The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2766 Settled in Taibai City

Chapter 2766 Settled in Taibai City

"God Emperor Haotian is above, and God below has a suggestion, I don't know if it should be said or not." A main god stood up, bowed slightly, and said respectfully.

"Speak, not guilty." Emperor Haotian said majesticly.

"The god ape has meritorious service, and he belongs to the primate clan. How about promoting him to the deputy commander of the second clan, commanding the apes and monkeys?" the main god suggested.

Hearing this, Jintong Nihuang was overjoyed. The deputy commander of the ape and monkey clans is a very high position, several ranks higher than the vanguard officer before him.

Hearing this, Emperor Haotian fell into deep thought, as if thinking.

At this time, another main god stood up and said, "God Emperor, this is not appropriate."

"What's wrong?" Haotian God Emperor asked.

"God Emperor, although the god ape has merit in attracting new gods, but the credit is not enough to advance several levels in a row. I suggest that he be promoted as the deputy commander of the ape clan." The main god who had objections said.

Hearing this, Emperor Haotian once again fell into deep thought, as if thinking about it.

"God Emperor, the lower god agrees with the proposal of the Vulcan main god, and it is not appropriate to be promoted too high." Another main god said.

"God Emperor, I also agree."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it turned out that the one who opposed it was Zhu Rong, the god of fire.

However, Li Ming kept his head down, not daring to look around, and he didn't know what the Vulcan looked like.

"God Emperor, I feel that there is no problem with the proposal of the main god of the water god, and he should be promoted continuously. After all, the birth of a new god is a great joyous event in my God Realm for millions of years. The merit of introducing and guiding should be rewarded." Another main god said .

"Yes, a reward."

For a while, there were two factions in the hall, one supported the fire god Zhurong, and the other supported the water god Gonggong.

Li Ming laughed secretly in his heart, water and fire are really intolerable, a reward is just like this.

However, Li Ming also saw clearly the camps of the gods of water and god of fire, and the main gods in the temple were almost the only gods of fire and water.

After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Haotian asked majesticly, "Taibai, how do you make a decision?"

"Sacred Judge of the God Emperor, any decision is right." The real body named Taibai bowed and said.

"Haha, well, you are too white, you will play tricks. Tell me, what do you think?" The Haotian God Emperor said with a smile.

"God Emperor, Taibai doesn't think it's a big problem to award consecutive rewards. After all, there is always a vacancy for the deputy commander of the ape and monkey clans." True God Taibai said.

Hearing this, Divine Emperor Haotian nodded slightly, and said: "According to Taibai Aiqing, I will promote the divine ape to be the deputy commander of the ape and monkey clans."

"Sacred Order of the Divine Emperor." All the gods in the hall said in unison.

Slightly startled, Emperor Haotian asked, "Has the household registration officer arrived?"

"Go back to God Emperor, the household registration officer has been waiting outside the hall for a long time." The master of ceremonies replied respectfully.

"Biography." The Haotian God Emperor said majesticly.

"The household registration officer." The master of ceremonies shouted.

Immediately, the household registration officer hurried to the hall, he is also a middle god, he has never been to the hall of gods in his life, and today he was able to come to this supreme hall of gods because of Li Ming's honor.

The household registration officer bowed respectfully and said, "Go down and pay homage to Emperor Haotian."

"Get up, the new god is ascending today, and I have been bestowed by the god emperor, and landed in the imperial city, here it is." Haotian God Emperor said majesticly.

"God Emperor, no, absolutely no." Fire God Zhu Rong hurriedly stood up.

"Why not?" Emperor Haotian asked majesticly.

"God Emperor, although the birth of a new god is a happy event, the household registration hierarchy has been around for a long time. How can he get a household registration in the imperial capital?" Fire God said.

Indeed, in the God Realm, household registration is a very important thing, where the household registration is, to a certain extent reflects the status of the god.

Among them, the household registration of the imperial city is undoubtedly the highest existence, followed by the household registration of the fiefdoms of the gods and emperors, and the third is the household registration of the fiefdoms of the main gods.

"That's right, God Emperor, the new God can't be registered in the Emperor City as soon as he comes." Another main god said.

"God Emperor, it's really inappropriate." Taibai said.

This Taibai is not simple, he is not the main god, but a god emperor of a higher level.

Hearing this, Emperor Haotian thought for a while, and said: "The new god is of great significance, and you should know that the ancient god behind him, if he only has the household registration of the main god's fiefdom, I'm afraid it won't make sense."

"God Emperor, why don't you give me Taibai's household registration? I am on good terms with him, and if he is questioned in the future, the lower gods will also be able to take responsibility." Taibai Emperor said proactively.

Hearing this, Emperor Haotian couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's better that Aiqing understands me, so I will follow Aiqing's wishes."

"Yes, God Emperor." Taibai God Emperor replied.

Immediately, the household registration officer registered it, and wrote Li Ming's name under the Taibai household registration.

At the same time, a brief remark was made that the god emperor wanted to register in the imperial city, but the gods objected, so Taibai intervened in the mediation, and finally settled in Taibai city.

In the future, when Li Ming introduced himself to outsiders, he would have to say this, Li Ming in Xiataibai City.

Although it's a pity that I didn't get the household registration of the Imperial City, but it's not bad to get the household registration of the Emperor Taibai City, and it's a second-rate household registration!
It's enough to make those third-rate true gods with Kodoku registries envious!

Slightly startled, only heard that the Haotian God Emperor continued to ask: "Taibai, what kind of position do you think you should arrange?"

Before God Emperor Taibai could speak, Zhu Rong, God of Fire, took the first step and said, "God Emperor, our clan still has vacancies, so it's better to hand over the new god to the next god to arrange."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being clever. He had killed many Zhu Rong's immortal emperors in the fairy world. Is this fire god Zhu Rong taking the opportunity to take revenge?

Before the Haotian God Emperor could express his position, the Vulcan God Gonggong also said first: "God Emperor, I also have a vacancy for water, let the next god settle it."

Li Ming's heart is cold and cold. In the fairy world, he had a fight with the water god Shennian, and finally wiped out all the immortal emperors of the Gonggong clan.

Li Ming panicked in his heart. Although he is now a god, he is only a small god. Compared with the main god like the water god, he is like an ant, who may be crushed to death by the other party at any time.

At this time, I only heard Taibai God Emperor say: "Water God, Fire God, the household registration of these new gods is in my Taibai City, I think it is reasonable for me to arrange the position?"

"Shenhuang Taibai's words are wrong. My God Realm has never determined positions based on household registration." Fire God Zhu Rong said.

"Indeed, it's like that Xingzhen gate is registered in Xingcheng, but now it's not in charge of the gate of Shenluan Palace, and the commander of Tianhe, who is registered in Dicheng, is not in charge of Tianhe now. So the position of the new god can be arranged anywhere. , you don’t have to stick to the place of household registration.” Said Gong Gong, the God of Water.

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat. He originally thought that the Emperor Taibai would open his mouth, but as the main gods, the two gods of water and fire would shut up.

However, I didn't expect that the two gods of water and fire would dare not give Taibai the emperor face.

Emperor Taibai frowned, and said: "The two gods are right, this matter should be left to the god emperor to decide."

Li Ming wanted to scold the street, "Taibai God Emperor, but the little god got your Taibai City household registration, how can you ignore me?"
 There is another chapter that is very late, it is estimated to be one or two o'clock in the morning, please don't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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