Chapter 2914

The divine sense ran at a high level all night, but nothing happened.

Although Li Ming's realm has greatly increased now, he has reached the peak of the Little God Realm.

However, Yuanshen is still a little tired at this moment with such a highly intense operation.

Seeing the sun rising, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief. The cloud-crowned lizards should have returned to their nests to rest.

At this time, I saw Li Ming sitting down and resting for a while.

After a stick of incense, Li Ming continued to move forward.

At this time, Li Ming's mental state has greatly improved.

In fact, Li Ming is also lucky. After entering this neighborhood for so long, he didn't come across a cloud-crested lizard. Maybe it has something to do with luck.

The journey is rather boring, and there is almost no entertainment.

However, Li Ming had already practiced to have a peaceful mind, and he could endure no matter how boring it was.

Imperial City.

Princess Shenyue is under house arrest in the Shenyue Palace, unable to move an inch.

In the past year, Princess Shenyue tried to escape from Shenyue Palace countless times, but they were all discovered by the left and right generals, and none of them succeeded.

Princess Shenyue also tried to bribe the left and right generals, but everything was in vain, and the left and right generals didn't accept such a trick at all.

On this day, Xin'er, the goddess of Yungong, came to Shenyue Palace, but was blocked by the left and right generals.

I only heard that General Zuo said solemnly: "Princess Shenyue needs to rest and rest, and I don't see any outsiders."

"Left and right generals, I'm here to help you," said Yungong Goddess Xin'er.

"Help us?" General Zuo hesitated slightly, looking at Xin'er suspiciously.

Only Wen Xin'er said: "General Left and Right, you don't want to fight with Princess Shenyue all the time, like watching a prisoner all day long?"

Hearing this, the left and right generals paused, only heard the left general said: "Goddess, if you have something to say, don't beat around the bush."

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. I have news about Li Ming, so that Princess Shenyue can rest in peace in Shenyue Palace." Yungong Goddess Xin'er said.

Hearing this, General Zuo paused slightly, and then said: "The Emperor Haotian has an order that no one should disturb Princess Shenyue's rest, and we cannot let you in. However, we can pass on the message for you."

"There's no need to send a message, you just need to invite Princess Shenyue to the gate of the mansion, and I'll tell her face to face." Yungong Goddess Xin'er said.

"This..." General Zuo hesitated for a while.

"What? General Zuo doesn't trust me?" asked Xin'er, the Goddess of Yungong.

The left general didn't answer, but looked at the right general.

General Right thought for a while, but didn't speak, just nodded to General Left.

Seeing this, General Zuo warned: "Goddess, then we two brothers will believe that you have returned. But if you dare to play tricks, my two brothers will definitely arrest you and go to the Haotian God Emperor."

"Two generals, don't worry, I will never mess around." Yungong Goddess Xin'er assured.

"Okay, wait a moment, this general is going to invite Princess Shenyue." General Zuo said.

"Thank you." Yungong Goddess Xin'er thanked her.

After a little effort, Princess Shenyue followed General Zuo to the gate of the mansion.

I only heard that Princess Shenyue asked eagerly: "Xin'er, General Zuo said that you have news about Li Ming, but is it true?"

"Princess Yue, don't get excited. I do have news about Li Ming. Li Ming is fine now." Xin'er replied.

"Where is he?" Princess Shenyue asked eagerly.

"I don't know where he is. He appeared near the Southern Region camp a year ago. At that time, the arrest warrant had not been cancelled, and no one had seen him since then, and I don't know where he went." Xin'er replied.

"How could this be?" Princess Shenyue asked with a frown.

"Maybe he doesn't know that the arrest warrant has been cancelled?" Xin Er speculated.

"No, I have to go find him, the Great Forest of the Southern Region is too dangerous." Princess Shenyue said.

Saying that, Princess Shenyue lifted her foot and walked out of the door.

At this moment, General Zuo stepped forward and directly stopped Princess Shenyue, reminding him majestically: "Princess Shenyue, your body has not recovered yet and you still need to rest, please don't make things difficult for us."

"Get out of the way!" Princess Shenyue's expression darkened, and she subconsciously drew out the divine sword.

Seeing this, Xin'er quickly persuaded: "Princess Yue, don't mess around, neither of us are their opponents, if there is a big trouble, the punishment will only be increased."

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue couldn't help but calm down.

That day, she refused to listen to Xin'er's persuasion, so she was restrained by her father.

The same mistake will never be made a second time!
Princess Shenyue took the sword and returned to Shenyue Palace.

Seeing this, General Zuo couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Only Wen Xin'er said: "Princess Yue, you can stay at Shenyue Palace at ease, I will ask Xing Feng to pay more attention to Li Ming's whereabouts, and I will tell you as soon as I have news."

"Okay, I'm going to embarrass you, Xin'er." Princess Shenyue thanked her sincerely.

"No embarrassment." Xin'er said, but Yan's eyebrows frowned slightly, Xing Feng was too difficult to deal with, let him do things, and talked about drinking tea together all day long.

After chatting for a while, the left and right generals urged Princess Shenyue to go back and rest earlier.

Princess Shenyue had no choice but to go back obediently.

Before leaving, Princess Shenyue repeatedly told Xin'er to let every corner of the Southern Territory know that Li Ming's arrest warrant was revoked.

After Xin'er left, she went to the Babu people.

I have to ask Xingfeng Shenhuang for help in this matter, because she can't leave the imperial city without authorization.

In fact, they didn't know that Li Ming had left the Southern Region a long time ago and was rushing to Shenmen Pass at this time.

In a blink of an eye, four or five years have passed.

Li Ming finally came to the outside of Shenmen Pass in a windy and dusty manner.

However, Li Ming's destination is not Shenmen Pass, but Dongyang Valley near Shenmen Pass.

I don't know if Miss Ziyan is still in Dongyang Valley?
Li Ming looked at Shenmenguan from a distance, feeling bitter in his heart, wondering how Brother Zhu is doing now?
Li Ming stopped slightly to avoid being discovered by the patrolling soldiers at Shenmen Pass, so Li Ming continued on his way, heading towards Dongyang Valley.

This place is very close to Dongyang Valley, and it will take half a month at most to arrive.

Along the way, Li Ming was lucky.

However, in the end, they still encountered two cloud-crowned dragons.

Fortunately, the strength of the two cloud-crowned lizards is not too strong, one is a middle-stage little god, and the other is a late-stage little god.

Li Ming is already the peak of the little gods, and he didn't spend too much effort to deal with these two cloud-crowned lizards.

In the end, Li Ming successfully killed the two cloud-crowned dragons and took some of their venom.

The venom of the cloud-crested lizard is very toxic, and it might come in handy in the future.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Li Ming followed the direction indicated by the map and came to Dongyang Valley.

"The one in front should be Dongyang Valley." Li Ming looked at the undulating peaks in front of him and said to himself.

However, at this moment, several figures suddenly entered Dongyang Valley from a mountain not far away.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and secretly said: "Is it a foreign race?"

(End of this chapter)

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