The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2972 Jade Belt Forest

Chapter 2972 Jade Belt Forest
A few days later, Li Ming, who was ready, set off on Tianqi Longju.

It is a long way to go to the Tianhu family, and we have to pass through two Gobi along the way.

It is said that there are two pieces of Gobi, but in fact it can also be considered as one piece of Gobi.

Because the two pieces of Gobi are too close together, there is only a jade belt-shaped forest in the middle.

Or to be precise, it is this jade belt forest that divides a large Gobi into two.

It is also strange to say that there are Gobi on both sides, how did the forest grow in the middle?
It is said that the Tianhu clan used to live in this jade belt-shaped forest, and then moved out for unknown reasons.

It's been a long time, maybe even the Tianhu clan don't know the reason at the beginning, right?
If the rumors are true, Yudai Forest is actually the ancestral land of the Sky Fox Clan.

Therefore, Li Ming deliberately looked through the relevant historical materials, trying to find some secrets of the Jade Belt Forest.

However, little was gained.

Before going to the Sky Fox Clan, Li Ming decided to visit the Jade Belt Forest himself.

If we can figure out the situation in Yudai Forest, maybe the Tianhu tribe can sit down and have a good talk, so as not to shoot him.

Li Ming chose to start from Shenmenguan, so the distance would be shorter.

Seeing Li Ming going back and forth, Brother Zhu felt strange, but when he heard that Li Ming went to the Tianhu clan to make amends, he couldn't help being surprised, and also felt that Li Ming was crazy.

Brother Zhu wanted to persuade Li Ming to change his mind, but Li Ming had already received the order from the Military God Mansion.

If they return at this time, the Army God's Mansion can't explain it.

In the end, Brother Zhu could only silently send Li Ming away.

After leaving Shenmen Pass, Li Ming drove Tianqi Longju directly towards Yudai Forest without stopping.

In less than half a day, Li Ming came to the first Gobi, and across the Gobi was the Jade Belt Forest.

In the east of this Gobi, there lived the Holy Fire Clan.

In order not to disturb the Holy Fire tribe, Li Ming deliberately chose to pass through the Gobi, so that the probability of encountering the Holy Fire tribe will be very low.

The Gobi is relatively large, even if you ride the Dragon Horse, you still have to fly for a full day and night.

At dawn the next day, Li Ming came to Yudai Forest.

Looking down from the sky, the Jade Belt Forest really looks like a long jade-colored belt, tied between two Gobi deserts.

Entering Yudai Forest, Li Mington felt that the surrounding air was moist and the temperature dropped a lot, which was completely different from the feeling on the Gobi.

Li Ming took a deep breath, and the moist moisture entered his internal organs, and he felt a burst of coolness all over his body.

"It feels good." Li Ming said secretly.

From the current point of view, the Jade Belt Forest does not lack the conditions for racial reproduction, but why did the Tianhu clan move away from here?Or are the rumors false?
Li Ming thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but release his spiritual thoughts, and carefully explored the jade belt forest.

If the rumors are true, there must be a disaster in the Jade Belt Forest that threatens the Tianhu race.

Otherwise, it will never be easy to move away.

Li Ming's divine sense swept across, and everything around him was reflected in Li Ming's mind.

After a stick of incense, Li Ming withdrew his divine thoughts, only to see his brows furrowed slightly, "Is everything normal?"

Everything is normal?This is too strange, is the rumor false?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ming turned his palm and took out the Prisoner Crystal.

With a thought, the Immortal God King flew out and asked directly, "Master, what are your orders?"

The Immortal God King was just talking about the matter, his words were rigid, and he was completely devoid of respect.

On weekdays, Li Ming would definitely argue with him.

But today's son is not in the mood, only to hear that Li Ming also said directly: "Unlucky God King, help me see what is so special about this forest?"

"Huh?" Immortal God King paused, and then he noticed that there was a forest all around him.

However, this forest is not wide, but it is long enough, and the forest is surrounded by Gobi.

"Where is this?" Immortal God King asked subconsciously.

"Jade Belt Forest." Li Ming replied.

"The Jade Belt Forest on the side of the Tianhu Clan?" Immortal God asked again.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

"What are you doing here?" The Immortal God King asked again.

"Don't ask so many questions, let me check this place first." Li Ming said impatiently.

The Immortal God King was dissatisfied for a while, but he didn't dare to say no, and obediently released his divine sense to explore the jade belt forest.

After a while, the Immortal God King opened his eyes and said, "There is nothing unusual about it."

"No?" Li Ming frowned, and asked displeasedly, "Have you checked carefully?"

"Check carefully." Immortal God King replied.

"Did you really check it carefully?" Li Ming frowned.

Seeing Li Ming's frown, Immortal God King suddenly felt bad, and quickly said, "Then I'll check again."

Hearing this, Li Ming's brows relaxed.

The Immortal God King released his divine sense again to investigate carefully.

This time, the Immortal God King took a long time to investigate, at least three or four times as long as before.

"Did you find anything special?" Li Ming asked.

"This...really not." The Immortal God King replied with some bitterness.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned again, and his face became more serious.

"How about I investigate again?" The Immortal God King asked tentatively.

"No need." Li Ming waved his hand and said, then jumped on the Tianqilong horse and drove out of the Jade Belt Forest.

The Immortal King asked curiously, "Where are we going?"

"Sky fox clan." Li Ming replied.

"What are you going to do in the Sky Fox Clan?" The Immortal God King asked inexplicably.

Li Ming didn't want to spend too much time talking to the Immortal God King, so he just wanted to use the Prisoner God spar to accept him.But after thinking about it, the Immortal God King is the main god after all, and he has been wandering outside the Great Wall all year round, so he might know some secrets of the Tianhu Clan.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Northern Xinjiang was attacked by alien races..."

Li Ming briefly explained the matter, and then asked: "Do you have any good ways to make amends?"

"I never expected that Xingfeng, the number one God of War in the God Realm, would marry a princess from the Tianhu Clan." The Immortal God King sighed.

"What should I ask you?" Li Ming asked impatiently with a suppressed voice.

"Oh, I don't have any good way to make amends. However, I heard that Xingfeng God of War likes to drink tea." Immortal God King said.

"Like drinking tea?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause, he didn't expect that Emperor Xingfeng had the same hobby as Lu Xiaolian.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked curiously: "How do you know that Emperor Xing Xing Fengshen likes to drink tea?"

"Speaking of this, we have to start from the original Chunfeng Tower. It is said that the Xingfeng God Emperor once went to the Chunfeng Tower to drink tea, but it seemed that he didn't drink enough. He smashed the Chunfeng Tower in a fit of anger... Later , the Spring Breeze Building was forced to close, and finally the owner of the Spring Breeze Building calmed down the anger of the Xingfeng God Emperor after many twists and turns, and the Spring Wind Building was able to reopen. However, the name is..."


Before the Immortal God King could finish speaking, Li Ming had already started cursing.

He had heard this story from Lu Xiaolian, but it definitely wasn't because he didn't enjoy drinking tea, but because the old bustard had offended Goddess Xin'er, which angered Emperor Xingfeng Shenhuang.

Therefore, it is nonsense that Xingfengshenhuang likes to drink tea!
(End of this chapter)

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