The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2919 Golden Holy Dragon Boots

Chapter 2919 Golden Holy Dragon Boots

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan couldn't help but startled, her face became serious, and she asked solemnly: "Do you know the secret at the bottom of the lake?"

"Yes, I know, as long as you promise to let me go, I will tell you." Zhao Wenjun said.

"Talk about terms with me?" Miss Ziyan's face darkened, looking very displeased.

Seeing this, Zhao Wenjun couldn't help panicking, and quickly said: "If you won't let me go, then even if I die, I won't say anything."

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan's expression froze, and she asked, "Did Li Ming say anything before he left?"

"That's not true. I figured he was looking for information about you." Zhao Wenjun said.

"Why didn't he kill you?" Miss Ziyan asked.

"This..." Zhao Wenjun's heart was full of emotions, how could she know why Li Ming didn't kill her?
After a slight pause, Zhao Wenjun gritted his teeth and said, "Maybe it's because I'm ugly."

"Ugly?" Miss Ziyan paused and looked at Zhao Wenjun suspiciously.

At this moment, Zhao Wenjun covered his face, but his eyes were charming. Even Miss Ziyan thought her eyes were very beautiful.

Seeing that Miss Ziyan didn't believe her, Zhao Wenjun couldn't help but take off the black cloth covering her face.

As soon as the black cloth was taken down, Miss Ziyan was really surprised, this one is really ugly!

Miss Ziyan's heart moved slightly, showing some pity.

I only heard Zhao Wenjun crying: "I was born like this, and the tribe thought I was ugly, so they abandoned me. It can be said that I have nothing to do with the Holy Fire tribe."

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan was slightly startled, and asked: "Is that true?"

"That's true. Although Li Ming and I met by chance, we have been facing each other for several years. We can't say how deep our friendship is, but we are still friends in front of us." Zhao Wenjun said pitifully.

Originally, a petite beauty like Zhao Wenjun would make people feel distressed if she showed a little helplessness.

However, because of the birthmark on his face, it made others panic.

Girl Ziyan frowned slightly, and said: "I can let you go, but you must tell me the truth about the secrets at the bottom of the lake, otherwise I will make you regret it! Don't doubt that I can tell the truth from the fake!"

Hearing this, Zhao Wenjun paused in his heart, and hastily assured: "Little girl will never dare to tell half a lie."

"It's better to be like this!" Girl Ziyan said solemnly, and then continued to ask: "Tell me, what's the situation at the bottom of the lake?"

"The treasure at the bottom of the lake should be a pair of combat boots, or there may be other treasures, but I can't guarantee it. I can only be sure that there is a pair of combat boots." Zhao Wenjun said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan couldn't help but asked curiously, "What combat boots?"

"It seems to be called Jin Shenghua Dragon Boots." Zhao Wenjun said.

"What? What did you say?" Miss Ziyan suddenly became excited when she heard the name of the boot.

"What's the problem with this...?" Zhao Wenjun asked a little nervously.

"What did you just say? What are those boots called? Say it again!" Miss Ziyan asked.

"Golden Shenghua dragon boots." Zhao Wenjun replied weakly.

"Are you sure?" Miss Ziyan continued to ask.

"I'm sure, this is what I saw in the Holy Fire Clan's classics. It seems that many years ago, a true god of the God Realm had severely injured this place." Zhao Wenjun replied.

"It's him, it must be him. It was the golden holy dragon boots I wore when he went out to fight." Miss Ziyan said in a daze.

The him that Miss Ziyan spoke of was none other than his fiancé, Long Qingtian!
"This..." Seeing that Miss Ziyan was in a bad mood, Zhao Wenjun didn't dare to interrupt, but just looked at Miss Ziyan.

After a long time, Miss Ziyan's emotions gradually calmed down, and she continued to ask: "What happened next?"

"There are not too many records in the later events, only that the true god was taken away by the Ice Lions. Moreover, this lake was also frozen by the Ice Lions." Zhao Wenjun said.

"Ice Lion Clan?" Miss Ziyan frowned, and continued to ask: "Is that true god dead or alive?"

"I don't know about this." Zhao Wenjun said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan was silent for a while.

After a long time, Miss Ziyan asked: "Why are you staying here? Is it for the golden holy dragon boots?"

Saying this, Miss Ziyan's expression suddenly became unkind.

Seeing this, Zhao Wenjun quickly denied it: "No, I heard that there is a seaweed called Yunxiancao at the bottom of the lake, which can remove the birthmark on my face, so I stayed here all the time."

"Is that so?" Miss Ziyan obviously didn't believe it.

"That's right, I didn't lie." Zhao Wenjun said.

"Okay, then stay here for me, and don't even think about going anywhere. When the ice at the bottom of the lake melts, I'll see if there's Yunxiancao!" Miss Ziyan said solemnly.

Hearing this, Zhao Wenjun's face changed slightly, but he could only say: "Okay, just follow God's orders."

Miss Ziyan didn't speak, but just signaled Zhao Wenjun to go back to the cave.

Zhao Wenjun had no choice, she was no match for Miss Ziyan, so she had to obey orders obediently.

Girl Ziyan detained Zhao Wenjun here, not because she really wanted to verify whether what she said was true or not, but because she was afraid that the news about Jin Shenghua's dragon boots would leak out.

Once the news of Jin Shenghua Dragon Boots leaks out, Dongyang Valley will definitely become a battlefield between the gods and aliens.

Although Miss Ziyan has the strength in the middle god realm, there is no shortage of masters in the Frost Lion Clan and the Ben Lei Tiger Clan.

Furthermore, there are several great gods sitting in Shenmen Pass.

At that time, it would be even more difficult for Miss Ziyan to win the Golden Saint Hualong Boots from them.

Of course, Miss Ziyan wasn't interested in the Golden Shenghua Dragon Boots themselves, she just wanted to make sure that the Golden Shenghua Dragon Boots at the bottom of the lake were the ones she gave Long Qingtian back then.

Miss Ziyan entered the nearby cave, which was where Li Ming lived before.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Zhao Wenjun was fairly safe, and there was no sign of escaping, which made Miss Ziyan relax her vigilance a little.

However, Miss Ziyan didn't know if Li Ming would come back.

It's just that under the current situation, it is impossible for Miss Ziyan to leave Dongyang Valley to find Li Ming.

However, to be honest, Li Ming's arrival still warmed Miss Ziyan's heart, and she didn't know how Li Ming got here?

Li Ming left Dongyang Valley and searched for Shifang and market towns, trying to find out about Miss Ziyan.

However, within a radius of thousands of miles of Dongyang Valley, there is not even a single person, let alone a market or market town.

It seems that there is no possibility to inquire about Miss Ziyan's news.

Seeing this, Li Ming felt helpless, shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's go back to Dongyang Valley."

Immediately, Li Ming got up and turned back to Dongyang Valley.

However, at this moment, a few sneaky figures flashed across the sky.

I saw them all wearing night clothes and covering their faces, they didn't look like good people at first glance.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, and asked secretly: "Who are these people? This place is so barren, and there is no one in a thousand miles around, why are you still so cautious?"

Immediately, Li Ming quietly followed without thinking too much!

(End of this chapter)

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