Chapter 2767 Eight Parts

Emperor Haotian pondered slightly, as if he was weighing something.

After a long time, I only heard that the Haotian God Emperor ordered: "Order, the eight tribes will settle in the new god position."

Hearing this, the God of Water and God of Fire didn't speak out against it, and the Emperor Taibai didn't say anything either.

Afterwards, Emperor Haotian asked Li Ming and Shen Yuan to retreat.

After leaving the hall of Shenluan, Li Ming asked curiously: "Shenyuan, what are these eight tribes?"

"The eight tribes are the coalition forces of the eight main gods, and the leader is Xingfengshenhuang." Jintong Nihuang explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, Xing Fengshenhuang?Why does this name sound familiar?

"Wait, Wu Changkong's godhead was destroyed by Xingfeng?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Yes, my godhead was also destroyed by Xingfengshenhuang. I am afraid that only Xingfengshenhuang dared to do this in the entire God Realm, except for foreign races." Jintong Nihuang said.

"Why?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"Destroying the godhead is equivalent to destroying the way of heaven, and you will receive very great karma. Emperor Xingfeng has a magic treasure that cuts karma, so don't be afraid." Jintong Nihuang explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it was so.

Slightly startled, Li Ming asked in a low voice: "Shen Yuan, what is the relationship between Xingfeng Shenhuang and Xingzhenmen? It shouldn't just be the same surname, right?"

"That's right, it's true that it's not just that we have the same surname. We are both descendants of the ancient god Xingtian, and we are also the best in the Xing clan. It is said that the Xingfeng God Emperor is the future patriarch of the Xing clan." Jin Tong Nihuang said in a low voice.

"Don't say a few words, let Xingzhenmen hear this, be careful not to walk around." The master of ceremonies who was in charge of leading the way reminded rudely.

"Yes, yes, please shut up right now, thank you Master of Ceremonies for reminding you." Jin Tong Nihuang said hurriedly, not daring to speak nonsense.

"It's good to know, your accomplishments this time are not small, and there will definitely be no shortage of nourishing golden liquid..." The master of ceremonies murmured.

Upon hearing this, Jin Tong Nihuang immediately understood what the master of ceremonies meant, and quickly said: "The lower gods dare not be greedy for merit. If you get the nourishing golden liquid, you will definitely honor half of the master of ceremonies."

"What I said sounds like my God is going to blackmail you. I'll keep your nourishing gold liquid for my own use. I haven't slept well recently. I heard that the macaque brewed by the monkey family can help the water surface. I don't know if it's true. It's fake." The master of ceremonies murmured.

Hearing this, Jin Tong Ni Huang quickly said: "The Xiashen returned to the monkey tribe, and immediately ordered someone to send some macaque wine, hoping to improve the water surface of the Master of Ceremonies."

"Sensible, take a good look at you, I take a good look at you." The master of ceremonies murmured.

"Thank you, God, for your appreciation." Jintong Nihuang said hastily.

Naturally, Li Ming also understood the reason why misfortune comes from the mouth. Obviously, the master of ceremonies didn't dare to directly indulge in the nourishing golden liquid, so he could only ask for some macaque brew.

From the looks of it, macaque stuffing should also be worth a lot.

After leaving the Shenluan Hall, I heard the master of ceremonies say: "Shenyuan, you make an extra trip, first take Li Ming to report to the Babu people, and I won't go."

"Yes, God." Jintong Ni Huang quickly responded.

Ni Huang, the golden pupil, took Li Ming to the Babu people.

On the way, I heard that Li Ming asked curiously: "God Ape, which eight main gods are these eight tribes composed of?"

"Water God, Fire God, Wind God, Thunder God, Vajra God..." Jin Tong Ni Huang introduced eloquently.

"Wait, you mean water god, fire god?" Li Ming was startled.

"That's right, God of Water, God of Fire, God of Wind, God of Thunder, God of Vajra, God of Arrow, God of Dragon, God of Beast." Jin Tong Ni Huang introduced again, like a few treasures.

Li Ming smiled wryly, thinking that he had escaped a catastrophe, but he didn't expect that he was thinking too much.

It turns out that these eight tribes are the territory of the gods of water and fire.

Li Ming smiled wryly in his heart, what should we do?
Jin Tong Nihuang saw Li Ming's worry, and couldn't help saying: "Don't worry too much, neither the water god nor the fire god dare to do anything to you?"

"Just because of that ancient god behind me?" Li Ming asked angrily.

"Yes." Jintong Nihuang said, and then said: "However, if you fall into the hands of the water god or the fire god, it is inevitable that you will suffer a little bit."

Li Ming was dejected, if he really fell into the hands of the water god and the fire god, wouldn't it be a bit of a pain?It is estimated that half life will be gone.

Slightly startled, Li Ming suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help asking: "Shen Yuan, why did the water gods and fire gods dare to refute Taibai God Emperor's proposal in the Shenluan Hall just now? It stands to reason that they are only the main gods, so they should not dare to refute That's it."

Indeed, ever since Li Ming stepped into the world of cultivation, he respected strength everywhere.

Today in this hall of gods, the gods of water and fire dared to refute Emperor Taibai's proposal, which really surprised him.

Just like in the fairy world, how could any immortal dare to refute the emperor?

Slightly stunned, I heard Jin Tong Ni Huang said: "Li Ming, you don't know about this. The Emperor Haotian has always respected the order of the elders and the young. You can't be arrogant just because of your strength. The gods of fire and water belong to the ancient gods, and the gods of Taibai The emperor became a god later, so the water gods and fire gods dare to refute."

"This..." Li Ming was stunned, and asked quietly: "Is this possible? I don't believe that the Lord God offended the God Emperor. Can the God Emperor really bypass the Lord God?"

Jintong Nihuang looked around, and said in a low voice: "Of course you can't get around it, but the God Realm is so big. If you really try to do it, how can you avoid the eyes of the Haotian God Emperor? You can only wait for aliens to invade, or other special periods. There is a possibility of revenge."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that this God Realm is still respected by strength, but it is just wearing a layer of emperor's new clothes.

Unknowingly, Jin Tong Ni Huang brought Li Ming to the Eight Tribes.

I heard Jin Tong Ni Huang said: "Li Ming, the palace in front is the Eight Tribes, you can go in by yourself, I won't go, our ape and monkey clans are not at odds with them."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go by myself, but I want to find Brother Shenyuan in the future, so I don't know where to go?"

"You don't have to look for it. The God Realm doesn't allow you to leave your post without authorization, and I have obtained the Mental Cultivation Golden Liquid, at least five or six thousand years in seclusion before I can reunite with the godhead," Jintong Ni Huang said.

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled wryly, why couldn't he see that the golden pupil Ni Huang couldn't avoid it!
Forget it, if you offend the two main gods of water and fire, you should not implicate others.

Arriving at the gate of the Babu Congregation, the guard blocked Li Ming's way and asked, "Who is this? How dare you trespass on the Babu Congregation?"

"Go back to God, I'm a new god who just ascended from the fairy world, and according to the order of the Emperor Haotian, I came here to report from the Eight Parts." Li Ming said truthfully, and at the same time showed the decree of the Emperor Haotian.

When the guard saw the decree, his expression softened immediately, and he said, "So it's the new god, and I thought it was some second generation of gods wandering around. Come with me, and I'll take you to see the commander."

"Thank you, God." Li Ming thanked.

"You're welcome, and don't call me Shangshen. I'm just a little god who guards the door. You can call me by my first name." The guard said.

"Okay, I'm Li Ming from Taibai City." Li Ming introduced himself.

"Are you from Taibai City?" The guard was surprised, and a trace of surprise and envy flashed in his eyes.

Li Ming smiled awkwardly, this Taibai City household registration is really not in vain

(End of this chapter)

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