The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2943 Fog Strange Formation

Chapter 2943 Fog Strange Formation
Many people are looking for Li Ming, those who have hatred and those who have no hatred.

However, no one knows where Li Ming is now.

In the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao, Li Ming deliberately changed his appearance.

Although Li Ming's aura has not changed, people who are not very familiar will not recognize him.

Li Ming devoted himself wholeheartedly to enlightenment.

However, because there is no aura in the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao, even if one comprehends the mid-stage middle god, one's strength will not immediately increase to the mid-stage middle god, and one needs to absorb the aura from the outside world to improve.

Li Ming's comprehension speed is not too fast, but it is faster than ordinary true gods.

Years have passed, and on this day, Li Ming woke up from his comprehension.

Undoubtedly, Li Ming's understanding of lightning and flame has deepened a lot.

However, there is still a long way to go to the middle stage of the middle god.

The Middle God Realm is not as easy to comprehend as the Lesser God Realm, and the gap is almost the same as junior high school mathematics and high school mathematics.

In the future, the higher the level, the slower and more difficult it will be to comprehend.

Li Ming is not in a hurry, he is a rich man now, he can study for as long as he wants in the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao.

Li Ming got up and stretched his muscles, preparing to continue retreat.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden shock in the distance.

Although the shock was slight, Li Ming still caught it with his keen sense.

Slightly startled, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart, and said to himself, "Could someone be fighting?"

If it was before, Li Ming would not be nosy and investigate.

But it's different now, Li Ming has an entry order of 6 yuan, and he doesn't care about wasting such a little retreat time.

Just like a multi-millionaire, he doesn't care about losing 80 yuan.

So, Li Ming flew towards the place where the shock was heard.

The source of the shock seemed to be a little far away, but the shock was still there, and as Li Ming approached, the shock became stronger and stronger.

Two days later, Li Ming could clearly feel the shock.

The vibration was very regular, not like a fight.

"Could it be something else?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, but he didn't think too much about it, he just accelerated and flew towards the source of the shock.

Five days later, Li Ming came to the source of the shock.

However, this place is covered by mist, and it is impossible to see clearly what caused the tremor.

Li Ming released his divine sense, trying to probe through it.

However, the fog is so extraordinary that Divine Sense can't penetrate it at all.

Li Ming tried to enter the mist again, but there seemed to be strange formations in the mist, always spinning around in place.

"Strange." Li Ming frowned, feeling depressed for a while.

At this time, some nearby true gods who had retreated and enlightened were also attracted by the shock, and they entered the mist to investigate.

However, without exception, they were all so fascinated by the strange array in the mist that they couldn't find the north and south, and in the end they could only circle around in place, or retreat.

"Strange, what is in this fog? Even a master like me can't get out of this strange formation." A certain master sighed.

"Go away, you are only a great god, and I have not even touched the door."

"This has never happened before. Is there a big shot here? But what is that big shot trying to hide?" a great god said suspiciously.

"I think we'd better leave this place early. We don't even have a clue about the existence of the main god level. The people who set up the formation are at least the god emperor, maybe even stronger. If we break the matter of some god emperor, I'm afraid we won't even die Know how to die." A certain great god said.

"It makes sense. Curiosity killed the cat. Everyone, let me go first."

"Wait for me……"

"You guys continue to investigate, and I'm leaving too." said the main god before.

For a while, several great gods left.

Hearing what they said, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, thinking of some possibility, could this be the pillar of heaven where Xiao Liu was?The formation here was made by Yue'er?
One after another, true gods came here to investigate, but no matter how strong they were, they failed to detect any results.

Now, Li Ming is even more sure that this place should be the Pillar of Heaven where Xiao Liu is.

Although there was no substantive evidence or clues, Li Ming believed in his intuition.

"It's just what's going on with the shock?" Li Ming was wondering.

"Could it be that something happened to Xiao Liu?"

"Or is there something else?"

Li Ming didn't dare to act rashly, in fact, even if Li Ming acted rashly, there would be no results.

The strange formation of fog that even the main god can't break through, can he break through it alone?
Li Ming thought for a while, and was not in a hurry to leave, so he settled down near the fog to see if there were any other changes in the fog.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

The tremors in the mist still exist, neither rush nor slow, very regular.

There are more and more true gods who come here to investigate, and finally no one cares.

This was in line with Li Ming's wishes. It would be better if no one came here to investigate, so as not to cause any trouble.

Li Ming didn't know what was going on inside, but he couldn't stay here forever.

Therefore, Li Ming went to the nearest pillar of heavenly way to retreat first.

If there is any change here, you can come here as soon as possible.

Time flies, and a few years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Ming's understanding of thunder, lightning and flame has deepened again, and he is not far from the middle stage of Zhongshen.

In the past few years, the tremors in the mist still exist, neither have they weakened nor become more intense.

Li Ming came several times, trying his luck to get out of the strange fog formation.

However, it was not successful once.

"It seems that luck is not omnipotent. If you want to get out of the foggy array arranged by the God Emperor Realm, you need enough strength." Li Ming said secretly in his heart.

Li Ming believes that if he has the strength of the Great God Realm, or even the peak of the Great God Realm, and with enough luck, he should be able to get out of the strange fog formation.

It's a pity that he is only in the Middle God Realm now.

"Forget it, when we leave the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao, find a chance to ask Yue'er, then it should be clear." Li Ming said secretly.

The entry order took about the same amount of time, and a few months later Li Ming was taken out of the Ancestral Land of Heaven by an unfathomable force.

Li Ming didn't come up with an entry order to retreat, and he improved his strength first.

After leaving this place, Li Ming didn't rush back to Huaxianzi's manor, but passed a magic trick to Lu Xiaolian and asked him to come out for a meeting.

The meeting place, Chunfeng Building, was chosen by Lu Xiaolian.

Chunfenglou changed its name a few years ago and is now called Chunyulou.

Lu Xiaolian still loves drinking tea as always, even after so many years.

It doesn't matter to Li Ming, Chunyu Building is Chunyu Building, there are many people there, so it is also suitable for meeting.

After a little effort, Li Ming came to Chunyu Building.

Lu Xiaolian had already arrived, followed by Zhu Er and the others.

Li Ming changed his appearance, but Lu Xiaolian couldn't recognize it, until Li Ming sat down beside Lu Xiaolian and greeted him, "Brother Lu, are you here all right?"

"You are... Brother Ming?" Lu Xiaolian couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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