The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3064 Escape

Chapter 3064 Escape
"I'll draw the blueprint, you have a look first." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Waiting God craftsman replied.

Immediately, Li Ming drew the blueprint of the tunnel excavator.

However, it is the simplest kind, and it is only roughly composed.

As for the details, I don't know much about it.

After all, it was just for idle chatting, and tens of thousands of years have passed, who would have thought that it would be useful today?

Master Hou took the blueprint handed over by Li Ming, saw the key point at a glance, and couldn't help but admire: "The designer of this magic weapon is definitely talented, not ordinary people! It's just that this thing can really help Do we escape?"

Hearing this, everyone looked hesitant for a while.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Let's refine this thing first, and then we'll talk about whether it's successful or not."

"Okay!" The craftsman waiting for God replied.

In the God Realm, cultivation civilization is extremely developed, but such things as industrial machinery are blank.

So far, regardless of whether it is the God Realm or the Ten Religions outside the Heavens, ore mining is entirely done by manpower.

Also, in the God Realm, even the weakest true god can crush a mountain with one punch, so no one would bother to design any excavating machinery.

As for those treasure refiners, they don't spend their minds on it even more. Who are they designed to sell to?Who would pay for these?

Everyone pays more attention to attack magic weapon, defense magic weapon, flying magic weapon and so on.

"Boom... boom..."

The sharp claws of the Golden Crown Eagle King kept digging, and those rock layers were like thin paper in front of her, easily snapped off.

After the master craftsman figured out the structure, he took out the corresponding materials and began to build.

The tunnel excavator is just a machine, not even a magic weapon, so there is no need to describe auxiliary formations.

Almost in one thought, the shape of the tunnel excavator came out.

"Okay." Said the master craftsman.

"Is that all right?" Hei Fengchi asked.

"That's right, I completed it completely according to the design given by the young suzerain." Hou Shenjiang said bitterly.

Everyone was stunned, thinking it was some high-end and powerful magic weapon, but they didn't expect it to be so casually refined.

"This... can it work?" Zhang Youyi asked lately.

"Try and talk." Li Ming said.

"Okay, let me try!" Zhang Youyi pleaded.

Immediately, everyone placed the tunnel excavator with a strange appearance like a long tube.

Then, I saw Zhang Youyi urging the divine essence and pouring it into it.


After the divine essence was poured in, the tunnel excavation began to hum.

The tunnel excavator is different from the normal excavator. It is a drill bit with blades on the cut surface of the bricks, and the tunnels are excavated by the blades.

However, at this time, the tunnel excavator refined by the craftsman is based on the drive of the gods, and the power is not known to be many times higher than the tunnel excavator on the earth.

Once poured into the soul, it is like a wild horse running wild, crazily drilling towards the ground.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being overjoyed, and only heard Zhang Youyi say: "This thing seems to be pretty good, and the speed of digging is not slow!"

"Let's inject Shenyuan together and see if we can speed up." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" the crowd responded.

Immediately, everyone used their divine essence together.

A large amount of divine essence was poured into it, and the blades on the drill bit ran wildly, digging a [-]-meter-deep tunnel in an instant.

At this moment, this tunnel excavator is like a Tyrannosaurus rex, walking unscrupulously through the ground!

In less than a stick of incense, he completely got rid of the golden crown carving king!

"We escaped?" Zhang Youyi asked in disbelief.

"They escaped." Li Ming let out a sigh of relief.

"Young Sect Master is a great talent. If the Young Sect Master didn't make this weird thing, we might all die under the sharp claws of the Golden Crown Eagle King." Hei Feng praised.

"It's nothing, I'm just picking up people's teeth. If it weren't for my illusion that industrial civilization is extremely developed, I wouldn't have thought of it." Li Ming smiled lightly.

The group felt lingering fears, and they really walked through the gate of hell.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "Since we have escaped into the ground, we can simply traverse the entire forest from the ground, so as not to worry about encountering other powerful beasts."

"Young Sect Master's words are very true. Although the Golden Crown Eagle King did not catch up again, he is still guarding outside, so we will dig a tunnel from the ground and leave." Hou Shenjiang said.

Immediately, a group of people changed their direction, no longer going deep into the center of the earth, but began to dig tunnels horizontally, preparing to cross this forest.


The tunnel excavator was operating efficiently, and an underground passage through the forest was quickly formed.

Within nine days, the group successfully left the forest.

However, the group was not in a hurry to get out of the ground. They were still within the pursuit range of the Golden Crown Eagle King and continued to advance underground.

I don't know how long I've been going forward, but suddenly there's a stuffy feeling in front of me.

At first, everyone thought it was because the tunnel excavator was running too crazy.

However, when the group stopped, they realized that this was not the case. The stuffy feeling came from all around.


Suddenly, Princess Shenyue screamed.

"Yue'er, what's the matter?" Li Ming quickly asked with concern.

"Li Ming, look at the surrounding stone walls, they are very hot." Princess Shenyue said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and then stretched out his hand to touch the stone wall, it was really hot.

Others also touched the stone wall one after another, it was indeed very hot.

"Why is this stone wall so hot?" Zhang Youyi asked lately.

"This place is weird, everyone be careful!" Hou Shenjiang reminded.

"Then are we still moving forward?" Black Wind asked.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but looked at Li Ming one after another, asking him to make up his mind.

Li Ming frowned, and asked speculatively, "Could we have already dug into the magma layer?"

"Magma layer?" Everyone was startled, and then asked slowly: "No way? We've already dug this deep?"

"Let's release our spiritual thoughts and see what we can detect," Li Ming said.

"Okay!" the crowd responded.

Immediately, a group of people released their spiritual thoughts and searched around.

However, the surrounding area is full of high-density rocks, allowing the gods to wait and Heifeng to be the emperor, but the divine sense can't penetrate very far, and can only detect people within a few kilometers.

Within these few kilometers, there is nothing but rocks.

Master Hou shook his head for a while, and said helplessly, "Young Sect Master, you didn't find anything."

"Me too." Black Wind said.

Others also shook their heads one after another, their spiritual thoughts were not as good as waiting for the craftsman and Heifeng.

Hearing this, Li Ming pondered slightly, and said, "Go ahead!"

Everyone was slightly startled, but without any hesitation, they continued to run the tunnel excavator forward!

The temperature in front is getting higher and higher, and the rock is not just as simple as being hot.

However, at this moment, I heard that the master craftsman suddenly said: "Young Sect Master, there seems to be a fault ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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