The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2855 Characters in the Age of Conferred Gods

Chapter 2855 Characters in the Age of Conferred Gods (four more)

I only heard the head of Tian Xun Tiansi laughingly said: "Old Demon Commander, you really have you, and you have taken all the bandits in Chuanhe. Our Tian Xun Tian Si encircled and suppressed them several times, and we couldn't even touch their lair."

"Liu Xuncha, I only did my best to suppress the bandits this time, and all the credit for this is Li Ming's." Lao Mo said.

"Oh? How do you say that? And who is this Li Ming? Why have I never heard of it?" Liu Xunzha asked puzzled.

I only heard that the old demon explained: "Li Ming was sent by the Army God's Mansion to suppress the bandits. He was the one who disguised himself as a bandit and went deep into the bandit's lair to find out the pattern of the bandit's lair and the escape exit. The bandits were wiped out."

"Oh? It turned out to be like this. Quickly introduce me, who is the ruthless person who dares to sneak into the lair of bandits." Liu Xunzha said with a look of astonishment.

At this time, the old devil waved to Li Ming and said, "Li Ming, come forward."

"Yes." Li Ming replied, and then walked forward.

Liu Xunzhao couldn't help being startled when he saw Li Ming, and said in surprise, "Just a little god?"

"Go back to Liu for inspection, and the lower gods are indeed only in the small god realm." Li Ming said.

"Awesome, courageous, a mere little god dares to go deep into the lair of bandits, which makes Liu very admirable." Liu Xunzha said.

"Liu Xunzhang is overrated." Li Ming said modestly.

"Okay, the suppression of the bandits was a big success, and your mission has been completed, but it's a pity that you couldn't capture the leader. Otherwise, it would have been completed." Liu Xunzha sighed.

Speaking of the boss, Li Ming was undercover in the bandit's lair and had never seen him.

Moreover, from the few words of the sixth master and the ninth master, the chief master has always been indifferent, and everything is basically decided by the second master.

Even Yiziying is under the temporary management of the second master.

Li Ming suspected that there was no such thing as a master.

However, this is just Li Ming's speculation without any evidence.

Later, Liu Xuncha took these bandits into prison and escorted them to a nearby city.

After successfully suppressing the bandits, Li Ming stayed in Luoyun Fort for a few days, and had to get up and return to the Army God's Mansion.

Because, there was news from the Military God Mansion that Li Ming, Lu Xiaolian and others should go back to receive the reward.

This time, going to the ancestral land of heaven is a certainty.

Knowing that Li Ming was leaving, the old devil personally sent him out of Luoyunsai.

Before leaving, he repeatedly urged: "Go back to the Military God's Mansion, be careful in everything, especially the giant Nakang. The bandits in Chuanhe are a chess game he has painstakingly managed for many years. Now that you have broken it, I will definitely be very dissatisfied with you."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said: "I know, I have become a thorn in the side of Big Kang in the battle of Shenmenguan, and he will not let me go if there is anything about Chuanhe. However, I, Li Ming, can Not easy to bully, although he is a giant, but it is not so easy to kill me!"

"Haha..." The old devil laughed twice, and said, "You are still the same, and you will never admit defeat. I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from. You are obviously just a small god, and you dare to challenge Big Kang. However, I like!"

"Refused to be gay." Li Ming said righteously.

"What is jiji?" the old devil asked puzzled.

"It's nothing. I'm leaving. I don't know when we'll see each other again." Facing the parting, Li Ming also felt a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, the old devil was slightly silent, and then said: "You work hard, try to make a name for yourself in the Military God's Mansion, and maybe you can transfer me back to the Imperial City."

Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked, "Can you still transfer back to the Imperial City?"

"Of course, but the conditions are relatively harsh. All the three giants of the Army God's Mansion need to agree, and then report to the Emperor Haotian. Of course, if you can directly pass the message to the Emperor Haotian, you can also transfer me back to the Imperial City directly." The old devil Said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and couldn't help thinking of Princess Shenyue, the daughter of Emperor Haotian.

Seeing the change in Li Ming's face, the old devil couldn't help saying: "Don't be too anxious, and don't feel pressured, take this matter slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

"No, I thought of another thing." Li Ming said.

"What's the matter?" the old devil fox asked.

"Princess Shenyue." Li Ming said.

"Princess Shenyue? What's wrong with her?" Lao Mo asked puzzled.

Li Ming remained silent for a while, and finally decided to talk to Lao Mo.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Old devil, do you still remember Princess Qinyue of the Great Qin Dynasty in the cultivation world?"

"Who? I don't remember." The old devil said bluntly.

Hearing this, Li Ming looked slightly bitter.

It's true that the old devil hasn't met Qin Yue a few times, so it's normal if he doesn't remember.

I only heard Li Ming say: "She is Xiao Liu's mother."

"Oh, there seems to be such a person, what's wrong with her?" Lao Mo asked in confusion.

"She... Princess Shenyue looks exactly like her." Li Ming said.

"Is there such a thing?" The old devil was suddenly surprised.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

"You think she is the reincarnation of Princess Shenyue?" Lao Mo asked sharply.

Li Ming didn't deny it, just nodded.

The old devil shook his head and said: "You better stop thinking about it, how could Princess Shenyue be Qin Yue's reincarnation, you must know that Princess Shenyue is a character from the Conferred God Era."

Hearing this, Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Well, that's because I was thinking too much."

"It's true that you are thinking too much." Laomo said.

Li Ming shrugged, but felt relaxed, and said, "That's good, I've been unsure about this."

Hearing this, Lao Mo was speechless for a while.

"Okay, I should go. I will find a way to transfer you and Brother Zhu back to the Imperial City." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I'll wait." The old devil replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming, Lu Xiaolian and the others rushed back to the Imperial City on the Tianqi Dragon Horse.

On the way, I only heard one of the students say with a longing face: "This time the military merit is definitely not small. When I receive the military merit, I will go to Chunfeng Tower to be happy."

"Together, I haven't been to Chunfeng Building for a long time."

"Master Lu, do you want to come together? I won't let you treat me this time."

"You go, I'm not interested." Lu Xiaolian said solemnly.

"Not interested? Last time I heard that you went to the second floor."

"What? Master Lu went to the second floor? Is there such a thing?"

"Really? Don't lie to me, don't tarnish Master Lu's image in my mind."

The last time Lu Xiaolian went to the second floor behind them, and then left early, so they didn't know.

Lu Xiaolian said speechlessly for a while: "I went to the second floor, but it's not what you think, I just went to listen to the opera."

"Just listening to an opera?" a student asked Chi Chi.

"A few more small bets." Lu Xiaolian coughed lightly.

"Just that?" Another student obviously didn't believe it.

"That's true, Li Ming can testify for me." Lu Xiaolian said honestly.

"I don't believe it. If you go to the second floor, how can you not go to Wenrou Township?"

"Master Lu has also fallen."

"Master Lu, which girl did you order? Are you doing well?"

 The update was wrong today. The previous one has been overwritten. You can refresh to see the new chapter. If it still doesn’t work, delete the cache and don’t worry about resubscribing.In addition, in order to make up for everyone's spiritual loss, the hero stayed up all night for the fourth update, which is a small compensation for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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