Chapter 262
Obviously, these passages should be specially designed, similar to a maze.

Among these many forks, maybe only one, or two can lead to the final point.

Brother Wenzhu said, "Li Ming, try to walk a few more times to see if you can see something."

"Okay." Li Ming nodded and continued walking along the aisle.

However, this time Li Ming did not follow those monks, but chose a fork by himself.At the same time, make a mark along the way to see if you have returned to the origin!
After walking for a while, Li Ming stopped, and Chuan Nian asked, "Brother Zhu, did you find anything?"

Li Ming didn't have any doubts about Brother Zhu's profound knowledge.

Brother Wenzhu said: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be arranged in the shape of Qimen Dunjia. There are changes in these passages. If you can't find the key, you may be trapped here forever."

Qimen Dunjia is the first among the three major secret arts, the other two are Liuren and Taiyi.

There are three strange gates, collectively referred to as 'B', 'C', and 'D'. There are eight gates, namely, Kaimen, Shuumen, Shengmen, Hurtmen, Dumen, Jingmen, Deathmen and Jingmen.

As for Dunjia, it refers to the first escape of Liujia into Liuyi, which is called 'Wu', 'Ji', 'Geng', 'Xin', 'Ren', 'Gui',

Among them, the seventeen titles are all variables, and can be combined in twos, threes, and fours according to different principles to form 320 [-] rounds.

In other words, there are 320 rounds of passages arranged according to the meaning of Qimen Dunjia.

However, there are still derivative changes in more than 4000 rounds, and it is unknown how many new rounds have evolved in the end.

And in so many rounds, only one or two are the correct choices!
Hearing Brother Zhu's explanation, Li Ming felt in the fog.

Li Ming had also heard about the Qimen dunjia talk earlier.However, it was compressed by Jiang Ziya of the Zhou Dynasty, and there were only 72 rounds.Later, in the Zhihan Dynasty, when Zhang Liangshi, it was compressed again, divided into nine rounds of Yin Dun and nine rounds of Yang Dun, for a total of eighteen rounds!

In short, the Qimen Dunjia that Li Ming understands is much simpler than what Brother Zhu said!
Slightly startled, Li Ming asked: "Brother Zhu, with so many changes, how do we find the correct one?"

Brother Zhu thought for a while and said, "Follow my instructions."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Brother Wen Zhu said: "You first choose a channel at will."

Immediately, Li Ming chose a passage arbitrarily according to Brother Zhu's instructions.

"You don't need to go fast, just walk slowly." Brother Zhu reminded.

Li Ming nodded and tried to slow down his pace.

After walking along the passage for a while, when approaching the fork, Li Ming just wanted to ask Brother Zhu which passage to take, but he heard Brother Zhu say: "Go to the left!"

Immediately, Li Ming turned into the passage on the left and continued walking forward.

After a while, we reached the fork again.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "Continue to turn left."

Li Ming continued to turn left according to Brother Zhu's request.

At the next intersection, still turn left.

Li Ming didn't know how many times he turned left, and he almost felt dizzy.

Brother Zhu suddenly changed his voice and said, "Turn right at the previous fork!"

Li Ming didn't know about the changes in Qimen Dunjia, so he just followed Brother Zhu's instructions.

Niu Wudi who was following Li Ming really wanted to ask, is this really the case?

Obviously, Niu Wudi still has doubts about Brother Zhu's ability.

However, Niu Wudi saw that his elder brother trusted Brother Zhu so much, and he had no other way, so he followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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