Chapter 2854
Li Ming hibernated in secret, waiting for the old devil and the others to send troops.

Soldiers are precious and fast, so that night, the old devil came to kill with a group of brave soldiers riding a dragon horse.

After the meeting, I only heard the old devil ask: "Li Ming, how is the situation of the bandits now?"

"They probably haven't noticed anything yet. You should send people to block their exits first, and then attack them head-on." Li Ming said.

"Understood." The old devil replied.

Then, a group of people rushed to the bandit's lair.

On the Tianqi Dragon Horse, a student asked excitedly: "Li Ming, have we succeeded in suppressing the bandits this time?"

"No accident, it should be successful." Li Ming murmured.

"That's really great. After we succeed in suppressing the bandits, we can go back to the Army God's Mansion to receive credit." The student said excitedly.

"You don't seem to have done anything?" Another student sneered.

"I...killed Liu Jin!" The former student held back for a long time to say such a sentence.

"A little Liu Jin has the face to speak out?"


"Okay, let's not say a few words, there is still a fierce battle to be fought with the bandits later, they have nine battalions, each battalion has about 500 people, and the nine leaders are all great gods, and you will use them later land." Li Ming murmured.

"That's right, I'll leave the bosses to me later, and you go and kill those little Luoluos." said the student who asked for credit.

"..." Li Ming was speechless for a while.

At this moment, Lu Xiaolian sighed and said, "Li Ming, I really didn't expect you to be able to figure out all the situation in the bandit's lair. If you succeed in suppressing the bandits this time, you will definitely be the first."

Li Ming smiled and said, "We'll wait until the suppression of the bandits is successful."

"When you succeed, you can go to the Ancestral Land of Heaven." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Can't you go too?" Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in confusion: "What do you mean? You can't go?"

"No, I plan to give you my chance." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Why?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"My talent is limited, even if I go to the ancestral land of Heaven and Dao, it would be a waste, so I might as well give it to you." Lu Xiaolian murmured.

"This..." Li Ming was stunned and fell silent.

At this time, only three students said with pleading faces: "Master Lu, give us the opportunity to enter the ancestral land of heaven. We have been with you for so long, and we have worked hard without credit. People beat you. If you give us the opportunity to enter the ancestral land of heaven, maybe we can break through the main god, and then the Xing family will not dare to beat you again."

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian was speechless for a while.

At this moment, I only heard Li Ming ask: "Can I also give up the quota for entering and leaving the Ancestral Land of Heaven? Shouldn't it be possible?"

"This... I don't know, because very few people can enter the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao, except for those big families. I will ask Big Chen later, it should be possible." Lu Xiaolian said.

"It is estimated that even if Mr. Chen allows it, Mr. Kang will not. I think you should keep this opportunity for yourself." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian couldn't help but fell silent.

"Master Lu, give me the opportunity to enter the ancestral land of heaven, and I invite you to drink tea in the Spring Breeze Tower."

"Me too, one month."

"You are too stingy, I ask for a year."

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian said in a speechless voice: "Okay, don't think about it anymore. If Li Ming doesn't want this opportunity, I'll keep it for myself."

"..." The three students were completely at a loss for words.

At this time, Tianqi Longju had already arrived above the lake where the bandits' lair was entrenched.

At the same time, Lao Mo has dispatched elite soldiers to cover all the exits.

Cunning rabbits and three caves, these bandits are more cunning than rabbits, and they have twelve exits.

However, every exit is now surrounded by elite soldiers.

In an instant, the whole lake was sucked up by the old devil.

I saw Li Ming pointing to a certain place and said, "Old devil, that's the entrance to the bandit's lair."

"Attack!" the old devil ordered.

Following the order of the old devil, a group of soldiers began to attack the bandit's lair.

The defense of the bandits' lair was astonishing. Five or six generals from the Great God Realm attacked together, but none of them were able to break through the entrance.

I only heard the old devil say solemnly: "Get out of the way, let me do it!"

Immediately, several generals stepped aside.

As soon as the old devil made a move, he heard a bang, and the entrance broke open directly.

"Get in!" the old devil shouted coldly.

"Kill..." A group of soldiers, wearing divine armor and holding divine treasures, killed them.

I only heard Lu Xiaolian say: "Come on, we will go in too."

"Yes." The three students responded.

Li Ming said leisurely: "You guys go, I'm only a small god, I can't help much."

"Brother Ming, you don't want to compete with them for military merit?" Lu Xiaolian said with a smile.

"Haha." Li Ming laughed for a while and didn't say any more.

At this moment, the bandits' lair didn't know what happened, seeing the soldiers from Luoyunsai rushing in, there was a sudden chaos.

"Escape, run away."

Although these bandits also have certain rules, they have not undergone strict training after all.

At this time, the enemy is at hand, and each of them can only flee.

A bandit escaped from a certain exit, and said with a long sigh, "Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have been caught by those soldiers."

"Yeah, I don't know how the soldiers of Luoyunsai found our lair."

"Stop talking, get out of here."

However, at this moment, several soldiers ambushing in all directions suddenly flew out and surrounded the bandits who had just escaped.

The bandits were dumbfounded immediately, they didn't expect that there was an ambush at the exit.

The same is true for other exits, escape one by one and catch one by one.

The duration of the bandit suppression was not very long, it took only half a day to capture alive and kill alive.

However, the only disappointment is that their leader is not in the bandit's lair.

After the successful suppression of the bandits, the old devil returned to court.

The other deputy commanders of Luoyun Sai had no idea what happened. They didn't know about yesterday's battle until Lao Mo came back with a group of bandits.

I only heard one of the deputy commanders say: "Old devil, you are so sorry that you didn't discuss such a big action with us."

"Yes, old devil." Another deputy commander said.

"Discussion?" The old devil's face darkened, and he said bluntly: "I am the orthodox commander, and you are the deputy commanders. Should I ask you for instructions when I do things?"

"This..." Several deputy commanders suddenly became speechless, unable to utter a word.

These deputy commanders are all members of Big Kang, so the old devil will naturally not be polite to them.

At this time, the old devil said: "Come here, send a message to the Tian Xun Division, and say that the suppression of bandits has been successful, and let them come to arrest the bandits."

"Yes." A general replied.

A few days later, people from the Sky Survey Division came to Luoyun Fortress.

 It has been covered. Users who have subscribed before don't have to worry about repeated charges. You can see the new chapter after refreshing.In order to make up for everyone's spiritual loss, Daxia will update another chapter later, which will be around 2 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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