The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2866 Password

Chapter 2866 Password
Lu Xiaolian immediately became alert and asked, "Who?"

"Brother Lu, don't panic, it's me." Li Ming said.

At this time, Lu Xiaolian also recognized Li Ming's voice, and couldn't help asking: "Is it Brother Ming?"

"It's me." Li Ming said.

"Brother Ming, where are you? Why can't I see you?" Lu Xiaolianhu questioned.

"Don't look for me, I won't show up right now, let's get down to business first." Li Ming said.

"Tell me." Lu Xiaolian said.

Immediately, Li Ming explained his thoughts.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian was taken aback, and asked nervously, "Is this possible?"

"Let's give it a try and see if it works. If it doesn't work, we have nothing to lose." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Lu Xiaolian replied.

"Remember, our password is, the boss is here, who dares to pretend? Don't make a mistake." Li Ming reminded again and again.

"Understood." Lu Xiaolian replied.

Immediately, Li Ming quietly retreated.

Afterwards, Li Ming quietly touched Xiang Yi and flew away.

At this moment, Yi Zaifei was half leaning against a slope, drinking good wine and eating good meat, completely unaware of the danger.

Seeing this, Li Ming felt contempt for a while, this Yi Zaifei is really a dude, Kang Zixing invited him to encircle him, he poured wine and meat and ate.

However, it happens to act on its own.

At this time, Li Ming quietly took out the Phantom Bead and put it in the gravel behind Yi Zaifei.

Yi Zaifei drank good wine and ate good meat, completely oblivious to the abnormalities around him.

Then, Li Ming ran away quickly.

However, Li Ming didn't really leave, but flew towards Kang Zixing who was lurking in the distance.

At this time, Lu Xiaolian also took action, flying towards Yi Zaifei's position.

Kang Zixing lay in ambush, waiting for Li Ming and Lu Xiaolian to meet.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in Kang Zixing's sight.

Kang Zixing was startled for a moment, and after a closer look, it was not Li Ming.

Immediately, Kang Zixing shouted angrily: "Li Ming, stop!"

Li Ming showed up in front of Kang Zixing on purpose, and then Li Ming's figure flickered and flew towards Yi Zaifei's direction.

Yi Zaifei was drinking good wine and eating good meat, and he didn't hear Kang Zixing's angry shout at all.

Li Ming's figure flashed and disappeared from Kang Zixing's eyes.

"Where are people?" Kang Zixing was annoyed for a while, and released his spiritual thoughts to investigate around.

However, at this time, Li Ming had come to Yi Zaifei's side.

Because Li Ming performed a shadow kill, Yi Zaifei couldn't see Li Ming at all.

Li Ming cast a simple magical technique on Yi Zaifei, and Yi Zaifei's appearance instantly changed into that of Li Ming.

Yi paused again, then murmured to himself, "What's going on?"

However, at this moment, Kang Zixing's divine sense had swept over.

"Huh? That's Li Ming?" Kang Zixing's thoughts swept past Yi and then flew away, he couldn't help being surprised, why is Li Ming drinking and eating meat?
At this moment, Li Ming was running the Magic Face Orb, so Kang Zixing's divine sense couldn't tell if Yi Zaifei was real or not, so he thought he was Li Ming.

Seeing this, Kang Zixing shouted angrily, and flew towards Chao Yi to kill him again.

At this time, Lu Xiaolian had already flown to Yi Zaifei.

I only heard Lu Xiaolian ask: "Is the boss here?"

"What the hell?" Yi Zaifei was full of confusion, looking at Lu Xiaolian who flew over suddenly in puzzlement.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian chuckled and said loudly, "Li Ming, long time no see, are you okay?"

"What Li Ming? I'm Yi Zaifei." Yi Zaifei asked with a puzzled face.

However, at this time, Kang Zixing had already flew towards Yi Zai and shouted angrily: "Li Ming, take your life!"

"Brother Kang, what are you doing? I'm Yi Zaifei!" Yi Zaifei shouted in shock.

At this time, Lu Xiaolian shouted at Kang Zixing in a pretentious manner: "Your surname is Kang, don't hurt my younger brother Ming."

Then, Lu Xiaolian shot at Kang Zixing.

"Your opponent is us!" The two central gods lurking in the dark shot at Lu Xiaolian at the same time.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian was shocked, and immediately backed away, saying: "Brother Ming, I'm sorry, brother take a step first."

Immediately, Lu Xiaolian ran away quickly.

Seeing this, the two Central Gods burst out laughing, changed to Chao Yi and flew away again.

Kang Zixing came to kill Yi Zaifei, and Yi Zaifei resisted immediately.

However, Yi Zaifei was only a small god, and he could not resist the attacks of Kang Zixing and the two middle gods.


In an instant, Yi Zaifei was bombarded and killed by Kang Zixing and his party.

Seeing this, Kang Zixing laughed heartily, and said, "Okay, happy, I finally killed Li Ming today, and I can return to my life when I go back."

However, at this time, the Phantom Orb was shattered, and Yi Zaifei restored Lushan's true colors.

Seeing this, Kang Zixing was startled, and asked, "What's the situation? Wasn't that Li Ming just now? Why did he become Yi and fly again?"

"This..." The two Central Gods also looked confused. The one they killed just now was obviously Li Ming, so why did they become Yi Zaifei now?

However, at this time, Li Ming had already flown tens of kilometers away and joined Lu Xiaolian.

Seeing Li Mingchao flying towards him, Lu Xiaolian immediately asked vigilantly, "The boss is here."

"Who dares to pretend?" Li Ming replied.

"Brother Ming, it really belongs to you." Lu Xiaolian immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, get out of here." Li Ming said.

"How about Yi Fei again?" Lu Xiaolian asked curiously.

"Dead, killed by Yi Zaifei and the others." Li Ming murmured.

"He's dead?" Lu Xiaolian couldn't help being surprised.

"Yeah." Li Ming nodded in response, and continued: "Yi Zaifei is an idiot, and he probably won't know what's going on until he dies."

"Haha." Lu Xiaolian laughed twice, and then said: "Brother Ming, you are still clever, this trick is to kill people with a knife, one word, wonderful!"

"It should be damned that Yi flies again, and acts as Kang Zixing's dog leg against me. How can I not be willing to kill him?" Li Ming murmured.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian nodded, and said: "He should be killed, that guy wants to shoot me with a sun-shooting bow."

"Okay, let's not talk about that guy, let's leave here first, lest Kang Zixing and the others come over." Li Ming said.

"Yes." Lu Xiaolian nodded in response.

Immediately, Li Ming and Lu Xiaolian left quickly.

Next to Yi Zaifei's body, Kang Zixing asked with a confused face, "What should we do now?"

The two middle gods looked at each other and said: "Since the incident has already happened, then we should just keep doing it and destroy Yi Zaifei's body. If there is no proof, there is nothing the Sun Palace can do against us."

"Okay, let's do this." Kang Zixing gritted his teeth and said.

Immediately, the two true gods used their divine art to destroy Yi Zaifei's corpse.

At this moment, I only heard that Kang Zixing asked again: "How did this Li Ming become Yi Zaifei?"

"This..." A middle god hesitated a little, and then said, "Master Kang, I'm afraid we were designed by Lu Xiaolian and Li Ming."

"How do you say that?" Kang Zixinghu questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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