The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3096 Sky-high price magic beef

Chapter 3096 Sky-high price magic beef

After entering the town, Li Ming went straight to the restaurant in the town.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually a tavern.

Although there are two floors, there is almost no decoration inside, just a few simple tables.

However, there were quite a few people drinking, and it was almost full.

When Li Ming stepped into the tavern, the diners who were drinking stopped at the same time, and all looked at Li Ming, as if Li Ming was not a gentleman, but a peerless beauty!
However, the eyes of these people are not appreciative, but more malicious, like the sleazy guy I met before.

Li Ming pretended to be calm and sat down at an empty table as if he hadn't seen these people.

Seeing someone arriving, Xiao Er quickly greeted him, and asked, "Guest officer, what do you need?"

"Let's have some wine, and some of your special dishes." Li Ming said carelessly, with the attitude of a son and daughter of the world.

"Guest officer, are you just here?" Xiao Er asked.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused for a moment, and instead of answering directly, he asked instead: "Why? Don't you sell it to me?"

"It's not a guest officer. It's like this. The drinks in our store are cheap, but the dishes are extremely expensive. An ordinary plate of raw cut magic beef costs tens of millions of god stones." The waiter explained.

"What? Tens of millions of divine stones?" Li Ming suddenly called out, thinking he heard it wrong.

"Yes, it's tens of millions of sacred stones." The waiter affirmed.

"This..." Li Ming asked dumbfoundedly, "Why is it so expensive?"

"Guest officer, this is the price in the ancient world. Our small shop is still cheap. If you go to some big cities, it will be more expensive." The waiter said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but calm down. It seems that he still doesn't understand the ancient world. It's unbelievable that a plate of magic beef costs tens of millions of god stones!In the outside world, even in Tianwai where supplies are relatively scarce, ten divine stones are enough.

At this time, Li Ming also noticed that other diners were drinking wine without ordering food.

"Guest officer, what do you say? Do you still want to order food?" The waiter asked politely, not because he looked like Li Ming, but because the price of the food was too high for ordinary people to afford.

Li Ming looked a little embarrassed, it wasn't that he couldn't take out the tens of millions of god stones to eat this plate of magic beef. After all, the market turned in tens of millions of dollars in auctions before, but those billions of dollars were used to develop Tianfeng So, not squandering it for yourself.

After reading this, Li Ming calmed down quickly, and said, "Then no food, just some drinks."

"Okay." The shop waiter responded.

Immediately, the waiter went to get the wine.

The group of diners who were staring at Li Ming looked disappointed, and said one after another: "It's another poor man! I didn't say it was so easy to fish!"

For the contempt of these diners, Li Ming didn't care at all, and he would not get angry with them, or even show his money deliberately.

Because, that is the most stupid!
Soon, the waiter brought two jugs of fine wine and said, "Guest officer, two jugs of wine, six thousand divine stones."

"Six thousand?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised. The waiter in the shop said that the drinks were cheap, but he didn't expect that it would cost six thousand, and it was only a few hundred god stones in the outside world. .

"You can't afford it?" the waiter asked tentatively.

Li Ming paused for a moment, deliberately kept an eye out, and said, "It's not that I can't afford it, but that two jugs of wine are too much, just give me one jug."

"Okay." The shop waiter responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming took out three thousand sacred stones.

"Guest officer, you misunderstood, we have five thousand god stones for one jug of wine, and six thousand for two jugs of wine." The shop assistant explained.

"Is that so?" Li Mingchi questioned.

"Guest officer, there are so many diners, everyone is like this." The waiter said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and looked at the other diners.

The other diners basically put two jugs of wine in front of them, and it seemed that the waiter was not lying.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned deliberately, and then reluctantly took out two thousand sacred stones again, as if he wanted his own life.

Seeing this, the diners next to him couldn't help but sneered and said, "This guy is really shabby, and an extra 1000 yuan can buy another jug ​​of wine, and he is reluctant to pay for it."

"That's right, I thought it was a fat sheep, but I didn't expect it to be a poor ghost!"

"Hey, boy, how did you get into the ancient world? The order of ancient times is not cheap!"

Hearing this, Li Ming pretended to be calm, then cupped his fists in apology and said: "Let everyone see a joke, I jumped in while others opened the black hole."

"It turned out to be a guy who is not afraid of death!"

"However, your kid is lucky. It's really surprising that you are unscathed when you travel through the black hole!"

"You kid won't lie to us, will you?"

Li Ming smiled and said: "What's so easy to lie about this, Huanggu Ling has already fetched hundreds of billions of dollars on the black market, if I have so many sacred stones, can't I even afford a plate of magic beef? "

"This is..."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the look in Li Ming's eyes was not as fierce as before.

At this time, I saw a person walk in the door and said, "It's too extravagant to drink a jug of wine with five thousand sacred stones. I'll give you two thousand, and you buy me a jug!"

After finishing speaking, the man directly threw two thousand sacred stones to Li Ming.

Seeing this, Li Ming immediately understood the other party's intentions, gave the waiter a thousand dollars, took another jug ​​of wine, and put the other thousand money in his pocket.

The waiter didn't say anything about this.

In fact, many people came to drink in groups, five thousand for one pot of wine, six thousand for two pots of wine, and three thousand for each!
The man sat down opposite Li Ming, and introduced himself carelessly: "My name is Ye Lingxiao, what's your name?"

"Xuan Qingming." Li Ming replied.

"You just came?" Ye Lingxiao asked.

"En." Li Ming nodded.

"You still don't know the rules of the ancient world?" Ye Lingxiao continued to ask.

"I'm really not sure, I'm planning to ask someone who understands." Li Ming said.

"Okay, for the sake of buying me a drink, I'll tell you." Ye Lingxiao said.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly became energetic and listened attentively.

"First, it is forbidden to slaughter any divine beast in private," Ye Lingxiao introduced.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, Fox asked: "Why?"

"Because all the beasts have owners, if they are slaughtered privately, they will die." Ye Lingxiao continued.

"Who is the master?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Our area belongs to the Hong family and the Liu family. The other places will naturally become clear after waiting for you for a long time." Ye Lingxiao did not elaborate.

Li Ming wrote it down secretly, and continued to ask: "What about the other rules?"

"Others? There are no rules for others," Ye Lingxiao said.

"There are no rules?" Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, there are no rules, the weak will eat the strong, and the strong will respect, except for the Hong family and the Liu family." Ye Lingxiao continued.

"Why?" Li Ming asked subconsciously.

However, after asking this question, Li Ming felt that he was stupid again. Even the beasts were labeled as the Hong family and the Liu family, and private killings were prohibited, let alone the descendants of the Hong family and the Liu family?
(End of this chapter)

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