The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2897 Unexpectedly

Chapter 2897 Unexpectedly
Li Ming never thought that the golden skull he picked up could absorb the black liquid. You must know that the black liquid has a very strong corrosive effect, and even the corpse of a true god can be easily corroded.

Now, it was actually absorbed by this golden skull.

Li Ming picked up the golden skull and looked at it carefully, but at this moment some ciphertexts appeared on the golden skull.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled again, this golden skull is not simple!
The cipher text seemed to be engraved inside the golden skull, and it was activated after absorbing the black liquid.

"Wait, why is this cipher text so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere before." Li Ming was taken aback, and the Pillar of Heavenly Dao instantly came to mind.

"Yes, it is the inscription of the pillar of heaven."

Immediately, Li Ming took out the three fragments of the Heavenly Dao Pillar from his body.

After careful comparison, it really is the same kind of inscription.

Seeing this, Li Ming was taken aback. How could this golden skull have the inscription on the Pillar of Heaven?

Could it be that this golden skull is also a product of the collapse of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao?
Li Ming couldn't figure it out.

However, at this moment, the fragment of the Pillar of Heaven in Li Ming's hand suddenly buzzed and trembled, and the floating inscription on it seemed to be activated.

Then, I saw the inscription on the pillar of heaven flying towards the golden skull.

To be precise, it should have been sucked by the golden skull.

The fragments of the Heavenly Dao Pillar began to crack rapidly, and were sucked away by the golden skull almost in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking at the golden skull inexplicably.

What is the origin of this golden skull?Can absorb the fragments of the pillar of heaven?

Li Ming was extremely astonished, and could not help but release his divine sense to investigate carefully.

However, at this moment, the golden skull seemed to have found its host.

Li Ming only felt his head sinking, and then he saw that golden skull began to crack and turned into golden powder, rushing towards Li Ming's head.

"This..." Li Ming was taken aback, unexpectedly, he quickly activated his divine energy to resist.

However, the golden powder penetrated everywhere, no matter how Li Ming operated his divine essence, he couldn't resist it.

In the blink of an eye, the golden powder got into the center of Li Ming's eyebrows.

Li Ming only felt that his mind was overwhelmed, and there seemed to be metal objects rubbing against each other, causing tinnitus.

Li Ming had a splitting headache and hugged his head involuntarily.

The pain continued to intensify, almost beyond Li Ming's tolerance, and Li Ming was rolling all over the ground, in pain.

In the end, Li Ming passed out from the pain.

I don't know, but one day has passed.

When Li Ming gradually woke up from the faint, he heard a whirling sound, and the black vines on the wall of the deep pit grew out again.

Obviously, another day passed, and it was the growth cycle of the black vines again.

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled, and quickly used the protective beads.

After a while, the black liquid splashed down.

The protective beads have been used for several days, and today it seems to have reached its limit.

Wen Weng's sank, the protective beads split open.

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled, and hastily sacrificed his divine armor.

However, the black liquid still fell on Li Ming.

The scorching and corrosive sensation came from the surface of the skin, and Li Ming only felt a burning, burning pain, and the black liquid was continuously seeping into the flesh and blood.

At the same time, a large amount of black liquid fell onto the armor, making a scorching sound.

In just a moment of effort, a piece of valuable divine armor was corroded to an unsightly state.

"Looking at it like this, the divine armor won't last long." Li Ming felt a little worried.

Although he still has two pieces of divine armor, what should he do after they are used up?
However, at this moment, a clear stream suddenly burst out in Li Ming's mind.

The clear stream flowed all over Li Ming's body in an instant, and the scorching feeling disappeared instantly, and the black liquid that had penetrated into the flesh and blood was drawn into his mind by the clear stream.

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled. The black liquid is extremely corrosive. If it enters his mind, won't his own brain be corroded?
Li Ming hurriedly stopped it, but all his efforts were in vain. The clear flow almost instantly swept the black liquid into his mind.

However, the black liquid did not corrode his head.

"Huh?" Li Ming was surprised for a while, staring suspiciously at the drop of black liquid in his mind.

However, at this moment, the drop of black liquid began to decompose, and then slowly melted into Li Ming's flesh and blood, becoming one with Li Ming.

"What's the matter? I actually absorbed that black liquid?" Li Ming was shocked.

However, at this moment, the inscription on the Pillar of Heaven's Dao sprang up in Li Ming's mind.

"This..." Li Ming was startled again. What happened one after another made his brain overwhelmed.

At this time, the black vines began to wither, and the black liquid became drizzling.

However, the divine armor on Li Ming's body has been corroded to a bad state.

Li Ming ignored the divine armor on his body, but stared at the inscription in his mind with all his heart.

Those inscriptions are very profound avenues, but Li Ming can understand the meaning at a glance.

The inscription melted into Li Ming's body, and Li Ming only felt that his understanding of the divine flame and the divine thunder was advancing by leaps and bounds, as if he was retreating in the ancestral land of heaven.

"This..." Li Ming was startled.

Although the Heavenly Dao Fragments also have the effect of comprehension, but because of the incompleteness, the effect is not very good. Often when comprehending a place, there will be a feeling of being stuck.

But now, that stuttering feeling has disappeared, as if the golden skull filled the gap in the middle.

After a little effort, the floating inscriptions in Li Ming's mind gradually receded and sank into the depths of his mind, and Li Ming also woke up from his comprehension.

Although he only comprehended a few breaths of kung fu, Li Ming's comprehension of Shenyan and Shenlei has been mentioned a lot.

At this moment, Li Ming was not in a hurry to leave the deep pit.

The black liquid can activate the inscriptions in the mind, which can boost one's own practice.

It's just... when Li Ming thought of the miasma in the celestial tomb, Li Ming couldn't help but feel a sudden.

Counting the time, today is already the fourth day, and tomorrow will be the fifth.

If he couldn't leave the deep pit tomorrow, would he be poisoned to death by the miasma in the celestial tomb?
Li Ming was so worried that he couldn't help but release Shenyuan again and flew towards the top of the deep pit.

However, this time, that mysterious force did not appear.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, and he was overjoyed immediately, and flew towards the top of the deep pit at high speed.

"Is that huge force related to the golden skull?" Li Ming thought to himself.

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it after leaving here."

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming reached the top of the pit.

Without any hesitation, Li Ming walked towards the outside of the tomb along the way he came.

This time, Li Ming was also fateful. He fell into the deep pit and survived. On the contrary, he merged with the mysterious golden skull.

Going out was smooth, and I didn't encounter any institutions.

The moment Li Ming walked out of the Heavenly Tomb, he really breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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