The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2898 Secretly Follow

Chapter 2898 Secretly Follow
After leaving the Heavenly Tomb, Li Ming did not leave, but hibernated in a hidden place nearby.

In fact, it is the most sensible choice for Li Ming to go away now.

However, this is not in line with Li Ming's style, how could he have suffered a loss and not returned to the factory?How can Kang Zixing live comfortably?

Although Li Ming knew that Kang Zixing had Youyuan Divine Armor on his body, it was not easy to kill him.

However, there are many crises in the sky tomb here.

Don't say anything else, just say that the deep pit that Li Ming fell into before can kill Kang Zixing.

Furthermore, Li Ming also needs to use the black liquid in the deep pit to activate the inscription of the way of heaven in his mind.

Therefore, no matter what the considerations are, they will not just leave like this.

After waiting for a long time, I saw a few figures walking out of the celestial tomb.

It was none other than Kang Zixing and others.

Seeing Kang Zixing, Li Ming's eyes suddenly sank, and the killing intent was looming.

Fortunately, Li Mingzang was relatively concealed, otherwise Kang Zixing would have noticed it.

Seeing how disheartened Kang Zixing and others looked, they must have suffered in the Heavenly Tomb.

Moreover, Li Ming remembered that there were six people when he went in, but now there are only three people left. It seems that this is not a small loss.

Li Ming remained calm and dormant quietly.

At this time, I only heard Kang Zixing say: "Everyone, hurry up and meditate to get rid of the miasma absorbed in the body. We will go in again in a few days."

"Young Master Kang, do you still want to go in?" A little god asked with a worried face.

"If we didn't find the golden bone, how can we go back and return? Even if we go back now, we will still be sent back in a few days." Kang Zixing said angrily.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, golden bone?
How is this going?

Li Ming didn't know about the golden bone, or to be precise, everyone didn't know, only Kang Zixing knew.

At the moment, Li Ming listened attentively, he wanted to see what this golden bone was?
"Wait, golden bone? Golden skull? They must be looking for a golden skull, right?" Li Ming was startled suddenly.

At this time, I heard a little god say: "Young Master Kang, why don't we run away? The danger in the sky tomb is hard to guard against. There are already two people trapped in it, and that Li Ming..."

"Don't mention Li Ming's matter!" Kang Zixing's face darkened suddenly, full of anger.

Immediately, that little god didn't dare to say any more.

I only heard another little god shaking his head and said: "Where can I escape here? In addition to fierce beasts, there are also barbarian tribes in the primeval forest of the southern region. If they fall into their hands, they will die miserably!"

"That's right, it's impossible to escape. We can only go back if we enter the Heavenly Tomb and find the golden bones. Moreover, we can get a lot of military merit at that time. Think about the benefits of military merit, and you will Forget about the danger of the Heavenly Tomb." Kang Zixing murmured.

Sure enough, when military merit was mentioned, the faces of the three people suddenly changed.

"Okay, everyone sit on the ground and force out the miasma absorbed in the body." Kang Zixing said.

Immediately, the group sat down cross-legged and began to expel the miasma absorbed in the body.

Li Ming watched them get rid of the miasma, and secretly checked his body.

However, Li Ming was pleasantly surprised to find that his body was pure and clean, without even a trace of miasma.

"Eh, there is no miasma?" Li Ming paused slightly.

At this time, I saw plumes of black smoke coming out of the three of Kang Zixing and the others.

The black smoke dissipated automatically with the wind, leaving no trace.

In a few days, Kang Zixing and others woke up from meditation one after another, and it seemed that the miasma on their bodies was almost eliminated.

Sure enough, after the last person woke up, I only heard Kang Zixing say: "Okay, it's time to go in, I hope I can find the golden bone this time."

Immediately, Kang Zixing and others entered the celestial tomb again.

Kang Zixing seemed fearless, but in fact it was all because of the Youyuan Divine Armor on his body.

You let him take off the Youyuan Divine Armor and try?See if he dares to enter.

In fact, apart from the Youyuan Divine Armor, Kang Zixing also has many treasures on him.

This time, when traveling to the Southern Region, Kang Juju bestowed several treasures.

That's why Kang Zixing was so confident.

Seeing Kang Zixing and others entering the tomb, Li Ming followed quietly with a flash.

Because we have entered the Heavenly Tomb once, everyone is familiar with the situation on the opposite side, so we can walk faster.

Of course, everyone did not relax their vigilance because of familiarity.

Soon, a group of people came to the previous fork.

Without any hesitation, I still chose to take the leftmost fork.

Entering the fork, the mechanism has been triggered before, but now it is very safe.

After a little effort, Kang Zixing and his party had a fork in the road.

In front, is the pit.

Looking at the deep pit, Kang Zixing's eyes could not help flashing a bit of ruthlessness, and he secretly said in his heart: "That fellow Li Ming must be dead, right?"

Kang Zixing glanced at the deep pit, and continued to move forward without stopping.

After walking for a while, someone suddenly said, "Young Master Kang, do you feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Kang Zixing asked.

"Do you have the feeling of being peeped? It seems that something has been following us." The little god said with a bit of fear.

Hearing this, Kang Zixing couldn't help but frown.

I only heard another little god say: "I also have this feeling, since I entered the tomb, it's like being peeped by others."

Hearing this, Kang Zixing's expression became more solemn, and he only heard Kang Zixing say: "Everyone, release your spiritual thoughts and see what's around you."

"Okay." The other two replied.

Immediately, the three of Kang Zixing released their spiritual thoughts and carefully inspected the surroundings.

However, the surroundings were peaceful and there was nothing abnormal.

After a slight pause, Kang Zixing asked: "You are not afraid, making up excuses, are you? Is there something peeping at us?"

"Young Master Kang, we are not talking nonsense."

"Okay, stop thinking about it and move on." Kang Zixing said impatiently.

The other two little gods had no choice but to follow Kang Zixing and move on.

Bypassing the Shenkeng, the three of Kang Zixing walked towards the depths of the tomb.

Li Ming quietly followed behind them without making a show.

In fact, when he was on the edge of the deep pit just now, Li Ming could have made a surprise attack and pushed Kang Zixing into the deep pit.

However, Li Ming did not do this.

Now, I'm not in a hurry to kill Kang Zixing, I always feel that he still has something to hide.

After walking for a while, I heard Kang Zixing say: "We should have entered the main tomb last time, but it was a pity that we were confronted by a secular stone. This time, we must work together to open that secular stone."

"Understood." The other two replied.

After a little effort, the three of Kang Zixing came to a stone room.

The entrance to the stone room was blocked by a huge stone, presumably this should be what Kang Zixing said about the stone of the past.

At this time, I only heard Kang Zixing say: "Come on, let's work together to open this stone."

"Yeah." The other two replied.

Immediately, the three of them walked towards the Geshishi.

(End of this chapter)

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