Chapter 2865
After meeting Li Ming, Lu Xiaolian felt inexplicably determined, although Li Ming didn't send any news to him.

However, as long as Lu Xiaolian has Li Ming around, he should not be in danger.

After leaving the demon-subduing room, several people were completely drunk, and sat staring blankly at the entrance of the main hall, waiting for Li Ming to come to the door.

Little did they know that Li Ming was by their side.

If five or six days pass, the day to leave the ancestral land of heaven is getting closer and closer.

Kang Zixing couldn't help being a little impatient, and scolded: "What kind of shit is emphasizing love and righteousness, it's been so long, and Li Ming hasn't come to rescue Lu Xiaolian, what a rush."

"It is estimated that the rumors are false, then Li Ming should be just a pious guy." Yi Zaifei continued.

"Then what should we do now?" Kang Zixing asked.

"How do I know?" Yi Zaifei replied angrily.

At this time, Li Ming, who was incarnated as Xuan Qingming, said: "Master Kang, Master Yi, do you think Li Ming would have guessed that you dared not kill Lu Xiaolian, that's why you didn't show up for a long time."

Hearing this, Kang Zixing and Yi Zaifei were slightly taken aback.

I only heard that Kang Zixing nodded and said: "This is not unreasonable. After all, Lu Xiaolian is the concubine of the Yungong Goddess. It is normal for Li Ming to think so."

"Then Lu Xiaolian was captured for nothing?" Yi Zaifei said.

Governor Kang Zi sighed, and said, "If Li Ming doesn't come again, his capture will be for nothing."

At this time, Li Ming whispered: "Master Kang, Master Yi, I have a plan, I don't know if it will work?"

"Tell me." Kang Zixing said.

I heard Li Ming say: "Master Kang, Master Yi, since Li Ming won't come to find Lu Xiaolian, why don't we let Lu Xiaolian take us to find Li Ming?"

"What do you mean? How could Lu Xiaolian listen to us?" Kang Zixing said angrily.

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled and said: "Of course Lu Xiaolian won't listen to us, but if we let him go, he will probably go to Li Ming in all likelihood, and we just need to follow him secretly..."

Hearing this, Kang Zixing, who had an angry face just now, stretched out and said, "It sounds good."

But at this time, one of the gods said: "What if Lu Xiaolian doesn't go to Li Ming?"

Hearing this, Li Ming shrugged his shoulders and said: "Anyway, it is certain that Li Ming will not come to rescue Lu Xiaolian. As for whether he will go to Li Ming after releasing Lu Xiaolian, we can only take a gamble. If he goes to Li Ming, it will be natural." That's right, there's nothing you can do if you don't go. After all, when you leave the ancestral land of Heaven and Dao, you still have to let Lu Xiaolian go, so you might as well give it a go."

"That's very reasonable, why don't you give it a try and do it like this." Kang Zixing said.

Immediately, Kang Zixing ordered the two gods to escort Lu Xiaolian over.

At this time, I only heard that Kang Zixing looked at Yi Zaifei and said, "Brother Yi, you little brother has some skills. I don't know if you are willing to give up your love?"

"Brother Kang, I finally accepted a smart younger brother, you have the heart to snatch it from me?" Yi Zaifei said.

"Haha..." Yi Zaifei laughed out loud, but didn't say anything more.

At this time, Lu Xiaolian was escorted by two gods.

I only heard Lu Xiaolian said harshly: "Kang Zixing, if you have the ability, you can kill me. What kind of ability is it to torture me like this?"

Hearing this, Kang Zixing frowned, and said, "Lu Xiaolian, today I am not going to torture you, but to let you go."

"Let me go?" Lu Xiaolian paused, and asked later, "Can you have such a good intention?"

"Why not?" Kang Zixing asked back, then waved his hands at the two gods and said, "Let Lu Xiaolian go."

Immediately, the two gods let go of Lu Xiaolian.

Lu Xiaolian was startled, and asked again: "You really let me go?"

"Please." Kang Zixing murmured.

Lu Xiaolian looked at Kang Zixing with suspicion in his heart, and he was not in a hurry to leave for a while.

Seeing this, Kang Zixing couldn't help being taken aback, and the fox asked, "Lu Xiaolian, why don't you leave?"

"The weasel has absolutely no good intentions in wishing the chicken a New Year's greeting. If you let me go like this, you must have a conspiracy." Lu Xiaolian said vigilantly.

Hearing this, Kang Zixing couldn't help but burst into anger, and directly cursed: "I let you go, and you go, where is there so much nonsense? Still plotting? What am I plotting against you?"

At this time, Wen Yi Zaifei murmured: "Brother Kang, don't be angry, let me shoot him away with the sun bow."

Saying that, Yi Zaifei spread his palms, and the Sun Shooting Bow appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian hurried away without saying a word.

Seeing this, Yi Zaifei couldn't help snorting, cursing: "What a bitch, you won't leave if you don't fight."

"Okay, let's follow up secretly." Kang Zixing said.

Immediately, Kang Zixing took over the main hall on the mountain peak, and followed Lu Xiaolian who was leaving.

However, Lu Xiaolian is an existence in the middle god realm after all, Kang Zixing followed for a while, but couldn't keep up.

At this time, I only heard that Kang Zixing said to the two middle gods beside him: "You two quickly catch up, don't get lost."

"Yes, Young Master Kang." The two middle gods replied.

Immediately, the two Central Gods quickly followed.

After Lu Xiaolian got out of trouble, he fled quickly.

But there was a murmur in my heart, why did Kang Zixing let him go?
Moreover, he was also very worried about Li Ming who was lurking beside Kang Zixing.

So, after flying for half a day, I couldn't help but stop.

The two middle gods sent by Kang Zixing followed Lu Xiaolian from a distance, and when they saw him stop, they couldn't help but also stopped.

As the evening approached, Kang Zixing, Yi Zaifei and the two Central Gods met.

At this time, I only heard that Kang Zixing asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Master Kang, Lu Xiaolian actually stopped here after flying for half a day." One of the true gods replied.

"Stop?" Kang Zixing paused, and the fox asked, "Why did you stop? Did they find you?"

"Probably not, we were very careful along the way." The true god said.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Master Kang, it is very likely that Lu Xiaolian asked Li Ming to meet here."

Hearing this, Kang Zixing couldn't help but pause, and asked, "Is that so?"

"It should be." Li Ming said uncertainly, and then said: "Let's spread out a little and form a circle. If Lu Xiaolian really asks Li Ming to meet here, we'll give him a chance."

"Okay, let's disperse," Kang Zixing said.

Immediately, a group of five people dispersed and surrounded Lu Xiaolian from a distance.

Li Ming looked around, Kang Zixing and the others were all focused on Lu Xiaolian.

So, Li Ming quietly performed Shadow Kill and approached Lu Xiaolian quietly.

At this moment, Lu Xiaolian looked bored and didn't know what to do.

If Li Ming hadn't been lurking beside Kang Zixing, he might have just walked away.

But now he can't, but he can't go back to Li Ming, it will only hurt Li Ming.

However, just when Lu Xiaolian was frowning, a small voice came: "Brother Lu."

 There are still two chapters today, and one more chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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