The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3092 Layout

Chapter 3092 Layout
"This..." Ma Liangcheng hesitated for a while, he didn't know that Master Huofeng could get the desolate ancient order.

"In this way, you send a letter to Master Huofeng, ask him to come out to meet, and I will ask him face to face." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Ma Liangcheng responded, and then said: "If Master Huofeng knows that Master Hou will not allow you to go to the ancient world, I'm afraid he will not help you if he can get the order of ancient times."

"If you don't tell me, how would he know?" Li Ming asked back.

Ma Liangcheng shrugged and said nothing.

A few days later, Li Ming went to Longyin Mountain to meet Master Huofeng.

As soon as they met, Master Huofeng asked, "Sect Master Li, what's the matter?"

"Master Huofeng, I want to ask about Huang Guling." Li Ming said straight to the point.

"Desolate ancient order?" Master Huofeng paused slightly, and then asked: "Do you want to go to the ancient world?"

"Yes." Li Ming said directly.

"I can get a piece of Huanggu Ling, but based on my understanding of Master, I'm afraid he won't allow you to go." Huofeng said.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned slightly, and couldn't help looking at Ma Liangcheng.

"Don't look at me, I didn't say anything." Ma Liangcheng quickly denied.

"It seems that I guessed well." Master Huofeng said.

Li Ming smiled wryly, and Fox asked, "Can you guess this too?"

"It's not difficult to guess. The ancient world itself is very dangerous. Besides, Liu Mo, the young master of the Huntian sect, will definitely go. How could the master agree with you?" Master Huofeng analyzed methodically.

These words are exactly what Hou Shenjiang said, and it is hard for Li Ming to believe that Ma Liangcheng did not 'leak the secret'.

After a pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Master Huofeng, don't worry about waiting for the craftsman, I will explain it clearly to him."

Master Huofeng pondered slightly, and then said: "That's fine! I'll contact you when I get the desolate ancient order."

"Okay, thank you!" Li Ming thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome, I have nothing else to go first." Master Huofeng said.

Afterwards, the two separated and each left Longyin Mountain.

Back at Tiandu Peak, I only heard Li Ming say: "Ma Liangcheng, I will take care of the market during this time, and I will retreat for a while to practice."

"Don't worry, suzerain, I will definitely keep the market in order." Ma Liangcheng assured.

"Yeah." Li Ming nodded and didn't say much.

Goofy religion.

A spy came to report suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Liu Mo asked impatiently.

"Young Master, Li Ming just met Master Huofeng a few days ago. After that, Master Huofeng went around asking for connections and ruining ancient orders." The spies reported immediately.

"Oh? What happened?" Liu Mo's calm face finally relaxed, and he laughed loudly: "The counselor's guess is not wrong at all, and Li Ming is really going to the ancient world! Well, it's really great. "

After a pause, I heard Liu Mo shouting outside: "Come here!"

Immediately, a guard came in from outside, knelt down on one knee and asked, "Young Master, what are your orders?"

"Go to Master Huofeng and give him one piece of Desolate Ancient Token. No, give him two pieces." Liu Mo changed his words.

"Two yuan?" The guard paused, seemingly puzzled, and Fox asked, "Young master, why did you give him two yuan?"

This desolate ancient order is very precious, and their Huntian sect only has a quota of six coins each time, so if they take out two coins all at once, how will the others divide them?

"Yes, it's only two yuan. I believe that Li Ming will definitely take Shenyue to the ancient world with him when he gets two pieces of Desolate Ancient Token," Liu Mo said.

Hearing this, the guard suddenly realized and understood the young master's intentions!
"Okay, you go to do this quickly. Remember, Master Huofeng can't detect the clues, so as not to frighten Li Ming away, understand?" Liu Mo said majesticly.

"Understood, young master!" The guard responded.

Immediately, the guards went to handle the matter.

A few days later, news came from Master Huofeng, saying that he had obtained the desolate ancient decree, and asked Li Ming to meet at Longyinshan.

Li Ming rushed to Longyin Mountain, but Master Huofeng came late.

As soon as they met, Master Huofeng took out the Ancient Token and said, "Here."

"Two yuan?" Li Ming couldn't help but look a little surprised.

"It's also luck. It happened that a friend needed a magic treasure, and he happened to have two desolate ancient tokens, so I asked for them." Master Huofeng said, and then said: "You are still in a very low level now, but In the early days of the Great God Realm, it would be very dangerous to go to the ancient world alone, but now that you have two yuan, you can bring a follower to help you."

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart was slightly touched, and he thanked: "Master Huofeng, thank you very much, this matter must be remembered by Li, and there will be retribution in the future."

"It's serious, as long as Master doesn't punish me." Master Huofeng laughed.

Regardless of the fact that Master Huofeng is also on the list of master craftsmen, and he is also ranked fourth.

However, in front of the waiting craftsman, he always behaved like an apprentice.

"No, the master craftsman will not." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I'll go first, the ancient world will be opened in less than a month, you are ready to prepare." Master Huofeng said.

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Master Huofeng left first, and Li Ming also returned to Tiandu Peak.

Tiandu Peak.

I only heard Ma Liangcheng say: "Sovereign, please wait for the master craftsman to come back, and accompany you to the ancient world."

Hearing this, Li Ming pondered slightly, and said, "Yue'er should accompany me."

"Princess Shenyue?" Ma Liangcheng couldn't help but pause. Although Princess Shenyue is also in the God Emperor's realm, she is only in the early stage of the God Emperor, while the waiting master is in the middle stage of the God Emperor.If there is danger, the role of the God-waiting craftsman is definitely greater than that of Princess Shenyue.

Seeing Ma Liangcheng's hesitation, Li Ming couldn't help explaining: "You said that the ancient world is connected to the ancestral land of heaven. Since I can enter the ancient world this time, I will definitely try my best to go back to the ancestral land of heaven."

"The ancestral land of heaven?" Ma Liangcheng couldn't help being startled.

"En." Li Ming nodded, then sighed slightly, and said, "My son is still over there, I have to go and see him."

Hearing this, Ma Liangcheng suddenly realized, no wonder Li Ming chose Princess Shenyue, pity the hearts of parents all over the world!
After a pause, I heard Ma Liangcheng say: "Sect Master, I am afraid that only a few god emperors know the way to get to the ancestral land of Heaven and Dao from the ancient world, you..."

"You reminded me of this, but is there a way to contact the Heavenly Sword God Emperor?" Li Ming asked.

"Difficult." Ma Liangcheng said with a face of embarrassment.

"What about the Dionysus?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"It's even harder." Ma Liangcheng looked bitter.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused for a moment, and then said: "Well, try your best to get in touch. It would be best if you can get in touch, but forget it if you can't."

"Sovereign, I reckon that even if you meet the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Wine God Emperor, they might not necessarily tell you how to get to the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land from the ancient world." Ma Liangcheng said.

"Why?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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