The best immortal emperor

Chapter 4 She fell in love with me?

Chapter 4 She fell in love with me?

"Which psychopath doesn't sleep in the middle of the night and yells?" A red X3 BMW car galloped past Li Ming, and the person in the posture couldn't help muttering, and at the same time, he glanced at Li Ming twice.

The originally galloping BMW slowed down and stopped on the side of the road, and a beautiful figure came down.

"Li Ming? Is it really you?" The beautiful figure was surprised.

"Lin Ruyu? Why are you here?" Li Ming was also taken aback and asked in surprise.

"I just got off work, how about you? Have you found any friends?" Lin Ruyu asked.

"No, my friend went on a trip." Li Ming said disappointedly.

"Then do you have somewhere to go?" Lin Ruyu asked.

"No." Li Ming replied simply.

"Why didn't you call me?" Lin Ruyu asked in a questioning tone.

"It's very late now, I'm afraid to disturb you, and it's not appropriate." Li Ming said awkwardly.

"What's wrong? Get in the car and come home with me!" Lin Ruyu said involuntarily.

Before going out, grandpa repeatedly told her to take good care of Li Ming. If grandpa knew that he had left Li Ming outside in the middle of the night, it might make grandpa go crazy, so come directly to Donghai!
"Is it suitable?" Li Ming looked a little weird. As far as he knew, Lin Ruyu lived alone, and if a man and a widow lived together in the same room at night, something might happen that the little girl would regret for the rest of her life.

"It's nothing, there are two rooms at home." Lin Ruyu said flatly.

Since Lin Ruyu didn't think it was inappropriate, Li Ming would naturally not be hypocritical. What is he afraid of as a big man?In fact, Li Ming really wanted something to happen at night.

Lin Ruyu was driving the car, Li Ming looked straight ahead, Lin Ruyu was a little strange, why didn't Li Ming take a peek at him?Is it because I am not attractive enough?Li Ming's performance made Lin Ruyu somewhat disappointed. That appearance that was praised everywhere seemed to be impossible for Li Ming.

Of course, Li Ming didn't know what Lin Ruyu was thinking. Don't look at Li Ming's seriousness at the moment, but in his heart he was expecting something to happen at night, such as bumping into Lin Ruyu in the middle of the night?Or accidentally entered the bathroom while taking a shower?etc.

About 10 minutes later, the car drove into a high-end residential area.

"Here we are." Lin Ruyu parked the car and said, Li Ming got out of the car right after her, followed Lin Ruyu into the elevator, the top floor was the twelfth floor.

"Are you hungry? I still have a few bags of instant noodles at home. I'll take a shower first." Lin Ruyu said casually, and then went into the bathroom.


After being told by Lin Ruyu, Li Ming's stomach growled continuously. Although he drank some wine at night, it had already been excreted with urine, and he was really hungry at the moment.

Li Ming didn't really want to eat instant noodles, so he walked to the refrigerator, which was empty, only a few eggs, tomatoes, a few wilting cucumbers and noodles.Although there are few ingredients, it is enough for Li Ming.

After taking a shower, Lin Ruyu came out in her pajamas, brushing her hair while walking, only to hear the sound of chopping vegetables coming from the kitchen, she couldn't help being surprised, "Li Ming, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

"I'm a little hungry, cook some noodles, do you want to eat?" Li Ming asked casually.

"No, I have instant noodles." Lin Ruyu said.

"Instant noodles are not as delicious as the noodles I cook, and eating instant noodles is not good for your health." Li Ming persuaded.

"Cut, I don't believe it." Lin Ruyu didn't believe it at all, so she sat on the sofa and wiped her hair.

"You'll know later." Li Ming didn't make any excuses, and continued to work in the kitchen.

Later, Li Ming brought out two bowls of noodles, "Okay, you can eat."

"Really? Can it be eaten? It won't poison people to death, right?" Lin Ruyu slandered, but her nose was already attracted by the fragrance, and her stomach growled.

"If you don't eat, I will eat it all and you will have nothing to eat." Li Ming put down the bowl, sat down and started eating.


Lin Ruyu's stomach was growling, and her eyes were looking at another bowl of noodles on the table from time to time. Finally, she couldn't resist the temptation, but she couldn't let go of her face, and said deliberately: "Seeing that you have worked so hard for Miss Ben to cook the noodles. For the sake of it, Miss Ben reluctantly tried it."

"Hey, if you don't pretend, you're going to die!" Li Ming rolled his eyes and said mercilessly.

"You... have no manners." Lin Ruyu was angry, and poured all the anger in her heart on the noodles.I have to say, it's really delicious, a hundred times better than instant noodles!
"Huh? Did you use the cucumber?" Lin Yuru asked with a frown.

"Huh? Is there any problem?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, it just took a long time, and I'm worried. By the way, when will your friend come back?" Lin Ruyu's expression recovered, and she changed the subject.

"I don't know." When she was mentioned, Li Ming couldn't help feeling a little lost.

"Huh? Didn't you call to ask him?" Lin Ruyu asked in surprise.

"I don't have her phone number, and I haven't contacted her for many years." Li Ming said.

"What friend?" Lin Ruyu asked curiously.

"It's an ordinary friend." Li Ming said plainly, but his disappointed expression betrayed him deeply. He was obviously a very important friend.

"Is it a woman?" Lin Ruyu asked cautiously.

"En." Li Ming replied, without further words, he lowered his head and began to eat the noodles.

When she heard Li Ming's answer, Lin Ruyu's body trembled involuntarily, and an inexplicable feeling of disappointment welled up in her heart. She bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and it took a long time before she mustered up the courage to ask: "Li Ming, do you refuse to accept?" Grandpa said this marriage, because of her?"

"Huh?" Li Ming, who was eating noodles, was startled, and looked at Lin Ruyu blankly, not understanding what she meant?Are you jealous?
After a long time, Li Ming shook his head and smiled wryly, "I can't do it with her, her child is four years old."

"What?" Lin Ruyu was taken aback, and looked at Li Ming incredulously, her child is already four years old, why are you still looking for someone else?You want to break up the family?
"It's nothing, just eat noodles." Li Ming didn't want to say any more.

"Oh." Lin Ruyu's expression was weird, but Li Ming didn't want to say more, and she didn't want to ask too much, she just murmured in her heart: Is it true that I am not as attractive to him as the mother of a four-year-old child?
After a long time, Lin Ruyu broke the oppressive atmosphere and asked, "Li Ming, what are your plans next?"

"Planning? I just found a job this afternoon." Li Ming said.

"Job? Find a job so quickly?" Lin Ruyu was slightly surprised.

"Well, I work as a security guard in a bar." Li Ming's expression was as usual, and he didn't feel inferior because he was a security guard.

"Security?" Lin Ruyu asked with a strange expression. How can security have a bright future?If you want to find a job, you can tell me, and I can introduce you to many good jobs, but the next second, Lin Ruyu seemed to think of something, isn't the friend Li Ming is looking for who runs a bar?His body trembled involuntarily, and he asked, "Is it her bar? Do you want to wait for her?"

"Yes." Li Ming simply replied.

Lin Ruyu felt lost for a while, didn't speak for a long time, and ate noodles absently.

After a long time, Lin Ruyu plucked up her courage again and asked, "Li Ming, without her, you wouldn't have rejected the marriage arranged by Grandpa, would you?"

"Well, what?" Li Ming was taken aback, not understanding why she asked such a question.

"It's nothing, I'm full, go back to my room and sleep, you eat slowly." Lin Ruyu walked back to her room uncomfortably, leaving Li Ming with a dazed face.

Li Ming looked at Lin Ruyu's back, a little dazed, did she like him?
(End of this chapter)

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