The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2942 Retreat

Chapter 2942 Retreat
Li Ming kept looking for the pillar of the heavenly law where Xiao Liu was, but after several months, Li Ming almost ran down most of the pillar of the heavenly law, and did not find the pillar of the heavenly law where Xiao Liu was.

Li Ming couldn't help thinking, and at the same time he hesitated for a while, where did the Pillar of Heaven where Xiao Liu was?

Suddenly, Li Ming remembered something.

I didn't know the situation that day, so I urged Leihuo to try to rescue Xiaoliu, but Shenyue arrived in time to stop him.

However, Xiao Liu's connection with that Pillar of Heaven's Dao has become very weak.

At that time, in order to prevent such a thing from happening again, Shenyue arranged formations around the Heavenly Dao Pillar to cover Xiao Liu's existence.

Thinking about it, I haven't been able to find Xiao Liu until now, maybe it has something to do with the formation that Shenyue arranged that day.

After all, Shenyue is an existence in the God Emperor Realm, if she wanted to hide Xiao Liu, it would be easy for her.

Thinking of this, Li Ming was not in a hurry to find it.

Now, Xiao Liu should be fine, right?

Li Ming didn't think too much, he found a pillar of the heavenly way nearby, and began to retreat.

Retreat and comprehend the pillar of the way of heaven, and comprehend the truth of the way of heaven.However, the speed of comprehension is not as fast as absorbing the fragments of the pillar of heaven.

Now, Li Ming even has evil fantasies, smashing the pillar of heaven.

Of course, just thinking about it.

I'm afraid that before Li Ming smashed the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, he would have been captured alive by the true god who guarded the ancestral land of Heavenly Dao.

Li Ming abandoned distracting thoughts, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to enlightenment.

The outside military palace.

Big Kang kept a dark face all day, displeased to see everyone.

I only heard that Big Kang sternly asked, "Is there no news about Li Ming?"

"Hui Kang giant, not yet. However, some time ago we discovered that Lu Xiaolian secretly met someone." That person reported.

"It's Li Ming?" Big Kang asked.

"Not sure," the man replied.

"Trash, it's all trash, you can't even look down on a middle god, what's the use of you?" Big Kang was furious.

The people below were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word.

That day, those people followed Li Ming all the time.

But when Li Ming went to the Goddess Palace, they lost track of him.

Goddess Xin'er is in the God Emperor Realm, so it's easy to get rid of them.

Later, they never found Li Ming again.

It was as if Li Ming had disappeared in the imperial city.

After Lu Xiaolian returned from the teahouse, he did not immediately distribute the token of the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao to Zhu Er and the three of them, but held it in his hand for the time being.

I plan to wait for a while before giving it to them.

Because taking out the ancestral land of heaven in this sensitive period is likely to remind Big Kang that Li Ming went to retreat in the ancestral land of heaven.

The biography sent by Hua Fairy finally flew into the hands of Big Chen.

There is not much content, just four words, take care of Li Ming.

When Juju Chen saw these four words, his expression changed involuntarily, and he also thought a little more in his heart.

Fairy Hua has a detached status and has a close relationship with Emperor Haotian. How could she let herself take care of Li Ming?

Could it be that Princess Shenyue is really with Li Ming...

"Impossible, Princess Yue is high above her, and most god emperors are not good enough for her, let alone little Li Ming."

"But if she didn't get the royal family's approval, why would Hua Fairy pass on the letter to herself?"

Big Chen couldn't make up his mind, and finally he let out a long sigh, and said, "Forget it, don't think about it so much for now, I'll ask Li Ming later when I see him, and I don't know where he is hiding now?"

 There is only one chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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