The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2895 Black Vine

Chapter 2895 Black Vine

Suddenly, there was a faint sound from ahead.

Li Ming became alert immediately, and after scanning with his consciousness, he found that it was a corpse that was corroding.

Immediately, Li Ming quickly flew over.

Falling in front of the corpse, I saw that the corpse was being corroded by an unknown black liquid.

The rate of corrosion was very fast. Li Ming still had flesh and blood when he arrived, but in less than half a stick of incense, he had already become a bone.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face gradually became serious. The deep pit is really weird, and he doesn't know what the black liquid is?
Li Ming tried his best to maintain a suspended state, not daring to touch the ground, in case the black liquid stood on his body.

Kang Zixing and his team bypassed the Shenkeng and began to search for the golden bone.

Regarding the golden bone, Kang Zixing didn't know much about it. He only heard from General Ling Yu that it was a very magical bone with a golden appearance and possessed extraordinary abilities.

So far, two golden bones have been found.

They believe that there must be more in the sky tomb.

However, it is not for any reason. Recently, the Heavenly Tomb has rejected the entry of the Great God Realm True God.

That's why, instead of paying Wanli, they brought Kang Zixing, Li Ming and others.

in the deep pit.

Li Ming explored the deep pit several times, but did not find the source of the black liquid.

After the black liquid corroded the corpse, it melted into the ground and disappeared.

I don't know if someone is secretly manipulating the black liquid?
Estimating the time, it has been a day since entering the Heavenly Tomb.

In other words, Li Ming still has four days plus one night to escape from here. If he can't escape, even if he is not corroded by the mysterious black liquid, he will be poisoned to death by the miasma in the tomb.

Thinking of this, Li Ming felt a headache. Could it be that he is going to die here?
For the unknown, no matter who is afraid, even the true god is the same.

Li Ming forcibly overcome the fear in his heart, and explored the deep pit again.

But the more he probed, the more shocked Li Ming felt, because he really had no clue at all.

"What should I do?" Li Ming asked secretly in his heart.

However, at this time, there was a strange movement in the deep pit, as if something had broken out of the ground.

"What's going on?" Li Ming was startled secretly, and then flew towards the wall of the deep pit.

At this time, Li Ming saw black vines emerging from the walls of the deep pit.

The black vines are thick and thin, with purple flowers growing on them, which looks extremely weird.

The black vines grew very fast, and in less than a hundred breaths, they grew more than ten meters.

Some of these black vines hang down from the wall of the deep pit, and some grow across the sky, as if they are going to grow up the opposite wall of the pit.

Li Ming was secretly startled, and his intuition told him that these black vines were not easy to mess with.

At this time, a black vine seemed to be staring at Li Ming, and it stretched towards Li Ming.

Seeing this, Li Ming had a thought, and he took out the flying sword and directly slashed at it.

The black vines were cut off by Li Ming's divine sword without being cut at all.

As soon as the black vine broke, a pool of thick black water immediately flowed out.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face couldn't help but change. Could this black water be the black liquid from before?

After the black vine was chopped off, it withered.

However, after a while, it suddenly became manic, grew rapidly, and rushed towards Li Ming like a black dragon out of the sea.

Seeing this, Li Ming's eyebrows froze immediately, it seemed that the Excalibur couldn't cure it.

At that moment, with a thought, Li Ming released the divine flame.

It is an eternal truth that flames restrain vegetation.

Sure enough, as soon as the divine flame came out, the black vines didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, and obediently detoured.

Seeing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

But watching these vines grow so wildly is not a problem. Judging by their posture, it will not take long for the entire deep pit to be filled.

"What should I do?" Li Ming frowned, trying to burn them with divine flames.

However, in the end it was found that everything was in vain.

Although these black vines have not been burned, they will spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain and grow wildly.

Li Ming had an intuition that the death of those bones should have a lot to do with these vines.

Soon, the vines covered the sky and the sun, filling the entire deep pit firmly, just like weaving a net.

Li Ming released the divine flame, preventing those black vines from approaching.

At this time, Li Ming was like a firefly in a tight net, in danger.

The black vines did not dare to get close to Li Ming's divine flame, and trapped him like this.

For a while, Li Ming would not be in any danger, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

Around midnight, the stalemate was suddenly broken.

I saw those black vines began to secrete black liquid, and the black liquid fell on Li Ming's body, giving off a scorching corrosion effect.

Seeing this, Li Ming was horrified in his heart. It was true that the black liquid that corroded the bones earlier came from these black vines.

At that moment, Li Ming made a thought and used the protective beads.

This bead was brought by Lu Xiaolian from the Goddess's side. He was planning to enter the Ancestral Land of Heaven to guard against Kang Zixing, but he didn't expect the Ancestral Land of Heaven to be useless.

However, now it has become Li Ming's life-saving talisman.

After the protective beads run, a circular light curtain is formed on the surface of Li Ming's body, resisting the falling black liquid.

However, the corrosive effect of the black liquid was really strong, and the protective beads were also corroded.

Looking at it like this, it can only last for two days at most.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned suddenly, "What should I do?"

The black vines secreted a large amount of black liquid, and the black liquid was dripping down like rain.

The black liquid kept impacting the protective beads, and the huge impact accelerated the corrosion effect. Judging from this, it can only last for a day at most.

Li Ming's face was ugly, and at the same time he felt deeply dangerous.

After entering the God Realm, Li Ming has not felt this kind of danger for a long time.

After a while, Li Ming took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm.

At this time, you must not panic or get confused, otherwise there is really no cure!
Li Mingqing checked the items on his body. In addition to the protective beads, there were also the god armor issued by the Fengshen tribe, and the two god armors obtained when suppressing bandits.

I don't know if these god armors can be hell black liquid?
Just when Li Ming was hesitating, the momentum of the black liquid suddenly decreased, from the torrential rain before to the light rain.

At the same time, the flowers on the black vines began to wither, and then the black vines also began to wither.

The black vines fell down one by one, and after falling to the ground, they turned into dust in a short while.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked to himself, "Is this a narrow escape?"

"No, the black vines look like vegetation that grows periodically, and I don't know when it will grow next time?" Li Ming hesitated secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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