The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2894 was laid down a deep pit

Chapter 2894 was laid down a deep pit

When Li Ming heard his words, he didn't hesitate at all. He cut off the man's pinched leg with the divine sword in his hand.

After getting out of trouble, the man quickly treated the wound.

Broken limbs can grow back up again, but it takes time.

"Thank you." The man sincerely thanked him after treating the wound.

"You're welcome, in fact, you can do it yourself." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the man paused, and said bitterly, "I don't have that much courage."

Li Ming didn't say any more, took back the Excalibur, and continued to move forward.

Indeed, it is not easy for a person to cut off his own leg, and many people are unable to do it.

The passage is very long, and there are many dangers along the way.

Except for the one who was hit by the arrow and the one with the short legs, the others were more or less injured, except Li Ming.

"It's really weird. I've been following Li Ming, and I'll take whichever tile he walks on. But why is he safe and sound, and I just hit a dart?" A true god said suspiciously.

"Yeah, I've been following Li Ming too, and I got shot in the ass too."

"It's really strange. All of us were injured, but Li Ming was not. Could it be that Li Ming is a relative with the owner of the tomb? Can't you secretly bless him?"

"Don't think about it, it seems that the exit is ahead. But fortunately, these hidden weapons are not poisonous, otherwise everyone will be really miserable." Kang Zixing said.

"That's right, I was scared to death when I was hit by an arrow in my fart just now. I thought I was going to be shot or poisoned to death." said the true god who was hit by an arrow in his fart.

The further you go, the weaker the miasma, at least in the passage.

I just don't know what will happen if I go out of the channel?
Li Ming also reminded him to be nervous along the way, especially when he saw that everyone was injured.

However, after walking out of the passage, Li Ming couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that his luck was still as good as ever!

After a little effort, a group of people came out of the passage.

Ahead is a huge pit.

Li Ming released his consciousness, and suddenly he couldn't find the deep pit.

At this time, other people also came out.

When Kang Zixing saw Li Ming standing by the edge of the deep pit to explore the deep pit, a trace of evil flashed in his heart.

I saw that Kang Zixing slapped Li Ming without hesitation, and directly drove Li Ming into the deep pit.

"Since you are so curious about the deep pit, why not go down and investigate it." Kang Zixing said solemnly.

"Kang Zixing, what are you doing?" the short-legged true god asked.

"What not to do? Why, do you have an opinion?" Kang Zixing asked with narrowed eyes, and then continued: "If you have an opinion, you can go down to accompany him."

"You..." The short-legged god wanted to say something more, but seeing Kang Zixing and the others staring at him, he didn't dare to say any more.

At this time, I heard another true god say: "I don't know what is in this deep pit? Will there be any good treasures?"

"Don't think about it. Uncle Ling Yu took care of me when I came here to avoid the deep pit in the tomb." Kang Zixing said.

"Why?" the man asked puzzled.

"Because none of the true gods who fell into the deep pit can come out alive." Kang Zixing murmured.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked in their hearts, only to hear that person asked: "Then this Li Ming is dead?"

"Of course I'm dead, but none of you are allowed to say what happened today, or don't blame me, Mr. Kang, for being rude!" Kang Zixing threatened heavily.

"I definitely won't say a word more." Everyone promised quickly.

"It's best like this, but don't worry, I won't treat you badly after the matter of the Heavenly Tomb is over," Kang Zixing said.

"Thank you, Young Master Kang." Everyone thanked.

"Let's go, what we're looking for is a golden bone, please save some," Kang Zixing said.

"Yes." The crowd responded.

Others didn't know about the golden bone, and General Ling Yu only told Kang Zixing about it.

Li Ming was ambushed by Kang Zixing and fell into a deep pit. He immediately activated his divine energy and tried to fly out.

However, an inexplicable force came from deep in the pit, which directly dragged Li Ming into the bottom of the pit.

Seeing this, Li Ming was horrified in his heart, and hurriedly operated his Shenyuan crazily, trying to get rid of that huge force.

However, Li Ming is only in the middle stage of the little god, and that huge force is obviously stronger than Li Ming, and he can't resist at all.


Li Mingdong fell to the bottom of the deep pit with a bang, and hit the ground so hard that his bones were almost shattered.

However, Li Ming didn't care about the pain, and immediately became alert, scanning his surroundings crazily with his divine sense.

The surroundings are very peaceful, there seems to be no danger, and the source of that huge force cannot be detected.

"What's going on?" Li Ming was suspicious in his heart. Could it be that the huge force disappeared?
Slightly startled, Li Ming tried to fly out of the deep pit by running his divine energy.

But as soon as it took off, that huge force appeared out of thin air, firmly imprisoning Li Ming.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said to himself: "Are you going to be trapped here?"

Li Ming frantically operated his Shenyuan, trying to break free from that huge force.

But no matter how hard Li Ming exerted himself, the huge force that appeared out of thin air could drag him back to the bottom of the deep pit.

Seeing this, Li Ming was depressed for a while, and cursed: "Damn Kang Zixing, you murdered me! Don't wait for me, Li, to go out, or I will cut off your head and kick it like a football."

In fact, on the way to the Southern Region, Li Ming has been wary of Kang Zixing and Yikong from Sheri Palace.

However, nothing went wrong along the way.

Unexpectedly, now that he entered the Heavenly Tomb, Kang Zi's guild would suddenly attack.

Li Ming couldn't escape the deep pit, so he simply looked at the deep pit again.

That huge force appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air.If we can find the source of that huge force, we should be able to find a way to resolve it.

Li Ming released Yuanshen and carefully searched the bottom of the deep pit.

The deep pit is very big, and Li Ming's soul cannot sweep it all at once, it can only cover one-third of the place at most.

"Huh? There seems to be a corpse in front?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, and then flew towards the corpse.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming came to the side of the corpse.

The skeleton had been dead for a long time, and only the skeleton was left on the whole body.

"Why did you die here?" Li Ming hesitated slightly, and then immediately became alert: "Could it be that there is danger in this deep pit?"

Thinking of this, Li Ming carefully inspected the surrounding area again.

However, there is nothing around.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned even more, and became more vigilant at the same time, the invisible danger is more dangerous!

"There is still a skeleton in front?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, and flew towards the skeleton in front.

It was another white bone, and there was nothing on the whole body.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned even more. It stands to reason that even if the true god dies, he will not turn into bones. It will take at least tens of thousands of years for decay to appear.

"Strange, these two corpses don't look like natural bones, but more like they were corroded by something." Li Ming said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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