Chapter 3
After Li Ming ordered a glass of wine, he sat down and thought about what to do.

But at this moment, a few unsightly gangsters came to the house to make trouble. The leader was a wild dog. Li Ming couldn't see it. This bar was opened by his sweetheart, so he dismissed them casually.

Manager Liu saw that Li Ming was so good at fighting, so he was thinking about recruiting. Their bar really needed a security guard, but just now he saw Li Ming's gentle manner, and thought Li Ming was a bit boastful, one hit ten?Who does he think he is?So I didn't take Li Ming into consideration, but I didn't expect him to be so good at fighting.

So Manager Liu walked towards Li Ming and asked, "Do you really want to work in our bar?"

"Yes." Li Ming replied without thinking.

"Okay, come with me to the office, let's talk about the salary and other issues in detail." Manager Li said.

"Okay." Li Ming responded, and followed Manager Liu to the office.

In the office, Manager Liu had regained the aura that a professional woman should have. He leaned on the boss chair and asked, "Li Ming, what do you think about the salary?"

"Manager Liu, the salary is whatever you want, as long as it's enough for living expenses, I'm staying here to wait for you, Boss Tan, nothing else matters." Li Ming said casually.

Manager Liu paused, with a strange expression on his face, as if he was leading a wolf into the house.

Li Ming couldn't see what Manager Liu was thinking, and explained: "Manager Liu, don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions towards your boss. On the contrary, I am still friends with your boss Tan, but because of some misunderstandings, we haven't seen each other for many years. I am here this time to explain the misunderstanding that happened many years ago."

Manager Liu thought deeply, feeling that there must be some ulterior secrets between Li Ming and the boss, but now that the boss even has a four-year-old child, is there any point in explaining it?
"How about this, Li Ming, with a salary of four thousand a month, without any insurance, from [-] pm to [-] am every day, how about it? But if our boss Tan comes back, if there is any opinion on you, this job..."

"I understand, there is no problem." Li Ming replied.

"By the way, Li Ming, do you know any friends? The security department of our bar has just been established and is short of manpower. I'm worried that you won't be able to take care of it alone." Manager Liu said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I don't care about a mere stray dog. No one can act wild here with Li Dabaoan." Li Ming said confidently. It's not that he is arrogant, but that he really has this strength.

"This..." Manager Liu was still a little worried, but Li Ming didn't care. Manager Liu had no choice but to give up. It seemed that he had to find another way to recruit people.

After the wild dogs were chased away, the bar returned to normal, and Li Ming found a corner to drink and pass the time until he got off work at two o'clock in the morning.

After leaving the bar, Li Ming found that he had nowhere to go. He wanted to take out his mobile phone and call Lin Ruyu to sleep at her place, but realized that it was already two o'clock in the morning. She should be sleeping soundly, and Lin Ruyu didn't like seeing her For yourself, don't call her.

With a few hundred dollars still on him, Li Ming planned to find a hotel nearby to spend the night there, and after he got to work, he would advance some wages with Manager Liu and rent a house nearby.

At this moment, there were no pedestrians on the street, and there were few vehicles. Li Ming was the only one.

"New life! Here I come."

Li Ming couldn't help shouting, venting the grievances that had been suppressed in his heart for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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