The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2918 I can tell you the secret of the bottom of the lake

Chapter 2918 I can tell you the secret of the bottom of the lake

Zhao Wenjun was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead.

Why isn't Li Ming nervous?
Li Ming is now charged with collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, at least Li Ming himself thinks so.

Although Li Ming has made great contributions to Shenmenguan, but in the face of high rewards, who can guarantee that no one will have selfish motives?
Not to mention just casual acquaintances, even brothers may betray the water at critical moments.

Therefore, Li Ming tried his best to restrain his breath.

In fact, even if these people patrolled and found Li Ming, it would be fine, because Li Ming's charges of collaborating with the enemy and traitor had already been withdrawn, but Li Ming didn't know it.

Li Ming is just out of fear now!
The Shenmenguan patrol team went around Dongyang Valley and left after finding nothing.

Seeing this, Li Ming and Zhao Wenjun both heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, I heard Zhao Wenjun jokingly said: "We are in trouble together."

Hearing this, Li Ming's face could not help but freeze slightly, and he was a little speechless. Is this also a shared adversity?
"Why do you think I'm ugly?" Zhao Wenjun said coquettishly.

"Ms. Zhao, please respect yourself. Don't say you are ugly. Even if you are beautiful, I won't look sideways. The patrol has already left, please find the girl to leave." Li Ming issued an order to evict the guest.

Hearing this, Zhao Wenjun couldn't help re-examining Li Ming.

It turned out that Zhao Wenjun left impatiently because he was afraid that Li Ming would regret it.

But when I got in touch with him at this time, I found that Li Ming was a little different from others.

Besides, he was already ugly, so he didn't have to worry about his bad intentions.

In addition, no one knows when the treasure at the bottom of the lake will be revealed. If this is gone, what if Li Ming swallows the treasure all by himself?
After reading this, Zhao Wenjun thought, and said: "I won't leave, I will stay here."

"Don't go?" Li Ming frowned, and reminded displeasedly: "Miss Zhao, I opened up this cave."

"I know you developed it, and I won't rely on you." Zhao Wenjun said.

Then, I saw Zhao Wenjun flying out of Li Ming's cave, and then opened a cave next to it.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned and asked, "Miss Zhao, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I'm your neighbor. Why do you think I'm ugly?" Zhao Wenjun asked.

"You..." Li Ming was at a loss for words, and said speechlessly, "It's up to you."

"That's good, we'll be neighbors from now on, so there's more to it." Zhao Wenjun said cheekily.

Li Ming didn't bother to talk to her, and just bent his knees and meditated.

In the long years, I don't know how many springs and autumns, and the holy fire tribe came several times on the way, all of them were in exchange for the sacred stone of the big formation.

At this time, nearly half of the ice in the lake had melted, and the cold air at the bottom of the lake began to show, especially at night.

Li Ming continued to wait for Miss Ziyan, but Miss Ziyan hadn't come in the past few years.

Li Ming wondered if his waiting was meaningful, or did Miss Ziyan have already found out the secrets at the bottom of the lake and went to another place?

The worst possibility is that Miss Ziyan has already died.

Li Ming thought about it again and again, and finally ruled out the possibility of death. The strength of the Holy Fire Clan is not strong, and Miss Ziyan is an existence in the middle of the gods. No one should be able to hurt her.

As for why he never came to Dongyang Valley, Li Ming couldn't guess.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said secretly in his heart: "Wait another half a year, if you still don't see her, then look around."

Seeing that Li Ming had been waiting patiently, Zhao Wenjun couldn't help asking sarcastically: "It's been a few years, and your old friend is still here? Will she forget you?"

Hearing this, Li Ming's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, she is my friend, she is not thinking about something, if you dare to talk nonsense, be careful of my divine flame and divine thunder!"

"I'm impatient, I must have hit the mark." Zhao Wenjun sneered.

Li Ming was speechless for a while, and asked back: "Even if it is, what does it have to do with you?"

"It doesn't matter, I just ask casually." Zhao Wenjun shrugged and said.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Li Ming was really too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Wenjun.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed, and Miss Ziyan really didn't come.

Li Ming was helpless for a while, and secretly said: "Since this is the case, then I will look around, maybe I can find out about her."

Immediately, Li Ming flew out of the cave, ready to leave.

When Zhao Wenjun saw that Li Ming was going to leave, he felt a burst of joy in his heart. Now there was one less person to compete with her for the treasure at the bottom of the lake.

I only heard Zhao Wenjun shout: "I wish you to find the girl in your heart as soon as possible!"

"You won't die if you don't say a word!" Li Ming said angrily.

Immediately, Li Ming left Dongyang Valley.

The surrounding area of ​​Dongyang Valley is barren, and the vegetation is hard to grow. Li Ming doesn't know where to find Miss Ziyan, so he can only look for it based on his feeling.

Flying far away from Dongyang Valley, Li Ming remembered that Zhao Wenjun was from the Shenghuo tribe. She should know what market town or market place is nearby.

It's a pity that Li Ming has already flown far away, and it is impossible to go back and ask questions. He can only ask when he meets someone.

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

On this day, a figure flew into Dongyang Valley.

Zhao Wenjun immediately became vigilant, thinking that this woman looked very familiar.

Thinking about it again, isn't this woman the Ziyan girl Li Ming is looking for?

At this time, Miss Ziyan also noticed the abnormality on the mountain wall, and she couldn't help releasing her spiritual thoughts.

Miss Ziyan is the middle god, and Zhao Wenjun has nowhere to hide from her probing.

Miss Ziyan detected Zhao Wenjun, her complexion sank, and she asked, "Who is it? The one who hides his head and shows his tail?"

Knowing that he had been discovered, Zhao Wenjun could only fly out of the cave.

I only heard Zhao Wenjun ask: "Are you Miss Ziyan?"

"You know me?" Miss Ziyan suddenly became alert.

"I don't know, but there is a man named Li Ming who has been waiting for you in Dongyang Valley, but left suddenly three months ago." Zhao Wenjun said.

"Li Ming?" Girl Ziyan paused, suddenly surprised, and secretly said: "Why is he here?"

After a slight pause, Miss Ziyan asked: "You said Li Ming is waiting for me, what proof do you have?"

Of course Miss Ziyan will not trust others easily.

I only heard Zhao Wenjun say: "There are two caves out of the mountain wall, one is where I shelter, and the other is where Li Ming shelters."

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan swept across the mountain wall suspiciously, and there really were two caves.

Seeing this, Miss Ziyan hesitated slightly, and continued to ask: "Just two caves can't explain the matter, do you have other evidence?"

"This... I really don't have it. Li Ming and I just met by chance." Zhao Wenjun said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan's complexion darkened, and she asked tentatively: "Are you from the Holy Fire Clan?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wenjun's complexion changed instantly. She knew how much the True God of the God Realm hated the Holy Fire Clan, and would kill him if he encountered it.

Sure enough, after seeing the drastic change in Zhao Wenjun's face, Miss Ziyan made up her guess that it really belonged to the Holy Fire Clan.

At the same time, the murderous intent on Miss Ziyan's body was revealed.

Seeing this, Zhao Wenjun panicked immediately, and said hastily: "You can't kill me, Li Ming and I are good friends, he has received favors from me, if you kill me, it's hard for Li Ming to explain."

"Hmph! Just now you said that you met Li Ming by accident, and now you say that you are kind to Li Ming? It's just full of nonsense, every word of the truth!" Miss Ziyan said solemnly, and at the same time showed her magic weapon.

Zhao Wenjun felt the strength of Miss Ziyan, but he did not expect that this beautiful woman was stronger than Li Ming.

I only heard that Zhao Wenjun was in a hurry and quickly said: "Don't kill me, I can tell you the secret of the bottom of the lake!"

(End of this chapter)

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