The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2971 Determined to go

Chapter 2971 Determined to go
With the energy of Xingfengshenhuang, it is not difficult to know that he has a problem with the god of water and fire, and of course he knows that he is close to the god of wind.

Before, he set up a situation to challenge Xing Feng. If Xing Feng gave Li Ming eye drops and voted for Vulcan at this time, then Li Ming would feel as uncomfortable as he wanted.

Li Ming rubbed his temples involuntarily, and said, "What a trouble."

"It's really troublesome. As far as I know, Emperor Xingfengshen was seriously injured this time." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Injured?" Li Ming couldn't help but startled, feeling even more headache.

"The news from the Tianhu Clan is that they didn't elaborate on whether they were injured or how serious the injury was. So far, no one has come to offer condolences and visits," Lu Xiaolian said.

"Visit?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and he couldn't help muttering: "It's time to visit."

"You're not going to visit, are you?" Lu Xiaolian said in surprise.

"Me?" Li Ming paused, and said, "It's okay."

"Are you crazy? I'm afraid you have been torn apart by the Tianhu clan before you saw the Xingfeng God Emperor." Lu Xiaolian said loudly.

"This...isn't that exaggerated?" Li Ming said shyly.

"How exaggerated? You don't know that Emperor Xingfeng's status in the Sky Fox Clan is second only to the head of the Sky Fox Clan." Lu Xiaolian emphasized.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and then fell silent.

I saw Lu Xiaolian patted Li Ming on the shoulder and said: "Emperor Ming, I think it's better to forget it. The Vulcan is the Vulcan. At worst, avoid him in the future. Anyway, you are from the Military God Mansion, and you have Princess Shenyue as your backer." , how can he bear you?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "Brother Lu, I'm already extremely ashamed for not being able to shield Yue'er from the wind and rain. How can I have the face to let her protect me?"

"This..." Lu Xiaolian couldn't help being startled, it wasn't until then that he realized that Li Ming was a very proud person.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this. I will go to Jiang Bo, and you will go to Big Chen." Li Ming said.

"I'm going to find Big Chen?" Lu Xiaolian was surprised.

"Well, you are a celebrity around Big Chen, I believe you can change Big Chen's vote." Li Ming said.

"..." Lu Xiaolian was speechless. He shouldn't be living too leisurely these days, why did something happen now?

However, Lu Xiaolian would not refuse Li Ming's request.

However, he didn't dare to talk too much, just said: "I will do my best."

Afterwards, Li Ming walked towards Uncle Jiang's yard.

At this moment, Uncle Jiang was discussing matters with several main gods, the atmosphere was very frozen, everyone had a straight face, as if their parents had died.

Seeing that they were silent, Jiang Bo couldn't help frowning, and asked angrily, "Is there no one who asked for orders to go to the Tianhu Clan to condolence to Xingfeng Shenhuang?"

Hearing this, everyone lowered their heads even lower.

Obviously, everyone knows that condolences are a hot potato, and no one wants to take it.

"Useless things. Usually, there are five people and six people alone. I'm afraid that others will not know that you are the main god. It's good now. You don't even dare to offer simple condolences? What use are you for?" Jiang Bo was so angry that he almost slapped the table .

"Dong dong..."

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who?" Jiang Bo looked extremely irritable.

"Uncle Jiang, it's me, Li Ming."

Li Ming's voice came from outside the door, and when he heard it was Li Ming, Uncle Jiang's face softened slightly, but his voice was still low, and he said, "Come in."

Li Ming could feel the suppressed anger in Jiang Bo's voice, but he didn't know why.

However, now that Li Ming has something to see, he can only bite the bullet and push the door open.

The courtyard door was pushed open from the outside, and Li Ming walked in, seeing seven or eight main gods sitting in the courtyard, he couldn't help being surprised, are they having a meeting?
At this moment, Jiang Bo asked, "Li Ming, what do you do?"

"Jiang Bo, I'm here to ask for my life." Li Ming said directly, without dragging his feet.

"Please? Please what order?" Jiang Bohu questioned.

"Uncle Jiang, I heard that Emperor Xingfeng Shenhuang was injured in the battle with Ao Bubai, so I ask for orders to visit him." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the main gods with their heads down looked at Li Ming in unison.

Jiang Bo was also taken aback, how dare he take the initiative to ask for tasks that even the main gods dare not touch?
Startled, Jiang Bo asked: "Li Ming, you're not kidding me, are you?"

"Jiang Bo, I'm serious. I have a great responsibility for the injury of Xingfeng Shenhuang, and I must personally apologize to him." Li Ming said sincerely.

Hearing this, Uncle Jiang couldn't help hesitating.

At this time, only one of the main gods said: "Master Jiang, since someone is willing to go, why not fulfill him? What's more, Li Ming originally proposed the divorce plan, and he has the responsibility to bear the corresponding remaining problems."

"Shut up!" Jiang Bo snapped angrily, he was most annoyed by this kind of incompetent guy who was especially good at shirking responsibility.

If this guy wasn't the nephew of Big Brother Kang, Jiang Bo even wanted to kick him out of the Army God's Mansion.

The atmosphere froze a bit, only Jiang Bo asked: "Li Ming, do you know how much the Tianhu clan hates you now?"

"Tianhu clan?" Li Ming was slightly taken aback, and said, "I know a little bit."

"Ao Bubai not only wounded Xingfeng God of War, but also the six elders of the Sky Fox Clan. If you go to the Sky Fox Clan now, you will die." Jiang Bo said.

Hearing this, Li Ming felt a chill in his heart. He didn't expect Ao Bubai to hurt the six elders of the Tianhu clan.

At this time, Jiang Bo said again: "Li Ming, think about it carefully."

Li Ming nodded, then fell silent, as if he was weighing something.

After a while, a flash of determination flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and he said decisively: "Uncle Jiang, I'd better go."

"Are you sure?" Jiang Bo asked repeatedly.

"Sure." Li Ming replied without any hesitation.

"That's fine." Uncle Jiang seemed a little regretful, he always felt that Li Ming's trip to the Tianhu Clan would never return, and he felt a little bit of Xiao Xiaoyi Shuihan.

Seeing that Li Ming really decided to go to the Sky Fox Clan, the main gods present were all relieved by coincidence, some were grateful, some mocked, some were puzzled, some were confused.

It's really confusing enough, like this kind of thankless thing, you can't hide from it, but he is like a stunned young man, digging his head into it.

I don't know whether to say he is brave or should I say he is stupid?

Li Ming has his own reasons. Before that, he was competing for the commander of the eight tribes for Fengshen.

But hearing that the elders of the Tianhu tribe were also injured, Li Ming felt that this Liangzi must be resolved as soon as possible.Otherwise, if it drags on, it will only make the Tianhu Clan hate me even more, and maybe they will give themselves a sap.

At this time, Uncle Jiang patted Li Ming on the shoulder and said, "Little guy, you are really different, go back and get ready, and set off as soon as possible."

"Yes, Uncle Jiang." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming withdrew from Uncle Jiang's yard.

 There is only one chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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