn't hear what they were talking about from such a distance.

However, Brother Zhu's Yuanshen is so powerful that he can even capture the whereabouts of the strong Nascent Soul.

The whispers of these Jindan cultivators couldn't escape his ears!

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "They got news about the underground palace, you quietly follow them!"

"Underground Palace?" Li Ming was stunned, and followed those Golden Core cultivators from a distance using the technique of transforming the rainbow.

After flying all the way for two months, the group of Golden Core cultivators stopped and arrived at the entrance of the underground palace.

At this time, many monks have already gathered at the entrance of the underground palace, many monks have already entered the underground palace, and many monks have fallen to the underground palace.

Along the way, Li Ming saw the blue house, which was completely blue house, nothing special.

However, Li Ming found that the deeper he flew, the harder the cyan rock became, and the color became darker and darker green.

At this time, this piece of land looked down from the sky, a piece of dark green, like a deep ocean!

At the entrance of the underground palace, many monks were discussing, Li Ming was not in a hurry to go down, and listened to what these monks were talking about.

After lingering for a while, Li Ming finally figured out the current situation.

These cultivators guarding the entrance of the underground palace are behind the arrival of the strong Nascent Soul, and those cultivators who can't wait to go down to the underground palace are based on the idea of ​​getting there first.

Li Ming took a look and found that two of these monks were disciples of the God of Medicine Sect.

However, Li Ming did not know them.

Listening to their conversation, they have already notified the Nascent Soul strongman inside the door!
Li Ming didn't join any faction when he was in the gate, so when he got here, the news was very closed, and he didn't know what happened, and he didn't know where the miracle happened.

At this time, being able to come to the entrance of the underground palace is entirely luck.

Now, Li Ming regretted not joining a certain faction, but looking at Niu Wudi beside him, he gave up this idea again.

Niu Wudi is different from ordinary monsters. If he has been in contact with other people for a long time, the identity of Niu Wudi may be exposed.

At that time, Niu Wudi will be in danger.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thinking about getting a psychic bone, Li Ming doesn't feel it's a pity!
After waiting for a few days outside the underground palace, Nascent Soul powerhouses from various forces arrived one after another, including those from the Medicine God Sect!

Li Ming didn't know the people who came from the God of Medicine Sect, but one of them was riding a three-eyed musk ox.

Li Ming knew that that person was Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng!
Niu Wudi was furious when he saw a monk riding on his mother.

Fortunately, Li Ming stopped him in time, otherwise Niu Wudi would have made a move!
The three-eyed musk ox was very happy to see the child, never expecting that the child had already entered the late stage of golden elixir.

However, right now they can't recognize each other, they can only pretend not to know each other.

Nascent Soul powerhouses from all walks of life gathered and went down to the underground palace one after another, and the Nascent Soul powerhouses from the Medicine God Sect were no exception.

Li Ming did not follow the monks of the God of Medicine Sect, after all, he was not in the Huayang True Monarch Seal War camp.

When most of the monks went down to the underground palace, Li Ming followed suit.

The underground palace is entirely made of dark green rocks, exuding a gloomy coolness.

It stands to reason that the underground palace should be dark, or dark.

But after going down to the underground palace, Li Ming knew it was not like this.

There are several white beads inlaid on the walls of the underground palace. These white beads exude a soft light, lighting up the entire underground palace!
These white beads are like night pearls, crystal clear and round.

Entering the underground palace from the entrance, you will find that there are several forks in the underground palace.

In the absence of understanding and without a map, everyone makes choices based on their feelings.

At this time, Li Ming also came to a fork and chose a passage at random.

If there are traps in the passage, the monks who walk in front will be the first to die.

Therefore, Li Ming is not worried.

This underground palace should be built by the tribe in the area to bury the leaders of the tribes of the past dynasties.

I just don't know what tribe this is. Generally, there will be something like a tombstone at the entrance of the underground palace.

However, this one did not.

The underground palace is not only huge, but also very complicated.

There are many passages, like a big maze.

Li Ming followed the monks in front and walked for a long time, but found that he was still in the passage and could not go out.

Slightly surprised, Li Ming thought, "Are you lost?"

At this time, those monks also discovered such a problem, and they whispered to each other, talking a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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