The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3093 Young Master Ling

Chapter 3093 Young Master Ling

"I don't know the specific reason, but these years, even the sons of the god emperors have not been able to go to the ancestral land of heaven and earth. It can be seen that the gods have an agreement with them, and the god emperor of heaven sword should not break the rules for an outsider. Besides, Before our Tianfeng Sect was rebuilt, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor had already sent a big gift to repay Sect Master Feng's favor, and now we are asking about this matter, there is probably no result." Ma Liangcheng explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded secretly, expressing his understanding.

After a pause, Li Ming continued to say: "You try to contact the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Bacchus God Emperor. It is of course good if you can contact them. If you can't, forget it."

"That's the only way to go." Ma Liangcheng said helplessly.

The last time the Tianfeng Sect was rebuilt, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Wine God Emperor came to congratulate them. It was not Li Ming who sent invitations to them privately, but openly invited the gods to go.

Naturally, those god emperors would not notice this trivial matter by themselves, but their subordinates would definitely report to them about the reconstruction of Tianfengzong.

But now Li Ming wanted to find them alone, but it was difficult, he could only depend on his luck!
In the next half month, Li Ming tried his best to inquire about the situation of the ancient world.

However, little was gained.

For the past half month, Ma Liangcheng has been trying his best to contact the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Bacchus God Emperor.

However, as Ma Liangcheng expected, he had no clue.

When the day of departure came, Li Ming bid farewell to Ma Liangcheng, and took Princess Shenyue to the ancient world.

The entrance to the ancient world is in the sea of ​​flames, as long as you enter the sea of ​​flames and smash the ancient decree, you can open the passage to enter the ancient world.

Li Ming was quite surprised by this!
Li Ming and Shenyue flew south, directly into the sea of ​​flames.

On the way, Princess Shenyue asked worriedly: "Li Ming, do you think we can find the entrance to the Ancestral Land of Heaven?"

Hearing this, Li Ming pondered slightly, and then said: "It's up to people, we will try our best to find it. If we really can't find it, we will go back to the God Realm when we have a chance, and then go to the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao from the God Realm."

"That's the only way to go." Princess Shenyue said helplessly.

A few days later, Li Ming and his party came to the sea of ​​fire.

From far away, flames can be seen rising from the sea of ​​fire, hundreds of meters high.

On top of this flame, many people gathered.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and Fox asked, "Why are there so many people?"

"Yes." Princess Shenyue was also surprised.

Indeed, there are a lot of people. At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of people.

You know, even a big religion like the Huntian Sect only has six Desolate Ancient Orders each time, not to mention those small schools and sects.

Now, it must be abnormal for so many people to gather in the sea of ​​fire.

After a pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Yue'er, let's not rush into the flames, just wait and see what these people are going to do."

"Yes." Princess Shenyue replied.

Immediately, the two of them landed on the rocks by the sea.

One after another, many people entered the flames from different places.

These people spread out and spread out along the coastline.

Suddenly, a voice of Hong Zhong Da Lu came, "Young Master Ling is here, idlers retreat."

Then, a dragon boat flew slowly under the pull of a white tiger.

The white tiger has wings on both ribs, and it looks like a rare beast.

As soon as this person arrived, the people in Huohai immediately retreated to both sides.

In the blink of an eye, a passage was made.

"Who is this person? What a grand occasion." Princess Shenyue asked in surprise.

Li Ming shook his head, he didn't quite know.

Although he has been in the Outer World for a while, and he has opened a market again, but he usually contacts people from the small sect in the north, and this young man is either rich or noble at first glance.

At this time, several people fell on the rock next to Li Ming.

I only heard one of them click tut and say: "This is Mr. Ling, he is worthy of being the beloved disciple of the leader of the Great Saint Sect, and his appearance is extraordinary."

"What lover, I heard that he is an illegitimate child." Another person said.

"Bastard child? Not necessarily?"

"That is, if it is really the child of the leader of Dashengjiao, why doesn't he admit it publicly?"

"You don't know about this. The mother of this Young Master Ling is the wife of the law enforcement elder of the Great Sacred Church. How do you publicly admit it?"

"I see!"

"This Great Sacred Cult calls enough bastards, even the wives of their own subordinates."

"Who said no?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being stunned. Although he had expected that Mr. Ling's identity was not simple, he didn't expect that he was the illegitimate son of the leader of the Great Sage Sect.

Of course, you can't believe everything these people say.

However, with Mr. Ling's way of appearing on the stage, he is either rich or expensive, so I will keep it around in the future.

The dragon boat sailed above the sea of ​​flames, only to see Mr. Ling walking out of the dragon boat.

Seeing this, everyone leaned over one after another.

"Get out!" Young Master Ling shouted angrily at those people, and the crowd who surrounded them were startled and backed away.

However, it is only a symbolic step back.

Seeing this, Mr. Ling's face darkened, he turned to the maid on the dragon boat and said, "Bring the bow!"

"Yes, sir!" The maid on the dragon boat responded obediently.

Immediately, the maid presented a bow.

Young Master Ling took the bow, and everyone below hurriedly retreated.

"Haha..." Mr. Ling laughed loudly, and then drew his bow to the full.

Suddenly, a light arrow formed on the bow.

Master Ling let go of his hand, and heard a whoosh sound, and several arrows of light swished out.

"Run away! This is the Lightning Arrow."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

Then, the arrows of light exploded.


Thunder and lightning spread all over, and some slow runners were directly smashed by lightning.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, and said: "This Mr. Ling is so cruel. These people were shot and killed just because they got close to his dragon boat."

"It's a bit cruel." Princess Shenyue also frowned.

At this time, I only heard a person next to him say: "My friend, you don't know this, do you? Mr. Ling is notoriously ruthless. Today is not too bad. It's just archery. In previous years, there were massacres."

"Why? Does he have enmity with these people?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"That's not true. Why do you think these people are close to Mr. Ling?" The man asked back.

"Why?" Li Ming paused, and then seemed to have guessed something, "For the desolation?"

"That's right, it's for the desolate ancient order." The man nodded.

"These people want to steal Young Master Ling's ancient decree?" Princess Shenyue asked in surprise.

"It's not a grab, but I just want to take a ride." The man said.

"What do you mean?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"You will know later." The man said mysteriously.

Seeing that the other party refused to speak, Li Ming didn't ask any further questions. He just waited and watched quietly, not knowing what these people were going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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