The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2925 Strange Power

Chapter 2925 Strange Power
After thinking for a long time, Li Ming shook his head and said, "It's not like a hallucination. The hot feeling is very realistic. I practice Shenyan and know flames very well. It's definitely not an illusion."

"Then why did the sea of ​​fire disappear?" Miss Ziyan asked.

"This is also the part of my doubts." Li Ming said, and then said: "Come on, let's go to that mountain depression to have a look."

"Okay." Ziyan girl said excitedly.

Immediately, the two flew towards the depths of Jade Emperor Mountain.

Miss Ziyan felt a burst of excitement in her heart. She had a feeling that the person surnamed Long who was trapped under the mountain col might be Long Qingtian!
Along the way, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan were very careful, trying not to make any noise.

However, after flying all the way, Li Ming felt strange in his heart.

The last time I came here, there was a roar of beasts in Yuhuang Mountain, why is it so peaceful today?

Li Ming panicked for a while, and became more vigilant. He didn't know if those men in black were still there?

After flying for half a day, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan came to the col.

At this moment, the col was pulled open by someone, revealing a cave.

Seeing this, Li Ming's complexion couldn't help but change, and so did Miss Ziyan.

"Could it be that the people locked under the col have escaped?" Li Ming paused inwardly.

"Let's go down and have a look." Ziyan girl said.

"Don't worry, use your spiritual sense to check first, in case there is any danger." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Miss Ziyan replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan released their spiritual thoughts and began to explore the cave.

But the cave seemed to be imprisoned by something, which actually blocked the spiritual thoughts of Li Ming and Miss Ziyan.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frown. There really is something wrong with this cave.

At this time, Miss Ziyan asked, "What should we do now?"

Li Ming thought about it a little, and said, "Be careful around, I'll go to the entrance of the cave to investigate."

"Let me go. If there is any danger, you just leave and leave me alone." Miss Ziyan said.

Indeed, this is her business, and she doesn't want to involve Li Ming.

"What are you talking about? What kind of person am I, Li Ming?" Li Ming said angrily.

Then, Li Ming was seen quietly touching the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, I only heard Li Ming calling softly: "Senior Long, Senior Long..."

Even shouted a few times, but no one answered in the cave.

"Is there really no one left?" Li Ming secretly hesitated.

After thinking for a while, Li Ming looked towards the cave with his head.

However, at this time, the peaceful cave suddenly changed, and a huge attraction suddenly surged.

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled, and at the same time felt great danger.

I saw Li Ming running his divine energy immediately, trying to break free from the suction force coming from the cave.

However, Li Ming underestimated the power of that suction force. At this moment, even if Li Ming was allowed to run his divine energy crazily, he still couldn't compete with that suction force. Li Ming was being dragged into the cave bit by bit by that suction force.

Seeing that Li Min was in danger, the girl Ziyan who was in charge of security immediately flew towards Li Ming.

Seeing this, Li Ming quickly shouted: "Go quickly, this cave is very weird, don't both of you get stuck here."

"No, how can I run away alone? Even if I am going to die, I have to die together." Miss Ziyan said with a look of death.

Then, Miss Ziyan flew to Li Ming's side, trying to help Li Ming break free from the shackles of the strange force.

However, as soon as Miss Ziyan touched Li Ming, her strange power multiplied suddenly, and even Miss Ziyan in the middle god realm couldn't resist.

At this time, the strange force dragged Li Ming and Zi Yan towards the cave.

Seeing this, Li Ming felt a pain in his heart, and blamed him: "You silly woman, what are you doing? It's better to leave only one person to report to Shenmenguan. Now both of them are trapped, how can we get out?"

"This..." Miss Ziyan blamed herself with a face full of shame, "I was in a hurry just now, and I didn't think too much about it. I thought I could help you out of trouble."

While speaking, the strange force had already dragged Li Ming and Miss Ziyan into the cave.

The inside of the cave was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

"Is anyone there?" Li Ming asked weakly.

"Senior Long, are you there?"

I asked several times in a row, but no one answered.

Only then did Li Ming confirm that there was no one here.

Then, I saw Li Ming release the divine flame, illuminating the place.

Looking around, it looks like a dungeon.

"Where are the people locked up here?" Miss Ziyan asked with a frown.

"It looks like he's gone." Li Ming said.

"No, I'm asking did he escape by himself, or was he transferred?" Miss Ziyan said.

"This... I don't know either. However, it seems that they were probably transferred." Li Ming said.

"How do you say that?" Miss Ziyan asked.

"If they escaped, why did they set up such a trap in this cave?" It was obvious that someone was going to deal with us. "Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan couldn't help being startled, and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Those men in black thought that I might come back here again, so they set up a trap to catch me." Li Ming said.

"This... may also be used by that senior dragon to deal with those men in black." Miss Ziyan said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, sighed slightly, and said, "I hope you're right, otherwise we'll be in trouble."

"Will those men in black come back?" Miss Ziyan asked. ,

"Most likely." Li Ming was also not sure.

"That's just right, we can find out where Senior Long is going, maybe he is my fiancé, Long Qingtian." Miss Zi Yan said.

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled wryly and asked, "So what if we know? Do you think they will let us leave alive?"

"This..." Miss Ziyan apologized for a while, and said, "I'm sorry, but I have troubled you."

"It's okay, it's not time to accept your fate, let's see if there is a way to escape from here." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan suddenly came to her senses and said, "Yes, there is still a chance."

"Check this underground cell and see what's weird." Li Ming said.

"En." Ziyan girl replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan checked carefully.

The dungeon was rather messy, but after Li Ming's divine sense scanned it, he found nothing.

But at this moment, Miss Ziyan said: "Li Ming, look quickly, there are words carved on the wall."

"Oh?" Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and walked towards Miss Ziyan.

Walking to the front, I really saw a few words engraved on the wall.

However, these words were not engraved together, but scattered scattered on the wall.

Even if you read it together, you can't read it at all.

"What do these words mean?" Miss Ziyan asked inexplicably.

Li Ming reversed the order of these words, but failed to form a complete sentence.

Li Ming shook his head for a while, smiled wryly and said, "This doesn't seem to be a sentence."

(End of this chapter)

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