The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2926 Wall ciphertext

Chapter 2926 Wall ciphertext (one more)
The words look shallow and dusty.

Li Ming took a closer look and found something strange.

These words were not really engraved so shallow, but after they were engraved, they were filled with dust.

If it wasn't for the dust falling, Li Ming and the others wouldn't be able to find the words engraved on the wall.

At this time, Li Ming opened his mouth and blew, and a strong wind spit out.

The strong wind blew across the wall, kicking up a cloud of dust.

In an instant, a large block of characters appeared, covering a whole wall.

"This..." Girl Ziyan was taken aback, she didn't expect that there was another world behind this wall.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Look at what is written on the wall."

"En." Ziyan girl replied.

Immediately, the two began to read the writing on the wall.

"This was inscribed by Long Xiangbo, the supervisor of the left." Ziyan girl recognized the owner of the engraving at a glance.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked curiously, "How do you know?"

"It's written on it." Miss Ziyan pointed to the middle paragraph and said.

Li Ming looked around, and saw that the sentence was like this, my left supervisor was ambushed, imprisoned here, and will never see the light of day...

Seeing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it really was engraved by the Zuo Jianjun. He did not expect that it was the Zuo Jianjun who was imprisoned here, but how did Miss Ziyan know that the Zuo Jianjun was called Long Xiangbo?

But at this time, looking at Miss Ziyan again, her eyes were full of tears and she couldn't make a sound.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and wanted to ask, but he held back, it must have something to do with the contents on the wall.

With a glance, Li Ming understood the general meaning. There were spies in the Jinlong army, the marching route was known by the enemy, and the enemy set up an ambush in a dangerous place, causing the entire army to be trapped.The general took the lead and led the generals to break out of the siege, and fled all the way to Dongyang Valley...

Seeing this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, as if he had guessed something.

Startled, Li Ming asked in a low voice: "This general is that General Long Qingtian?"

"That's right, Uncle Long Xiang, the left supervisor, is my fiancé's uncle." Miss Ziyan said with a sob.

"This..." Li Ming couldn't help being stunned, but then he felt a little strange in his heart. Fox asked: "Who imprisoned the Zuo Jianjun like this? And what is the purpose?"

"Look, here..." Girl Ziyan pointed to a place, it was not a word, but a strange pattern, the words were not like words, and the paintings were not like paintings.

"What is this?" Li Minghu asked. He had seen this strange pattern just now, but he didn't ask.

"This is the secret word of the Golden Dragon Army. Although I don't know what it means, it must be the reason why the other party imprisoned Long Xiangbo." Miss Ziyan said.

Hearing this, Li Ming secretly remembered this strange pattern in his mind, and he would ask Brother Zhu after escaping from here.

After a slight pause, Li Ming took out the Excalibur and flattened all the handwriting on the wall, especially the weird pattern.

"What are you doing?" Miss Ziyan asked displeasedly, frowning.

"We can't keep these things, we just need to remember them in our hearts, and don't let others see them, especially those men in black who imprisoned Long Xiangbo." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan came back to her senses, nodded, and said: "You are right, that secret word is a secret, and it is likely to be related to the spies back then."

"Don't think too much, just escape from here first. When we get to Shenmen Pass, Brother Zhu will naturally have a way to unlock the secret language." Li Ming said.

"Well, you are right, escape first." Ziyan girl said.

Then, Miss Ziyan also sacrificed a divine treasure, saying: "Li Ming, there is a strange formation at the exit of the dungeon, you and I attack together to see if we can break it."

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

However, Li Ming didn't hold much hope for this in his heart. He had an intuition that the formation at the exit of the dungeon would never be broken easily.

However, for now, we can only give it a try.

Immediately, Li Ming and Miss Ziyan teamed up, each with all their strength, and blasted towards the strange formation at the exit of the dungeon.

"Boom... boom..."

There was a loud noise, and the entire dungeon swayed left and right, but the strange array at the exit of the dungeon was not broken at all.

Seeing this, Miss Ziyan's complexion darkened, she gritted her teeth, and said decisively: "Try again!"

"Boom... boom..."

"Boom... boom..."

After attacking hundreds of times in a row, the strange formation is not broken.

Ziyan girl was very angry, and said unwillingly: "Try again."

"Don't try it again." Li Ming shook his head and said, "This strange formation has not been broken up to now. It seems that it is definitely not something you and I can break through."

"Then what? You can't sit and wait like this, can you?" Miss Ziyan asked.

"Let me think about it carefully." Li Ming said solemnly.

It's not that Li Ming has never encountered a desperate situation, but every time he turns danger into luck.

Not only because of wit, but also because of some extraordinary means.

Li Ming pondered for a while, and soon thought of Shadow Killer.

It's just that Shadow Killing is not like Immortal World, which is omnipotent. He has already been planted in the Southern Territory once.

Therefore, the confidence is not very strong.

Moreover, now it's me and Ziyan girl, I can kill in the shadows, but Ziyan girl can't.

"What should I do?" Li Ming pondered in his heart.

However, at this time, a stone suddenly fell from the top of the dungeon, which seemed to be affected by the shock just now.

The texture of the stone is a bit soft, and it falls into pieces as soon as it hits the ground.

Among the debris, a piece of metal stood out.

Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and sucked in his hand, and the metal fell into Li Ming's hands.

Li Ming was shocked when he saw the metal clearly.

"What is this? Why is there such a weird inscription engraved on it?" Ziyan girl Fox asked.

Li Ming came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "It's really lucky, I didn't expect to find this treasure when I was in prison."

"Is this a treasure?" Miss Ziyan was surprised.

Li Ming smiled and asked, "Don't you think the inscription on it looks familiar?"

"Familiar?" Miss Ziyan was startled, and looked carefully.

Seeing this, he was really taken aback, and said, "The inscription is indeed very familiar! It looks like the inscription on the pillar of the way of heaven in the ancestor of the way of heaven."

"That's right, it's the inscription on the Pillar of Heaven!" Li Ming said.

"This... why did the inscription of the Pillar of Heaven appear on this strange metal?" Miss Ziyan asked in amazement.

"No, this metal is the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, just a fragment of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao." Li Ming said.

"Is it a fragment of the Pillar of Heaven? When did the Pillar of Heaven break?" Miss Ziyan asked in amazement.

"The way of heaven is fifty, one of which is escaped, and only 49 is left. This fragment is the one that escaped." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan came back to her senses and said: "I have vaguely heard about this matter. I thought it was a rumor at first, but I didn't expect it to be true. It's just how could the pillar of heaven collapse?"

 The crazy update mode is turned on today, which can be regarded as making up for the previous interruption.

(End of this chapter)

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