The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2915 There is a treasure under the lake

Chapter 2915 There is a treasure under the lake
Immediately, Li Ming immediately became alert, and at the same time secretly restrained his breath.

During the Shenmenguan battle, Li Ming ruined the lives of many members of the Holy Fire race.

If the few people just now were members of the Holy Fire Clan, they must not let them find themselves, otherwise it will be troublesome.

However, Li Ming thought again in a blink of an eye, the Holy Fire Clan is just a small clan, the last time they dared to invade, it was because of the support of the Frost Lion Clan and the Benlei Tiger Clan.

However, the strength of the Holy Fire Clan is generally low, and they are basically in the small god realm, and it is difficult to reach the middle god realm.

Although Li Ming is only in the minor god realm now, he is at the peak of the minor god, even if he encounters people from the holy fire tribe, he will not be afraid.

Li Mingcai didn't believe that he was so unlucky that he would meet a member of the Holy Fire Tribe who was in the Middle God Realm.

Immediately, Li Ming flew towards Dongyang Valley not far away.

After a little effort, Li Ming came to Dongyang Valley.

Looking towards Dongyang Valley, Li Ming's face couldn't help but change.

On that day, the Dongyang Valley that Miss Ziyan dreamed was desert and ice, and the records about Dongyang Valley were indeed like this.

But at this time, what Li Ming saw was actually a Dongyang Valley where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, hundreds of flowers were in full bloom, and the lake was small.

"This...what's the situation?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, secretly wondering.

The lakes in Dongyang Valley have been frozen for thousands of years, why did they suddenly melt now?

Li Ming entered Dongyang Valley with doubts.

As soon as he entered Dongyang Valley, a gust of warm wind blew head-on.

The warm wind is refreshing, and it is also mixed with the fragrance of flowers.

Li Ming couldn't help taking a deep breath, he just felt refreshed and couldn't help being intoxicated.

However, Li Ming did not dare to forget himself too much.

There were a few suspicious people who entered Dongyang Valley before!
Li Ming restrained his breath, quietly released his spiritual thoughts, and explored Dongyang Valley.

Dongyang Valley is not small, the lake in the middle alone has tens of thousands of mu.

Soon, Li Ming found those suspicious-looking people, who were setting up formations on the other side of the lake.

Or to be precise, they are maintaining the formation.

After feeling it carefully, Li Ming immediately understood the origin of the warm wind in Dongyang Valley, and at the same time, he also understood that the reason for the melting of the lake in Dongyang Valley was the formation they arranged, but why did they do this?
Li Ming looked at them carefully, and found that the clothes they were wearing were very familiar.

Taking a closer look, it wasn't exactly the clothes of the Holy Fire Clan.

"Are they members of the Holy Fire clan?" Li Ming was slightly startled.

However, do not be afraid.

Just now when he scanned his spiritual sense, Li Ming has already seen clearly that their cultivation bases are one in the middle stage of the minor gods and two in the early stage of the minor gods.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Ming can wipe them out by raising his hand.

Li Ming cast shadow kill and quietly approached them.

At this time, one of the members of the Holy Fire tribe said: "One-third of the ice in this lake has melted, and there are still two-thirds left. When the ice is completely melted, we can go to the bottom of the lake to hunt for treasure."

"You must not talk nonsense about treasures, otherwise once it gets to Shenmenguan, it will be troublesome." The holy fire clansman in the middle stage of the little god state reminded majesticly.

"Understood." The two members of the Holy Fire Clan in the early stages of the Little God responded.

"Okay, the sacred stone that runs the formation has been replaced, let's leave first, so as not to be discovered by the soldiers patrolling Shenmenguan." The middle-stage holy fire clansman said.

"Yeah." The other two replied.

Immediately, the group of three quickly left Dongyang Valley.

Li Ming, who was lurking in the dark, heard their conversation clearly, and felt suspicious in his heart, "Is there a treasure in this lake?"

Immediately, Li Ming released his spiritual thoughts to explore the lake.

After this investigation, Li Ming discovered that the lake was unusual.

The lake, which looked like a small lake, turned out to be covered with ice.

Li Ming tried to probe the ice layer with his divine sense, but he was isolated, so he couldn't detect the situation under the ice layer at all.

"It's weird. It's the first time I've seen an ice layer that can isolate the detection of divine sense. It's interesting." Li Ming said secretly.

Then, Li Ming jumped into the lake.

As soon as he entered the lake, Li Ming felt a severe chill, and when he swam down, the chill became stronger and stronger, making Li Ming shiver all over.

"Why is it so cold?" Li Ming was secretly surprised, and what made him even more surprised was that his divine flame could not resist the chill.

After diving about [-] meters deep, Li Ming's body could no longer bear the chill in the lake, and a thin layer of frost appeared on the surface of his skin.

Seeing this, Li Ming hurried up and flew out of the water.

"It's so cold." Even after getting out of the water, Li Ming still had the chill from the bottom of the lake in his body, and his whole body was trembling.

Immediately, Li Ming ran the divine flame crazily, forcing out the chill in his body.

Li Ming's face turned blue and red, and his head was constantly emitting white gas.

After a stick of incense, the chill in Li Ming's body was completely eradicated.

"Huh..." I saw Li Ming let out a long cry, and he was relieved immediately.

Fortunately, this chill was completely forced out of the body, otherwise it would be troublesome.

At this time, Li Ming looked at the lake in front of him again, and felt that it was even weirder. Could it be that there is really a treasure at the bottom of the lake?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ming turned on the divine flame and hit the ice layer under the water.

Although Dongyang Valley has a formation method to heat up, the speed of melting ice is too slow. Li Ming simply used the divine flame to speed up the melting of the ice layer under the water surface.

However, Li Ming underestimated the chill at the bottom of the lake after all.

When Li Ming's flame reached the ice layer, a wry smile appeared on Li Ming's face.

Because, at this time, Li Ming's divine flame was like a small flame, but the ice layer was like an iceberg, hardly affected by Li Ming's divine flame.

"Well, it seems that the melting of the ice can only be done slowly, not too hastily." Li Ming said bitterly.

However, at this time Li Ming realized a problem.

If there is really a treasure at the bottom of this lake, then Miss Ziyan should be nearby.

After all, she came here for this lake.

Immediately, Li Ming checked Dongyang Valley carefully.

However, no trace of Miss Ziyan was found.

In a blink of an eye, I thought that Miss Ziyan was in the Middle God Realm, and if she devoted herself to hiding it, it would be really difficult for her to find out.

So, Li Ming yelled at Dongyang Valley a few more times.

However, apart from Li Ming's echo, there was no response in Dongyang Valley.

"It seems that Miss Ziyan is not here." Li Ming said with a wry smile, "It's just that she is not here, so where is she?"

Li Ming frowned slightly, not knowing where to find Miss Ziyan for a while.

Therefore, Li Ming simply settled down in Dongyang Valley and waited for the rabbit.

Li Ming believes that Miss Ziyan will definitely return to Dongyang Valley, unless she has figured out the secret of the lake.

Li Ming chose a mountain wall covered with vines, and then opened a cave behind the vines as a temporary residence.

Because of the cover of the vines, it is impossible to see the cave from the outside at a glance, but it is considered safe.

(End of this chapter)

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