The best immortal emperor

Chapter 5 Living in a Bridge Cave?

Chapter 5 Living in a Bridge Cave?
At four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Li Ming ate something and went to the bar.

"Brother Ming, come to work." The waitress Xiao Ke greeted.

"Well, Xiao Ke, you are on duty, is there anyone coming to the store this afternoon to find fault?" Li Ming asked.

With a nervous face, Xiao Ke walked up to Li Ming and said in a low voice, "Brother Ming, when I was on duty this afternoon, I saw a few gangsters wandering around the door. I'm afraid they were in the same group as those yesterday. Be careful."

"Oh, it's okay. Brother Ming beats ten of them one at a time. Don't be afraid of them." Li Ming said indifferently.

"Pfft." Xiao Ke's nervous face immediately relaxed, and she rolled her eyes at Li Ming, "Brother Ming, are you always teasing girls like this?"

"I'm serious, I'm not joking." Li Ming wondered.

"Idiot, I'm ignoring you." Xiao Ke turned around and went about her own business, leaving behind Li Ming with a depressed face.

Li Ming looked at Xiao Ke, touched his nose involuntarily, and praised to himself: "Li Ming, Li Ming, you seem to be very popular with girls? It seems that you are really handsome!"

"Unfortunately, no matter how handsome you are, you still have to eat. I'll wait for Manager Liu to advance half a month's salary to her, and the few hundred yuan I borrowed from Lin Ruyu will almost be spent," Li Ming said.

Because it was still early, Li Ming found a corner and sat down.

After half an hour, Manager Liu arrived at the bar.

"Dong dong..."

Li Ming knocked on Manager Liu's office, and a soft voice came from the office: "Come in."

"Manager Liu, I want to advance my salary." Li Ming said straight to the point.

"Don't think about it, there is no such precedent in our bar." Manager Liu rebuffed straight away.

"Manager Liu, I'm penniless when I first came to Donghai. The only friend I have is your Boss Tan. She's gone on a trip. For the sake of protecting the bar with all my heart, you can do me a favor and pay half a month in advance. Give me the salary, otherwise I can only sleep in the bridge hole and eat corn bread." Li Ming begged pitifully.

"No, you just came to work yesterday, and you want to advance half a month's salary today. I suspect you are a liar, and you will run away after taking the money!" Manager Liu said bluntly.

"Uh, alright." Li Ming was speechless and could only give up.

At night, the wild dogs came to make trouble again, but they were all sent away by Li Ming. When they left, they all had bruises and swollen faces, and they didn't even know their mother.

At two o'clock in the morning, Li Ming came home from get off work.

On the way home, Li Ming looked back from time to time, looking forward to a ride, but Lin Ruyu's BMW X3 never showed up. It seemed that she didn't work overtime today.

After Mr. Liu got off work, he kept thinking about what happened that night, and wondered if the wild dogs would come to trouble them again?If you come to make trouble again, can Li Ming solve it?

"Huh? The one walking in front looks like Li Ming." Manager Liu, who was driving QQ, noticed a pedestrian in front of him, and after a careful look, it was really Li Ming.

It seemed that he was on the way, so he thought of going to give him a ride.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly felt the urge to urinate, so he ran to the bridge to relieve himself.

When Manager Liu saw Li Ming getting off the bridge along the small path at the head of the bridge, he was suspicious for a while, wondering what he was going to do?I didn't think of a reason for a long time.

Manager Liu also thought about it and drove away.

When Li Ming returned home, it wasn't actually his home, and he felt a bit like being dependent on others. After all, Lin Ruyu didn't like him very much.

Li Ming opened the door lightly, went back to his room, turned on the light, and was just about to take off his clothes and take a shower, when he saw the picture in front of him, he couldn't help being surprised, there was someone sleeping on his bed.

She is none other than Lin Ruyu.

"What is she doing? Why is she sleeping on her side?" Li Ming asked strangely. .

At this moment, Lin Ruyu, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the sound of the door opening and the glare of the light. When she saw Li Ming coming back, she rubbed her eyes and got out of bed, "Are you back? The air conditioner in my room is broken. It's so hot that I can't sleep, so I went to your room Come to lie down for a while, unexpectedly fell asleep, I went back."

After speaking, Lin Ruyu went straight to her room.


After Lin Ruyu closed the door of her room, Li Ming came back to his senses.

Li Ming took a shower and lay on the bed, thinking that there was only ten yuan left in his pocket, he frowned a little, a penny would suffocate a good man!

This night, Li Ming slept soundly.

When Manager Liu came home, he lay on the bed, unable to sleep, thinking about a person repeatedly in his mind, Li Ming, what kind of person is he?Could it be the boss's former lover?And why are you running under the bridge in the middle of the night?

Suddenly, Manager Liu seemed to have thought of something, and sat up from the bed. Li Ming said that he was penniless and could only live in a bridge hole without getting his salary in advance, eating cornbread.

After a while, Manager Liu squeezed out a few words, unbelievable, "You don't really live in the bridge hole, do you?"

 There are two updates every day, one at [-]:[-] noon and one at [-]:[-] in the evening. Please vote for it.

(End of this chapter)

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