Chapter 2924
After all, Princess Shenyue defended her in every possible way when the Army God's Mansion sent her to the Southern Region.

At that time, although Li Ming felt strange, he didn't have time to ask Princess Shenyue why.

However, Li Ming has an intuition that Princess Shenyue definitely has an unusual relationship with him.

After a slight pause, Li Ming came back to his senses, and said with a long sigh: "This is thanks to Princess Shenyue, otherwise I don't know when I will be cleared of the crime."

"Indeed." Brother Zhu nodded, and then asked foxyly, "It's just why did she help you?"

"This..." Li Ming couldn't answer, and he really wanted to know why.

At this time, Miss Ziyan interrupted: "Let's go to Yuhuang Mountain first."

Hearing this, Li Ming and Brother Zhu came back to their senses.

Brother Wen Zhu said: "Although I haven't met Long Qingtian, and I don't know about Long Qingtian, there must be some unknown conspiracy involved. I must remind you, rush to Yuhuang Mountain now, I'm afraid it's dangerous."

"Commander Zhu, no matter what danger there is, I will go." Miss Ziyan said resolutely.

"Hey..." Brother Zhu sighed and shook his head.

The world is so infatuated, even the gods above the nine heavens cannot escape the word love.

Brother Zhu looked at Li Ming and asked, "Do you want to go with her?"

Li Ming nodded without thinking, but he also heard Brother Zhu's meaning, so he couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhu, are you going?"

"I can't go." Brother Zhu said helplessly for a while, "Recently there are signs of changes between the Frost Lion Clan and the Ben Lei Tiger Clan. I must sit at the gate of God."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked in surprise: "A moth has emerged from the Frost Lion Clan and the Ben Lei Tiger Clan?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhu nodded, and then said: "It may be related to the changes in Dongyang Valley, and now all major forces are eyeing Dongyang Valley.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but tremble inwardly.

Sure enough, Dongyang Valley will become a land of right and wrong!

"Okay, since you are going, I will not stop you, nor can I stop you. Just be careful in everything and don't act impulsively. Especially you, Ziyan, listen to Li Ming's opinions when things happen, and only care about you. It will make you numb." Brother Zhu reminded.

"Thank you Commander Zhu for reminding me, I will definitely keep it in mind." Miss Ziyan said.

At this time, I saw a Tianqi Longju flying out of Shenmenguan, and it arrived in front of Li Ming and others in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Tianqi Longju, Miss Ziyan couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly thanked: "Thank you Commander Zhu."

"You're welcome." Brother Zhu waved his hand and said to Li Ming, "Li Ming, come here, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, feeling a little suspicious in his heart, what can Brother Zhu not say in front of Zi Yan?
However, Li Ming still quickly flew towards Brother Zhu.

Seeing brother Zhu casually laying down a barrier, he said: "Silly boy, I'm looking for a lover, why are you following along to join in the fun?"

"This..." Li Ming paused, and then briefly talked about the Token of the Ancestor of Heavenly Dao.

Hearing this, Brother Zhu couldn't help but pause, slightly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect the two of them to come here like this.

The token of the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao is very precious, even Brother Zhu can't get it easily.

Miss Ziyan was willing to lend Li Ming a token of the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao. This kind of favor is really not small.

After a slight pause, Brother Zhu let out a long cry, and said, "If that's the case, then I won't persuade you anymore. But, remember what I said."

"Brother Zhu, please tell me." Li Ming said.

"If you are in danger, run away immediately." Brother Zhu solemnly urged.

"I know." Li Ming said.

"Okay, let's go, I don't have anything to give you." Brother Zhu said helplessly.

Indeed, Shenmenguan is a barren place. After a great war a few years ago, and the embezzlement of supplies by the giant Kang, the place is already depleted of people and horses.

Although Brother Zhu wanted to help Li Ming, he really had nothing to sell, only this Tianqi Longju was forced out.

Li Ming responded, and jumped on the dragon horse with Miss Ziyan.

Intuition told Li Ming that Brother Zhu seemed to be hiding something from him, and he seemed to know about Yuhuangshan.

But if brother Zhu didn't say anything, Li Ming didn't ask any more questions.

Let's go and see, if Yuhuang Mountain is really dangerous, then run away.

The Tianqilong horse started to drive at an unusually fast speed.

According to Li Ming's estimate, it will only take a few days to arrive at Yuhuang Mountain!

There was nothing along the way, as expected, four days later, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan came to Yuhuang Mountain.

I saw that Li Ming hid the Tianqilong colt first, and then solemnly said to Miss Ziyan: "Ziyan, you have to listen to me when you enter Yuhuang Mountain, understand?"

"Overbearing." Miss Ziyan was slightly annoyed, but then said: "Don't worry, I won't do anything foolish."

"That's good." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, the two entered Jade Emperor Mountain.

Before Li Ming left, Yuhuang Mountain had suffered a tsunami-like fire wave.

But when this time came, it was discovered that there was not much change in Yuhuang Mountain, and the vegetation here was still growing vigorously.

However, it seems that it is not as sweltering as before.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but feel strange.

It stands to reason that with such a big wave of fire, not to mention the collapse of the mountain, but at least the vegetation will be swallowed up, right?

Are these plants just growing?
Impossible, these plants look exactly the same as before, and they cannot be newly grown.

Furthermore, even if it is new, it is impossible to grow so lush.

Seeing Li Ming's hesitant expression, Miss Ziyan couldn't help asking: "What's the problem?"

"I can't tell, let me go to the north side of the mountain first." Li Ming said.

"Shouldn't we go directly to the col in the deep mountain?" Miss Ziyan asked.

"After entering Yuhuang Mountain, everything is up to me." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan was startled, and said helplessly, "Okay."

Anyway, I have already entered Yuhuang Mountain, so it won't take too long to go to the north side of the mountain.

Immediately, Li Ming flew to the north side of the mountain with Miss Ziyan.

After a stick of incense, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan came to the north side of the mountain.

Looking around, there was barrenness in front of my eyes, and the originally endless sea of ​​flames disappeared.

"Huh?" Li Ming was startled, and asked suspiciously, "How could this be?"

"What's wrong?" Miss Ziyan asked suspiciously.

"It used to be a sea of ​​fire, but now the sea of ​​fire has disappeared." Li Ming said.

"The sea of ​​fire?" Girl Ziyan paused. She had heard Li Ming talk about the sea of ​​fire before, and she couldn't help asking: "Will someone move that sea of ​​fire away?"

"Move away?" Li Ming was startled, frowned slightly, and said, "Impossible, such a huge sea of ​​flames, what kind of strength does it take to move away?"

"This... Could it be that there was no sea of ​​fire in the first place, and what you saw was just an illusion?" Miss Ziyan asked speculatively.

"Illusion?" Li Ming couldn't help but startled, then fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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