The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3065 Strange Arrow

Chapter 3065 Strange Arrow
"Fault?" Li Ming was startled, and then asked: "Waiting God, how far are we from the fault?"

"Not far, only four or five kilometers." Hou Shenjiang said.

"What's the situation of the fault?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"I can't see it clearly, but I can vaguely see hot gas coming out from under the fault, and it is likely that there is magma underneath." Hou Shenjiang said uncertainly.

"Okay, let's go and have a look!" Li Ming said.

Immediately, the group continued to excavate the tunnel.

Four to five kilometers is just a few breaths for a tunnel excavator powered by Shenyuan.

In the blink of an eye, the group reached the fault.

Looking down the fault, it really is billowing magma, no wonder the nearby stone walls are so hot!

Li Ming glanced at the magma below the fault, but he didn't see anything special, so he said, "Let's go, keep going, and get to the former site of our Tianfeng Sect as soon as possible."

"Wait." Master Hou suddenly stopped Li Ming.

Li Ming was startled, Fox asked, "What's wrong?"

"Young Sect Master, there seems to be something under this magma." Hou Shenjiang said.

Hearing this, everyone immediately became vigilant.

I only heard Li Minghu questioning: "Waiting for the craftsman, what's the matter?"

"The spiritual sense is still unclear, and we need to go deeper underground." Hou Shenjiang said.

The fault is just an arm-wide gap. If everyone wants to go deep, they can only dig it with a tunnel excavator.

"In-depth?" Hou Shenjiang asked.

"Will it be dangerous?" Hei Fengchi asked.

Li Ming frowned and said, "Let the tunnel excavator go down first. If there is no danger, we will go down again. If there is danger, we will go straight."

"That's fine, anyway, refining a tunnel excavator is just a matter of thought, even if the tunnel excavator is damaged, it doesn't matter." Hou Shenjiang said.

Immediately, a group of people poured into Shenyuan and urged the tunnel excavator to dig a tunnel under the fault.


The tunnel excavator moved forward quickly, and within a few minutes, it went thousands of meters underground, only a hundred meters away from the magma.

"It seems that there is no movement in the magma, let's go down and have a look." Li Ming said.

"Young Sect Master, let Heifeng and I go down first, make sure there is no danger, and it's not too late for you to go down again." Said Master Hou.

"That's fine, then be careful." Li Ming warned.

"Hmm." The craftsman waiting for God replied.

Immediately, Master Hou and Heifeng took the first step.

Arriving below, the spirit of the craftsman waiting for him swept away, and immediately searched for the weirdness he sensed before, which turned out to be an arrow!

"Young Sect Master, come down, there is no danger, but there is another strange arrow." Said Master Hou.

"Strange arrow?" Li Ming was startled, and went deep underground with suspicion.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming and his party arrived at the place where the craftsman waiting was.

"Young Sect Master, use your spiritual sense to look, it's in the magma below." Said Master Hou.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming released his divine sense.

Spiritual Mind struggled through the [-]-meter-thick rock below, and finally came to the magma.

In fact, there is still a space between the magma and the rock, about four or five meters.

Sweeping across the magma with his divine sense, Li Ming saw the strange arrow mentioned by Master Hou.

It was surrounded by magma, but the arrow of the finger pierced an iceberg.

The strange arrow emits a huge amount of cold air, which guarantees that the cold will not melt.

"How could this happen? What kind of arrow is that? It's so cold? Can an iceberg be condensed in the magma?" Li Ming was really surprised.

"Young Sect Master, why don't you bring up that strange arrow?" Asked Master Hou.

Li Ming nodded without thinking, but then reminded: "This arrow can condense an iceberg in the rolling magma. It is definitely not an ordinary thing. Be careful when taking it."

"I know." Waiting God Craftsman said.

Immediately, Hou Shenjiang controlled the tunnel excavator to dig through the last rock layer.

Below, there is directly rolling magma!

Not far away is the iceberg where the strange arrow is!

I saw that Master Hou reached out and sucked the iceberg directly.

The iceberg is not big, only about the size of a three-bedroom house, and the strange arrow is stuck on the top of the iceberg.

Waiting for the god craftsman to condense the divine essence, and shot out a giant claw of the divine essence, ready to pull out the strange arrow directly.

As soon as Shenyuan's giant claws exerted force, the strange arrow did not move at all, but the entire iceberg was uprooted from the magma, as if the strange arrow and the iceberg were one.

Seeing this, Master Hou couldn't help but pause, and said, "Heifeng, see if you can break this iceberg."

"Okay!" Black Wind responded.

Immediately, Hei Feng condensed his divine essence and hit the iceberg.


There was a loud noise, and the iceberg was hit violently, but it didn't shatter directly as everyone imagined, only a few ice slags fell off.

The ice slag fell into the magma, took another bubble, and was directly evaporated.

"Eh, this iceberg is so strong?" Heifeng said hesitantly.

Black Wind is also the existence of the middle stage of the God Emperor, the power of this blow is not weak, and it is not too much to kill the early stage of the God Emperor.

However, the iceberg did not suffer much damage.

Seeing this, the others could not help but frown.

I only heard Master Hou said: "You all exert force together!"

"Okay!" the crowd responded.

Immediately, a group of people attacked together.


There was a loud noise, and a lot of debris fell from the iceberg.

However, it is still far from falling apart.

Seeing this, everyone frowned even more, they really underestimated this iceberg!
"Continue!" Black Wind gritted his teeth and said.

"Wait." Li Ming suddenly stopped Hei Feng.

"Young Sect Master?" Hei Feng hesitated for a while.

"Let me try with the Nine Dragons Divine Flame Art!" Li Ming said.

"Alright." Black Wind responded.

Immediately, Li Ming resorted to the Kowloon Divine Flame Art.

Immediately, six fire dragons burst out of their bodies, and rushed towards the strange arrow with claws and teeth bared.

In the blink of an eye, the six-headed fire dragon wrapped its strange arrows and surrounded the entire iceberg.

"Burn it for me!" Li Ming shouted coldly, and saw six fire dragons opening their mouths together, spitting out dragon flames.

Long Yan covered the entire iceberg, trying to melt the iceberg directly.

Longyan is more terrifying than magma, and within a moment, the iceberg began to melt, and the ice water dripped down.

However, before falling into the magma, it directly turned into water vapor.

Seeing the melting of the iceberg, everyone couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile: "Young Sect Master has a solution!"

The melting speed of the iceberg is quite fast. The original three-bedroom house melted in just a stick of incense.

Another time for a stick of incense, it will be completely melted!

Li Ming blessed the divine flame and melted the iceberg continuously.

However, when the iceberg was only one-third the size, the speed of melting suddenly slowed down, and Li Ming could feel the chill from the strange arrow, as if deliberately preventing the iceberg from melting.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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